I say 'Wow' and 'Awesome' a lot. XDD

Aug 24, 2011 05:29

Hm. Summer's character can also do something with electric waves, or was that just really fuzzy? Also, wow, blonde.

Oh, wow, that camera is so cool! :D

Oh. She was warning one of them. Interesting.

"Clearly I've put you in the wrong box"
*Mocking set of eyebrows* "You're a psychiatrist - you're not supposed to do that."

:O Aaaaah, Susan's trying to stop them from seeing each other (late nights, getting arrested? Yeeeeeah.)

*raises eyebrows* That's what's in our toasters?

"I...fix lots of things, thanks."
Heeeeeee. ♥

Hmmmmmm. Does Rosen think Nina unintentionally pushed Cameron?

O_________o How fast was that piece of toast done? And buttered, wow.

Skylar Adams. Wait, missing? Was she already missing or...?

Hee. Her special ability is creating things people have never seen before. Interesting.

Kyaaaaaa~ Cameron is really getting used to using his ability. X3

Wow. Niiiiice item. :D

The camera-insects are so cool! :D :D

\o/ Yup. Cameron is definitely getting used to his ability! Woo hoo!

"No-one is going to make you do anything against your will."
"So then I guess I'm free to go?"

Oh wow, lookit the tattoos on her arms! Are they wings? :D?

Ooooh. Bill's wanting to find out if the ability passes on. And hm, if it's got something to do with how the brain's wired, then yes, they should get a little bit of it but hey, nature vs nurture, as always.

Aaaaah! XDD Gary's checking up on them~!

"And - I'm not gonna let him endanger you ever again!"
asldkjfasd Awwwwwwwwwwww! The way her voice broke! ;_____;

Woooah! That was some shout. :O Good lungs.

Hee! Uh, her ability is like Sylar's? XDDD

"Do enough tweaks and you can probably make a time machine."
"I already did - I'm visiting you from the future."
lasdkjfa;d Looooove it. :D

Eeeeeee! I love how they're just reminiscing together. :D

Oooooh. Clay's coming in. :O

Hmmm. Who says it's not the government who's trying to get her? Or it could be Red Flag. Hmmmmm.

"Do you really think Skylar will go along with it?"
"It's not her choice."
*incoherent noice* WHAT.

Ooooh oh oh! They found Skylar! :O And Gary's on the move! \o/

Should they really be taking the elevator up? No cover whatsoever, but I guess it's faster.

NSA? Ha, another part of the government. XD

Awesome! Although, Rachel! D:

*grins at Gary's expression and the music swelling*

*laughs as we see Gary walk out onto the street*

Wooooooo! Go Rachel! :D :D

Bwah. Ten minutes?? O_____o

Hmmm. Sending it to Anna?

:D She went to Nina's house! XDD

"Congratulations! You're free!"
"Actually, that felt pretty good."

I'm guessing Bob is something mechanical?

"You know every inch of this place."
"I designed the security."

"Count to a million. Slowly"
Heh. That's a good way to keep them there.

Knew it. :D

"Rest in peace."

It is very dark outside. =/

Heeeeeeeeee! *grins grins grins* Gary'll be able to do something with that, right? Track down the source of the input? :D

"I can find you."
Yeeeeeeep. :D :D :D

"You have to follow the bug."
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! XDDD

Co-orindated with the predator drone? Is that the bugs?

Oooooooh. Nina's pushing her! So, yeah, she pushes when she's pissed.

Oh, hey! Skylar's not affected! (And *snerk*, it took me this long to notice the connection to Skynet. XDD)

Oh, wow! Contact lenses stop it! :D

"I don't have $812.90."
XDDDD oooooouch. XDDD

Woooooooo! Go Cameron!

"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm a secret agent."

:OOOOOOO Kid! Called Zoe! Aaaaaaaaah! Was so totally not expecting that!

Wow, really brainy kid.

So it does pass on. :) Just some abilities develop at different ages (physical versus mental)

Since she was three? Wow.

lasdkjf Bill's expression! lkjdflaksj

*Ring ring*
"You gonna answer that?"
*No - it's Sullivan."
\o/ Go go Rosen!

What, Gary's not in the list? :P

Hm. Wait, how does the contact lenses make Nina's pushing useless? All they do is cover the iris, so light and things can still pass through. Okay, there's a small physical barrier but...

"She's gone, Clay."
Heh. :D Knew it.

"I look out for me. And the team looks out for me."
slkafjldsk eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ :D :D

"He does his job and I do mine; my team takes precedence."
Yes. Looooove it. :D

"Press a certain button six times and you get a direct line to me."
\o/ Wooo!

"With a few modications I could find every Alpha on the planet."
*raises eyebrows* ...Woah. That's...going a little far (Hah, parallel with X-Men). Please tell me you're going to chuck it into the water, Rosen?

\o/ Go go Rosen!

Probably should have dumped it in the water. To make sure.

"You're right; that felt good."
XDDD \o/

"Excuse me ladies." *makes little movements*
"There's no buttons."
Ha! :P

"You can't push machines, Nina."
Yeah well-
Eeeeeeeee!! Awesome! Does it only recognise her voice though?


fandom: alphas, general: obsessing

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