
Jun 21, 2011 06:05

Got an e-mail from Amgine from PR! I must have won the monthly contest because I got a link to preview the next unreleased chapter! And it's 1/2 Prince. XDD; Even if I got an LSK chapter, I don't think I'd actually read it because I don't know if I'd be able to squee over it publically. Wasn't like I was writing for the prize anyway. X3

*checks forum mail*


I won it on the 13th and they were asking me what series I wanted as a prize. *facepalm* Note to self, actually log in next time.

*grins hugely at the title of the chapter: The Terrifying Side of a Self Aware NPC* :D :D

O____o Wow do Rael's brother's soul weapon look long and curved in that second panel.

*flails at Tao being all :O at Boss Frankenstein* So damn cute!

O____o;; Massive attack from Frankenstein in an attempt to keep the fight short.

Hee! Rael's brother doesn't know the power Frankenstein's wielding or what Frankenstein is! XD

Ooooo, shackles that bind power?

*blink* Wait, Seira lost? *checks* Aaaah, okay.

Wait, the Lord is saying that Rai is the reason behind Seira's dad's death?

Nope, Gejutel didn't draw Rai to Lukedonia, so this is completely her thoughts of this. There's going to be some backstory that's been hidden. As if we didn't know this. ;)

:O *cheers Seira on as she says she still wants to save Gejutel!* \o/

"Even if the decision is wrong...I have chosen. As the leader of the Loyard clan, I will bear responsibility.*
aslkdfjasldk *loves her*

*waits* Seira's just shown she's a true clan leader, so what'll the Lord do? The same and sentence Seira to Eternal Sleep, or change her decision?

Aaaaaah! So the Lord wants Gejutel to sleep - uh, *changes phrasing* - enter eternal sleep in the same place as his Lord! Awwww.

"The sentimentality you show...is what led the traitors to decide that you are not fit to be the Lord."
:O *flails and keyboard smashes*

Pfffft, I think M-21's rubbed off on Gejutel. XDDD He keeps poking her!

"To bring 'him' here alive is impossible with the two you sent."
Eeeeeeeee! He'll just come there on his own, thank you. XDDD

*giggles* Gejutel calls Frankenstein Rai's follower. Which is true, but pfffffft.

And yep, Rai's way stronger than Frankenstein. ... o___________o;;

*raises eyebrows* Oh? The previous Lord sent two clan leaders to capture Frankenstein or Rai? Wonder what happened.

Oh! Gejutel and the previous Kerita clan leader went after Frankenstein!

And confirmation that Frankenstain at least was human! (klasdjf Still going with the wolf from Trail calling him not-human.)

Woo! More information on Frankenstein, yessssss.

Oh, damn, a novel of Noblesse as well, that's just about school life. XDD

*realises something* Ah! That's what's going to happen! Everyone else is clustered around the previous Lord's resting place, so when Rai arrives (pfffft) that'll set off the message so then everyone can see it!

And that's me guessing, and Noblesse always does something unpredictable. X3

Aaaand now I'm getting slowly drawn into
fic_promptly. I have five prompts I want to write. Soooo glad I'm in tiny, tiny fandoms. *a couple of minutes later* Aaaand score one off because I'm thinking about different characters. But I still want to write it anyway.

writing: fic promptly, general: fun, fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, fandom: 1/2 prince

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