(no subject)

Sep 25, 2011 18:28

Aaaaah, the new 1/2 Prince novel chapters are oooout~

aksdjf I got stuck with the
no_true_pair after writing one fic. :(( I'd written a bit of the 'Sun & Sun, "Life Being What It Is"' fic but then started to wonder how Sun actually learned the spell in the first place. If it was so easy to do, then everyone else would be using it, and since Sun doesn't study magic but learns it visually...he'd know exactly what the spell did. =/ Which, I guess, means that I'm going to have to throw out that idea. On the other hand, it means I can probably attempt to have Sun pranking everyone. XD But still, how did he learn it?

Huh. I don't think we got any focus on the other players in the manhua.

Or were shown that everyone was wearing the same uniform. XD

"When one came I'd kill one, when two came I'd kill three?! Eh? ...Oh, I accidentally killed the spectators at the side who were just watching? Sorry...

Huh. Didn't know it was Gui who had done the yelling.

Oooo. Lan's level 86 now. Getting higher!

Haaaahaha! XDD So Lan could hear them!

"It's because you're much more dangerous than the others!"
Huuuuuh. I'd noticed that line in the manhua, but I didn't think it was that serious. Now that I know there's that stuff with the Dictator of Life, this seems more like foreshadowing.

Ooooh, Lan and Nan Gong Zui talking about why they should take all cities.

XDDD Haaaahahaha! In the manhua, Lan thinks all the overlords' names sound tailor-made, while in the novel, she thinks they sound really strong!

Haaaaa! This is the chapter where Lolidragon, Yang Ming and Sunshine go off together! \o/

"But I had already made a decision to be a good overlord. How could I give up half-way now?"
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ♥~ Character development! \o/

Pffffffft! Lan's battling against paperwork! XDDDDD

lkjdfld Wait, Moon City's getting turned into an art and cultural hub? Ooooo. Pretty sure that wasn't mentioned in the manhua!

Aaaaah! Sun City into a commerce city and Star City into an enterainment city! :O

Aaaaaaaw, Wolf's ruffling Lan's hair! ♥~

Hey! They cut out the demand about Fire Phoenix! XDDDDD

Haaaa, Lan has a mount! XDDD

Haaaaaaaa! Kong Kong reads comics too! And huh, I hadn't noticed or realised that Lolidragon was keeping up with a mounted Lan on foot! She really is fast!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!! The line about the author not giving the leader of Team Phoenix a name is in the novel! And even has Lan asking them to give their name to the readers! There is no fourth wall XDDDDDDDDDD

Aaaaah, so that's why Meatbun got pulled out here. >3

...Damn, that coptor really is small! XDDD

Huh. Meatbun's being refered to as 'it' in the translation.

Lots of tea-having in this chapter. XDDD Glad that didn't happen in the manhua.

sldjfld Yeeeeep, that is still an absolutely awesome angry!face on page 18! ♥______♥

*head tilt* I don't remember this bit...? Lan asking what they were going to do after they'd unitied the Central Continent.

XDD Pink is Lan's favourite colour!

Ah, now we're in the manhua.

alskdjfalsdk eeeeeeee, I want to read Stuck on a Carpet again~

Hee. Kinda like the manhua's version of Yang Ming rambling. :3

"Instead of looking embarrassed, her facial expression was full of killing intent and looked like this book had a really good chance of turning into a horror novel."

Normal couples like to get matching rings or outfits, but you two have matching actions and manners of speech

End on manhua chapter 46, page 31.

alkdjfa More info on the overlords!

Awwwwwwwwwww, DanDan and Neurotic! ♥~

XDDDDDD!! It took Undying Man three days to beat a boss after climbing a tree and pelting it with coconuts!

...He went up three levels with that one boss?? Possibly more, since it took him three days to get there! :O

Oooh, didn't realise that Northen Flower was the only non-warrior overlord!

"Famous quote: "I'm hungry."

writing: no true pair, fandom: 1/2 prince

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