(no subject)

Aug 30, 2011 07:37

Woo! 200 mark! And this is the end of the arc, huh? ...*thinks about it* Of course it is. XDD

:O Aw! We only see them afterwards?

"They will never escape my Mind Control."
Because I'm a member of the Central Order
Wait a minute, is Ludis aware how some of his Knights act? XDD??

"They would have left bullet holes in your ceiling."
If they were able to get a shot out, that is. :P But yes, the horrors of a hole in the ceiling.

"They did. ^ ^"

*cringes as the ceiling gets shot*

We're going to see everyone else (apart from Seira and Rai) scramble for safety now, aren't we?

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And Tao knocks them out before Frankenstein kills them! XDD (He's done this before? Someone has? *can't quite remember*)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee, Tao's grin!

Huh. The fleet replaced another one ten years ago. That was when Rael got locked up.

"-or you nobles."

asdkljf;l Frankenstein being seriously worried! :O

"I will never forget this."
*ducks and hides*

*blink* Rai's resting in the shrine right now?

Oh, or not.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Rai's with the Lord! :D

"Isn't the Lord the highest position?"
"Woah, a capable nuna."
"Tao, figure out the situation..."
XDDDD Aw, Tao!

Ah! Regis and Seira are serving dinner!

...oh god, it's going to be ramen, isn't it? omg omg omg.

*dies laughing*

...Uh-oh. The Lord's going to think Rai's trying to kill her! Bwahahaha! And the cycle continues!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, the Trio are confused! XDDDD So cute!

"Is she by any chance thinking that the chopsticks are portable stakes?"
Heh. Tao's always the one to get it.

Wow, she learned how to do it fast! And eeeeee, go Seira!

Everyone's going to get addicted to the ramen in Lukedonia, yes. And then if any of the people from Lukedonia come to Earth, it's going to be specicially for buying said ramen first. *dies laughing*

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! The garlic again!

Go go Seira! :D

"Something is weird here."
...Really? It just seems like a regular day to me. XDDDD

*asldkjfas;d as everyone waits for Rai's answer*

*massive, massive grin*

"I will return home."
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I actually made an incoherent sound! He called South Korea his home!! ♥ ♥ Yessssssssss.

"Does that place mean so much to you?"
Of course it does - it's where ramen came from! And school, and his friends, and Counter Strike... (How are Rai's marks in school anyway? Exceedingly low or top marks?)

eeeeeeeeeeeee, Rai's little smile! :D

*Flails at everyone's little grins* ♥________♥

Aaaahahahaha! Paperwork!

kjfa;skldjfa;lsk Omg omg omg, Tao pouncing on the kids like that!! ♥~ (Ha, yep, can very easily see him throwing an arm around someone's shoulders now~)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww when Yuna notices M-21. ♥ ♥

Still no Rai yet. :3 *is having ramen for breakfast*

"Heh. As noisy as usual"
*Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeees* They actually ran to see if they were there! :D :D Wait, how did Seira and Regis get there before the Trio? But this is where we get a shot of Rai now, huh? XDD

*snerk* Rai looks about five years older. XDDD

Oh? What did Rai give her? Not his earrings so...

*bursts out laughing* Should have known! Should have known!

"What's he doing climbing up-"
"Ah! Natsume!!"
XDDDD And they jump right in! ♥

Aw, poor Natsume! Oh! This is where Taki crossdresses!

"But lately, when I hear everyone's voices, I feel at home."

Awwwww, poor Natsume! XDD

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!! When Tanuma and Natsume say 'yeah'. So hesitant! XDDD And pfffft, why's Natsume staring at his fist? Because he didn't know why he did that?

O____o Wow, that's a lotta blood.
Haha, or not.

Aw when Natsume's talking to a sleeping Nyanko-sensei.

Awww when Kishamoto and Nishamura are all worried about him. ♥

And I was just about to put 'the episode where Nyanko-sensei slept for all of it'.

Aw, Natsume's crying. ;____;

Wow, that's some Macbeth! XDD

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, Natsume's hair is neat! Bwahaha.

Taki! :D

Yep, definitely Mister Popular. XDDD

...Ouch. D:

Go go Nyanko-sensei! \o/

kjlkd When we see Natsume learning how to ride a bike. ♥~
Ouuuuuch. XD;

Haha! Taki sees Nyanko-sensei! XDDD

fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: obsessing

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