(no subject)

Aug 28, 2011 07:40

*flails* Next week's
fic_promptly themes will be chivalry, parola scenica (the word that sums up a scene in a drama), fate, and choice. omg, yesssssssss. *hopes for lots of author's choice prompts*

Haha, Travel the World is growing and growing. And yet, M-21 and M-24 still aren't doing much talking, because they're doing the whole, 'yes, I know what you're thinking, you don't have to say it, and since I know you so well, I won't even think it either!' adflkjasd Yey for that close bond, but argh for writing! *facepalm*

Oooooo! New Doctor Who episodes! :D Finally!

Seriously, wft is up with the title?

That poor farmer's crops! D:

*points* Seriously?
*laughs as we see what they've written*

"You've had all summer."

*snerk* XDDD

"That wasn't us."
Not yet, anyway. :P *cue three seconds later...*

Ha! Yep! Awwwww, their screams! XDD

That is a big-ass gun anyway. XDD

*snerk* Really? That crops up so many times in time travel stuff...

omggggggggggggggggg!!! Tiny Rory is tiny!! He's so cute!! ♥~~~

*Needed subtitles before the 'I count as a boy...' because, wat.*

Poor Rory! D:

"Nice thought, but completely impossible."
kj;lskdjf Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Poor Rory!


"Name one girl you've spent the slightest bit of attention to."

:O The TARDIS got shot!

:D Hee! So, they're inside that guy?

"Welcome. You are unauthorised; your death will now be implemented."

Awesome! :D

*is getting MIB vibes*

You know, I'd assumed that he was going for the glasses straight away - never thought he was going to -
oh, huh.

Tentaclllles! XDDD

"Remain calm while your life is extracted."

*snerk* And riiiiight through the wall. XDD

"Believe me...it was an accident."

Wooo! Go Rory! :D

"Sit still, shut up."

"Right, putting Hitler in the cupboard."

Heh. The Doctor's not convinced.

"I think he's just fainted."
No, really, Rory? How could you tell? :P

"Additional information:
Listed as stolen"

"It's her."
Huh? TARDIS or River? Hmmmmmm. Can't be Amy...right?

"Since they're both right here."
What. What?? How many kids did Amy have and whaaaaaaaaaaat???

Ooooh, regeneration.

"You named your daughter...after your daughter."

I guess we see 'River' after the regeneration.



"The woman who kills the Doctor."

What, Amy and Rory didn't call him on running over to the chair?

XDDD 'I know you know that I know that you know but did you know that I know that you know?'

...Can't tell the difference between what a banana feels like and metal?

Something on her lips?

Thought so.

"Plus, she's a woman."
=/ wat.

Oh yeah, forgot about that.

XDD Rory's just punching everyone.

"Oh, thanks(!). Give me guilt(!)."

"-oh the Judas tree."
Oh, *snerk*

"Why do you keep saying that?"
"Because you will be dead in 32 minutes."
Bwahaha! You know, this could be the TARDIS freaking out here.

"take off your clothes*
*raises eyebrows*

"Well, there was a ray and we were miniaturised..."
Oh, Rory. :D

"We come in peace!"
"Ha ha! When has that ever worked??"
"Oh, shut up!"
Inside kinda looks like the TARDIS?

Eee! Top and tails!

"Time travel has...responisibilities."
...? Oh? They're trying to take over from the Time Lords?

The oldest question is Doctor Who...?


You...can't tell he's referring to you? =/

"The Doctor says I'm the child of the TARDIS."
*head hurts*

Soooo, this is the thing that River whispered to Ten?

How is she... She's giving her regeneration power to him?

writing: fic promptly, fanfic: travel the world, fandom: noblesse, fandom: doctor who

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