Oh jeez...

Aug 26, 2011 09:06

Looks like I may have the makings of a really long oneshot again. XD;; I'm not making any estimates ('So, yeah, Reset should be 8k long at the very, very most. ... *15k words later* Or not.') but idunno, I thought Restful was going to be really long too though. But yeeeeah. Put my notes in order and I've got fourteen scenes I want to have, and that's the very basics. *facepalm*

I'm onto the second scene and I'm already at five-hundred words (the second scene isn't finished, but the first scene is only about 150 words. I don't think the scenes are going to be really long either)

asdfasd M-24 appears to be kinda passive in my plan so far though. =/ Need interaction! I don't think he's even going to speak until possibly the fourth scene, or maybe the seventh. *facepalm* He's there, but they're not talking because [stuff]. *thinks about it* *adds another scene* There. Talking. In the new sixth scene.

I want a more imaginative title than Travel the World, but it fits the best.

Having soooo much fun with this! \o/

Hey. New plotbunny. M-21 got the scar on his face after his nails transformed and he slashed himself. XDDD

writing: plotting, fanfic: travel the world, fandom: noblesse

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