(no subject)

Sep 22, 2011 23:27

So, you know, finished all the fics I wanted to for
no_true_pair. Done thirteen so far. Got a couple days left of September, so I can start reading the writing books I got for my birthday early so I can start plotting my NaNo.

Or I can just make more lists for
no_true_pair. XDDDD;;;

Focusing on four characters in The Legend of Sun Knight and Noblesse and repeating them! \o/

Week One
Storm & Leaf, "Please promise me." [ADLKF Ummm... 'You're not going to die of overwork. *worried eyes*' I seriously ship these two together now because of
no_true_pair! Eeeee. Or, 'You're going to take a break soon.' or 'You're not going to let Sun bully you into doing his paperwork for him if I die'. XDDD]]
Judgement & Storm, Autumn leaves all around [Eeeeee, they're doing paperwork together! Except it'd have to be private, since they're from opposite factions. *pout* Or their paperwork got magicked into leaves! Oh jeez someone is going to die.]
Judgement & Sun, under the stars [LASKDJF Why do I get these awesome prompts, but I have no idea how to write them??? I don't know, 'under the stars, where no-one can see them, they can be themselves?' Which is very general. >:(]
Sun never expected to run into Judgement in a place like this [Damn. Where would that be? At Pink's house? XD;; A tavern, drinking?]
Leaf & Storm, tea for two [ALSKDJFA How adorable is this prompt?? Leaf, you brought Storm tea so he won't die of overwork! ♥_____♥ Haha, if I write this one, I'm striking off a plotbunny that I've had for a while!]
How about it, Judgement, did you enjoy Leaf's party? [Awwwwww. But, damn, Leaf would be freaked out if Judgement went! XDD]
Sun & Sun, "Life Being What It Is" [*dies laughing* Oh dear God of Light! There's two of them!! Sun would find that one spell that could duplicate him and be the only person that could cast it! Oh jeez would he get into so many arguments with himself. XDDD]

Week Two:
It turns out Storm is Judgement's biggest fan... [Eeeee! He does his own paperwork! Damn, Storm doesn't know Judgement and Sun are friends, so he can't comment on that. Haha, Judgement is competent and won't nearly kill you by letting go of his sword. Unless he's doing it on purpose. XDD]
Judgement & Leaf, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [lkdsjfa *side-eyes to lucathia-ryaktu* Going on a mission? But hmmmmm. Need something original. *has already done this prompt three times. XDD;*]
Storm & Judgement, gripped by nostalgia [XDDD 'Remember when you didn't have to do paperwork?' 'No...']
Sun & Storm, "Five years from now, I'll..." ['have added to the number of times I've pissed you off.' '*eye twitch* What are you planning on doing?' 'Nothing! *innocent face*']
Sun & Leaf, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [Did you get me a blueberry pie? My ah, usual person who gets it is away right now.']
Leaf is being awfully quiet, Judgement thinks. Too quiet. [lakdjfla Awwwww. But he wouldn't be able to ask! Unless he directs Sun's attention, but - well, yeah, Sun would do something. :3]
Leaf & Sun, "The Dark of the Matinee" ["Find me and follow me through corridors, refectories and files"
Aaaah, why's Leaf following Sun though? If Sun was injured, he'd try his hardest to stay in bed.
"You smile, mention something that you like"
Could use this as a general prompt. Blueberries or spice
"You take your white finger
Slide the nail under the top and bottom buttons of my blazer
Relax the fraying wool, slacken ties"
Actually, possibly, 'oh no! Sun's injured again! Need to bandage his wounds!']

Week Three:
Storm & Sun, "Hurricane" [Bwahahahaha! "Tell me what you kill to save your life?"
Not quite, but damn is Sun protective over his Knights! *has just realised I've been reading this lyric wrong every single time - I was reading it as 'Tell me what you would kill to save a life'! XD;;;*]
Judgement & Leaf go out on a blind date [Awwww. They're really have to keep it hidden though. X3;;]
Storm & Leaf, "I love your laugh." [EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee. Leaf to Storm, because Storm's too used to making that compliment to women and he's the more self-conscious one of the pair (as far as I know at the moment) and LKJASLDKFJA] Adorableness!!]
Sun & Leaf, "Summer's Almost Gone" ["At night, we swam the Laughing sea"
They're either having a giggle-fit over something, or they're currently getting tossed about at sea on a mission. XD;;;]
Storm & Judgement, "Are you frightened?" [:D Fighting back to back? Or seeing the sheer size of the paperwork they have to do! XDDDD]
Storm makes holiday plans, and they include Leaf [:D :D :D But, wait, shouldn't I only have two prompts each... No, I'm getting four? OMGYES!! But haha, Storm wouldn't plan anything too far away! The paperwork!]
Judgement & Sun, with a cherry on top [MOST PERFECT EVER! *________* Blueberry piiiiiie. *is suddenly picturing Sun getting into an accident in the kitchen* Hahaha!]

Week Four:
Storm & Storm, "Blood Roses" [XDDDDD]
Judgement & Sun, "I want you to hate me." [HA! That would - actually, if they're acting? Hm. Think it'd still be too out of character.]
Judgement & Judgement, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [*dies laughing* Sun told me this was safe]
Storm attempts to develop a new skill to impress Sun [Pfffffft. Why would Storm want to impress Sun? XDD;; Actually using a sword? *snerk*]
Leaf & Leaf, "Give me your hand." ['Are you okay?' 'What happened?' 'I'm not sure.']
Storm & Sun, the language of flowers [XDDD Weeeeell, Storm might want to find someone to practice on, but Sun would never agree to it!]
Leaf & Sun, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [*can't think of anything*]


Week One:
Takeo & M-21, "Please promise me." [Hmmm. Not sure. D: There's so much that could go here!]
Tao & Takeo, Autumn leaves all around [Eeeeeeeeeeee! They'd never stayed around long enough to appreciate the season!]
Tao & Frankenstein, under the stars [XD Just another walk back from the school?]
M-21 never expected to run into Tao in a place like this [Haaaaa! But where??]
M-21 & Takeo, tea for two [*sigh* We might actually get some peace for a minute. *snort*]
How about it, Tao, did you enjoy Frankenstein's party? [*_____* It was awesome! Lots of cake and there were loads of games and - oh, sorry, Regis, I'll get out your way]
M-21 & Frankenstein, "Life Being What It Is" [Hmmmmm. Note-writing...]

Week Two:
It turns out Takeo is Tao's biggest fan... [Haha, really? XDDD Well, Tao really is impressive when he's got a laptop in his hands.]
Tao & Frankenstein, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [*dies laughing* *thinks about it* *dies laughing some more*]
Takeo & Tao, gripped by nostalgia [KJASLKFJ But, they wouldn't be nostalgic of when they were in DA-5.]
M-21 & Takeo, "Five years from now, I'll..." [still be here, doing the dishes. XDDDD]
M-21 & Frankenstein, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [Oooooh. Your answer? Will you taste test the ramen?]
M-21 is being awfully quiet, Tao thinks. Too quiet. [Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! \o/ \o/ Yesyesyes!]
M-21 & Frankenstein, "The Dark of the Matinee" ["You must follow, leave this academic factory"
"My words and smile are so easy now"
XDDD Heh.]

Week Three:
Takeo & M-21, "Hurricane" [Should we hide until Frankenstein's finished cleaning?]
Tao & M-21 go out on a blind date [LKASJDLK Who the heck set them up though??]
Takeo & Frankenstein, "I love your laugh." [Haha...ha... 'Hm. It appears you've been possessed by something; stand over here please.']
M-21 & M-21, "Summer's Almost Gone" [pffffft]
Takeo & Tao, "Are you frightened?" [We broke one of Frankenstein's instruments! Of course I am!]
Takeo makes holiday plans, and they include Frankenstein [No, he wouldn't! XDDD]
Tao & Frankenstein, with a cherry on top [Another taste tester! \o/]

Week Four:
Takeo & Takeo, "Blood Roses" [XDD]
Tao & M-21, "I want you to hate me." [D: Not going to get written.]
Tao & Tao, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [...Frankenstein did tell me - us? I shouldn't touch what was on the counter...]
Takeo attempts to develop a new skill to impress Frankenstein [XDDD Dammit, can't think of anything, apart from take up new chores!]
M-21 & Frankenstein, "Give me your hand." [*______* Claaawwwwws!!]
Takeo & Frankenstein, the language of flowers [Haha, the same as the M-21 prompt: Takeo asks a question, and Frankenstein goes completely overboard answering it. XDD]
Frankenstein & Frankenstein, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [oh god oh god oh god. *is laughing so hard* The good ending is that Frankenstein now has someone he knows is capable - the bad ending is that the world is now tearing itself apart trying to deal with this anomaly]

Okay, damn do I love these duplicate prompts! ♥______♥

Huh. Now been up for twenty-one hours...

fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, general: sleep, writing: no true pair

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