(no subject)

Sep 26, 2011 20:19

Haaaa, started reading the writing books I got for my birthday~ I haven't stopped writing fic (yet) but, well, I didn't have any plotbunnies that desperately wanted to be written.

So. I'm now in the lovely cycle of 'Okay, I can't really know what character should be like until I know what the plot is, but I can't know what the plot is until I know what the character is like.' And then there's the additional 'CONFLICT CONFLICT CONFLICT' bit too.

So, the last time I posted about this, I'd decided that Aldoran/Aldan (ladskjf Last time I had a name with three syllables, I then shorted it to one. *looks at Paizinel* Took waaaay too long to type! XD) was going to have a bad rep because of myths that his 'race' ate half of their master's soul to seal the bond.

Except when I did more thinking, it started to seem a whole lot more plausible and more conflict-y than 'Oh, people say that but it's not true!' Aldan's not going to eat Sahnras' soul but more...shift it so they're sharing it. So, if the bond breaks they both die! \o/ *cough* Yeah, really upping the ante. XDD;;

I'm kinda annoyed that the start maybesorta seems to echo Searching, but, well, this is only the planning stage, and I'm always going to be nitpicking. Also, of course they're going to echo! This is the first time they've met!

I toyed with the idea of having a romantic interest before throwing that out the window because pffffft, I'm already going to be trying to write 1,667 words a day, and then I'm going to slow myself down as I second-guess if the way she's reacting or thinking is right? No thanks.

I did the 'what if?' game to see if a plot would rear its head. I started off with 'What if Sahnras was found by Aldan and they were magically bonded together?' and went from there. After a couple lines I realised that it was all very linear and started thinking if there was something happening in the background. The next 'what if?' kinda blew stuff up in a massive proportion. XDD;; I don't think I'd be able to write that thread! Lots of research! Maybe?

And oh look, Aldan is not only an innocent character, he may have literally been born yesterday! He's going to have to learn about the world! OH MY GOD, PLEASE STOP ME BEFORE I DO THIS ALL OVER AGAIN. XDD;;;;;;; Which I guess nixes him being the narrative character too.

I'd kinda wanted Aldan to look like a human, so Sahnras wouldn't realise he was a 'slave' right off the bat (or realise she had magic) but since the world seems to be more magic-based and possibly has more than one race, then Aldan doesn't have to look human! \o/ woot! Time to stick wings and claws and horns on him! XD;; I think I'll be going with claws, slitted eyes, a tail, and possibly pointed ears this time. :3 ♥~

Argh, damn, don't think I should use Aldan, since that's a river. =S

Also thinking that the 'masters' and 'slaves' might be hunted down and used as living weapons, which could be another reason why Sahnras is not happy about finding out she can bond with Aldoran. Using that from FMA, and Alphas. Which then made a very strange hierarchy until I went back to the 'slaves' not being seen by the regular populace (and may not be aware that the 'slaves' exist, but then this explanation gets very wibbly-wobbly. Hm.)

As for how the two work the magic together, I think it'll be similar to Aikonia. The 'slaves' provide the magic while the 'masters' provide the direction. (Seriously need to create names for 'masters' and 'slaves' argh)

Still going 'aaaaaaaah, how does Sahnras support herself??' so much to the point that I'm thinking about making the world dysopian or apocalyptic just so I won't have to worry about it. XD;;

On the other hand, Sahnras and Aldoran are VERY VERY BLANK. But this is okay! I have more than a month to go!
.______. This is going to go sooooo fast...
*itches to make Sahnras non-human too*

I'd also considered setting this on Torpin, waaaaay back in the past, to show what the world used to be like, and why portals started to open etc. but I think that might limit me. Not sure. XD

And since I'm already starting to plan this year's NaNo, I should really repost last year's NaNo, huh? XDD;; *gets to it*

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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