
Jun 19, 2011 06:51

Searching, why are you so damn easy to crossover?? ;____; Is it because I've been obsessed with 1/2 Prince for so long, is that it? Because I've had no easy outlet for a crossover for over two years now, as soon as there's a place that I can crossover with, my mind jumps on it?

Is that why my brain is telling me to write a Searching/Romance AU crossover?


Because - because both Marlands' reactions to seeing their parallel will be funny and I want to explore that. And then both Shodins will be sighing and shooting each other half-smiles in resignation and then Fion will turn up and - and - and. XDD;;

I'd thought that dragon!Marland would be, well, hurt by seeing how close AU!Marland and AU!Shodin are but when I started thinking about it, the pair are kinda equal in pros and cons?

Both Marlands have Shodin in the way that they want.
Both Marlands have to be careful in what they eat.
Searching!Marland never had to think about his sexuality being weird; AU!Marland did, which affected him badly in some places.
AU!Marland knows who his family is; Searching!Marland doesn't (Which made me splutter when I realised this. It'd mean I'd have to know AU!Marland's family when/before I write this)
Searching!Marland has magic; AU!Marland doesn't.
Searching!Shodin has his memories; AU!Shodin doesn't.
Searching!Shodin has magic; AU!Shodin doesn't.

Haha, I guess Searching!Shodin has it slightly better off than his parallel. XDD;;

But I really want to write this exchange:
Fion: *sniff sniff*
Fion: -'Why do you two smell like each other?'-
AU!Shodin and AU!Marland: *sweat*
S!Marland: *eyes them*
S!Marland: You're related?
S!Shodin: *hides a wince*
AU!Shodin and AU!Marland: *share a look*
AU!Marland: You've...never been attracted to someone, have you?
S!Marland: *ears flat*
S!Marland: *flatly* I'm a xeno in a world of humans.
S!Marland: Of course I'm not going to be attracted to anyone here.

I just need to know whose pov to go through, because they're all interesting! Especially the Marlands! And at one point, S!Marland asks them if they've met a person called Balt

So, yeah, if my stats spike up, check PR! XD;; (They've got a new post up asking for linguists, but I can't see it ):)

"And the Twelve Holy Knights were to follow behind him like sheep."

Blueberry sandwiches, honey biscuits, milk. Some of his favourites? :3

Ha! Sun's riding skills are 'not that great' either! XDD Oh dear.

Pffffft. Judgement's a genius!

"Now that I look back, maybe my bond with Earth dissolved at the age of sixteen."
XDD And you kept interrupting him when he was chatting with women. >3

*wince* Only half a day? Ouch.

O______o Sun waved eighty-three times in the space of a minute. Damn, he must wave like Sora from KH or something.

Haaaaaaa! Sun's showing off his maths skills! XDD

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh Storm, you are so adorable, wanting to talk to Sun to get away from winking at all the women! *hugs him*

"My teacher said that for some reason, women like to see two beautiful men standing close to each other."
*dies laughing* *DIES LAUGHING* The women are writing fanfic! *squees*

"I just have to pat your shoulder once in a while or tidy up your messy hair for all the women to squeal until they faint."
Oh. My. God. I need to write this! I need to write the women writing fanfic! And arguing with each other about who Sun's more attached to! Storm or Earth! His opposite or his best friend! And of course the honourary mention of Judgement! Because rivalshipping! And hey, the Sun Knight is only not supposed to love women right? There's nothing there that says about Sun loving men (except he's supposed to only love the God of Light, but they won't let that get in the way)

*wheeze wheeze* I so need to write this!!

D: D: Eek at Sun's reaction to Storm saying that. D:

"I looked Storm up and down."
And the women faint at the sight of that. XD

...Oh jeez. A tomato hit Judgement. *ducks and hides*

Pfffft. Oh dear. XD

original: searching: romance au, original: searching, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, fandom: original fiction

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