Oct 02, 2011 17:48

So, I did the shopping for snacks and made my way to volunteering in good time. Woo for rain but I wouldn't be out for very long, right? It's only a five minute walk away from my house. And yeah, I'd totally used up my panic points by then, and I hadn't enough time to think anyway.

Except I couldn't get the door open. :P

I was stuck outside for about twenty minutes trying to lift the door and turn the key at the same time. Reeeeally wasn't working. I eventually got in when one of the board members came and lifted the door while I turned the key. The rest of it went okay, though now I have to make minutes of an hour and a half of them talking. D: It just seems to be a more directed version of summarising so yessssss. And there were only four people there! \o/ And since I already know two of their voices, and only three really talked, I'll be okay in allocating who said they'd do what.

I also got a free bag and umbrella. :D

general: work, general: volunteering

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