
Jun 20, 2011 15:13

So had the meeting thing about the...meeting thing on Saturday. XD;; I thought I was just going to be taking minutes -which is daunting enough- but I also have to make print-outs if needed, buy snacks (they'll be giving me money for that), and make the coffee. And open up the place, aaaaaah. (Huh, tea wasn't mentioned.)

So now I have a new key, the code for the security, and I'll have my own e-mail soon. o_____o;

There's going to be about six people at the board meeting - this is good, because it could have been eight. And I need to be naming people in the minutes. o_________o;; I will know two faces there, so I won't have to worry about mistaking those two at least. *wants to make labels and ask if they can wear them, pfft* I will also be recording meeting because I know I won't be able to keep up.

I have finally finished editing Searching! And it's at 99,501 words, pffffft. I was able to find a place to split the twelfth chapter, though the now thirteenth chapter is still over nine-thousand words long. XD;;

I'm using the 5.06x7.81 page size and it's...327 pages long altogether. Yeah, that's okay. :3

Now I just have to edit the contents page, do a dedication, acknowledgements and...about the author. lkajsd Do I have to do the last one? *whine*

After that, I'll be starting the transcribing/summarising of the other meeting. X3;;

general: work, writing: editing, original: searching, general: volunteering, fandom: original fiction

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