Doctor Who: The Wedding of River Song

Oct 03, 2011 14:08

\o/ Haha, love Captain Williams! He's badass wherever he is! And you know there's a Big Damn Heroes moment just coming up once the bad guys start gloating.

"River Song didn't get it all from you...sweetie"
asdlfjasdl omggggg. *_____*

"The sky is filled with a million voice, saying, yes, of course we'll help."

First reaction: D: Really? Getting married?
Second reaction: Yep, knew it was going to be his name.
Third reaction: Wait. He's going to ask for a kiss, and that'll set the universe back on track again!! \o/!!
Fourth reaction: Ah, okay, no trickery here.

Aaaaaah! So that's why we got the extra stuff in the 'Previously' bit about them! :D And there was me thinking the little people was the person who helped them burn the body!

And aaaah, that's how she keeps breaking out. XD

"Doctor who?"
Well, duh. :P

fandom: doctor who

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