(no subject)

Aug 25, 2011 06:49

*dies laughing* So, just chatting with one reviewer, and they've came up with the idea that the mooks in chapter 199 are going to end up being the new slaves servants for the mansion. OMG! XDDDD That might happen, if they take their shoes off fast enough.

*continues to die laughing*

XD Very, very, very funny! I was thinking, when I read Chapter 199, "When will these people learn not to be so damn arrogant and noisy?"
Looks like we're about to find out. ::rolls::

:D Thank you!
Heh. I don't think they're going to learn; you can't learn when you're dead. XDD

...or the new maidservants. I'm sure that mansion of Rai's needs a whole lot of scrubbing and polishing and cobweb-cleaning after being empty for who knows how long! They probably have a whole nation of dust bunnies under the furniture!

*dies laughing* They have an army of dust bunnies - and that's only the FIRST FLOOR. (And then they use the dust bunnies to attack the Union that next comes through the portal. XDDD

XD ::busts a vein:: You should do a fic along those lines. Really, you should! You could have a different breed of household monster on each level...and special cases for the towers and lofts and cellars. To say nothing of the kitchen! And the BATHROOMS! :D Heeh heeh heeh. And of course, at the end of it all you find Franken, the monsterest of them all!

Oh, daaaaaamn. Dust bunnies on the first floor, plotbunnies on the second floor, poltergeists on the third... *needs to think of more* Something that sheds a lot of hair? Dragons! :D :D

Ivan: *flop* Finally! Finished the last floor!
Frankenstein: *appears*
Ivan: *sweat*
Frankenstein: :D :D *sparkle*
Ivan: O____o
Frankenstein: You missed a dust bunny.
Frankenstein And left the door to the second floor stairs open.
Frankenstein: So now the dust bunny bred with the plotbunnies and there's more dust than there originally was.
Ivan: WHAT??
Frankenstein: I do hope you clean up this mess.
Frankenstein: ^________^

pffffffffffffft XD MOAR. I. demand. a. full. continuation. :D I bet the other readers will love it too!

Here's an idea for domestic dustbiddies -

1. Dustbunnies (of course)
2. Cobweb colony
3. Cockroaches
4. An infestation of kitties who think that the bathroom sinks are the perfect place for hairball-vomit
5. Baby mice. Cute, fluffy, brown and white ones that Rai happens to be secretly very fond of (though the Frankster loathes them)...cuteness proximity, you see.
6. Positive towers of bird poop
7. Ghoulies and ghosties and multi-legged beasties and things that go *bump* at all hours of day and night
8. Wires and cables. LOTS of wires and cables, courtesy Tao. And somehow they all seem to be alive...like those trees in Evil Dead. _

Was procrastinating poking around Alpha Powers and found this video:

image Click to view

kasjdf;lk Love watching it!

Edit: Huh. Was told what chapter Settle is supposed to be set in, and...huh. The stuff that the janitor says in Settle are actually really damn close to what was said in canon. XDD Yey! (Just, you know, not all of it. XDD;;)

general: videos, fandom: alphas, writing: plotbunny, fandom: noblesse, fanfic: settle, fanfic: invasion, writing: review

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