(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 00:19

Romance AU
So I want Shodin to either find a puppy or adopt one, and bring him home. Possibly a bordier collie, because the switching up of things up is funny to me. And I think that fits him the best anyway. Obviously, Shodin'll want to call him Fion, while Marland'll be insistant on calling him Puzz, because it's clearly possessed what with it biting cables, running around and exploring every single corner of the flat and why does it keep trying to climb into our bed??

Except I don't know if the landlord would allow them to keep Puzz. :( And I have no idea how they would deal with litter training. XDD

I'm wondering what would happen when Shodin's admitted into the hospital. Because when I went into A&E, my details had to be given (name, date of birth, address) to the receptionist-person. Which is pretty impossible for Shodin, what with the lack of records.

And when mum got out of surgery and was discharged from the hospital, her doctor was immediately informed. Since Shodin isn't registered with one...

I'd thought about Kendal giving an excuse like 'he's from out the country' for the lack of details, but he can't provide his date of birth in Torpin's monthly system either so that's going to look weird.

But Kendal's team'll know about the procedure (especially with Nillos being in so recently) so they'll have probably made stuff up while Marland was sleeping. And probably still used 'from out the country' because of the doctor issue.

Of course, I'm using a Scottish/British what, model (? XD;;) based on Earth and since Torpin isn't Earth, maybe they do things differently there.

Master and slave thing
Rethinking Sahnras' character again. =/ I'd wanted her to be the daughter of a couple who own a large business/chain/who are well-known and her struggling with the pressure and feeling inadequate to take over/live up to expectations. The end point would be her stepping up and feeling more confident in dealing with the buisness (haven't thought much about if it was the other option).

Except, I don't know how to show that end point. What a person has to do to be able to oversee a large business, if they need to study specific things, what they'll need to know. And it would also depend on what the business was. There'd be different things to know if they owned restaurants compared to a diamond jewellery chain.

dfkja The thing I seem to be focusing on at the moment is how do you support yourself? And how old Sahnras is. Because I kinda maybe want her to be of adult age, but I have no idea if she went on to further education and if she did, what did/is she studying? Does this world even have further education? And again, how is she supporting herself??

There was a bunch of other stuff I was going to post, but as usual, I've forgotten them. XD;

Edit: So, it's bloody two in the morning, and hey, it's for once not because I woke up at this time, but because I couldn't sleep! That's different. Might be because I took a nap a little earlier, but even with that, I should be asleep by now since it was only for an hour.

Anyway, a comment I made on lucathia_rykatu's journal made me realise how much I like outsider and/or not human characters. I was going to go through a list of the fandoms I've been in/watched/written for and my favourite characters in them but uh…that'd be long. XD And not all are relevant.

Hm. I'll list the stuff I've been writing in the last year, the stuff I've been interested in and the fandoms I started in.

½ Prince: Kenshin, Sunshine, Arctic Fox (NPC, NPC, human)
Legend of Sun Knight: All of the Knights we've seen so far, Adair (All the Knights are outsiders to the general population, really, human)
Noblesse: M-21, Takio, Tao, Regis (experimented on, experimented on, experimented on, noble/vampire)
Tegami Bachi: Noir, Roda (D: How do you…? Human with memory/heart problems, human/dingo…with memory problems)
Doctor Who: The Doctor, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, Canton (alien, human, human, human, …Very Complicated, human)
The Mentalist: Jane, Cho (human, human)
Yoroshiku Master: Rihito, Daisuke (reindeer, human)
How to Train Your Dragon (movie): Toothless (dragon)
Beyblade: Kai (human with ridiculous training?)
Pokémon: Mewtwo (human Pokémon experiment)
Final Fantasy IX: Zidane, Kuja, Freya (genome, genome, burmecian)
Final Fantasy VII: Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth (…*is not going to attempt*, experimented on, human experiment)

The list could go on and on and on. I knew I liked the outsider perspective; I just never realised how…idunno, steady that's been? =/ I'm not making much sense. I know I've always had a Thing for experiment(ed on) characters, but I haven’t really been exploring their thoughts and feelings about being Different until recently. And yeah, being experimented on tends on come hand-in-hand with feeling like an outsider and not-human. Least, in the fandoms I'm in at the moment.

I guess I just hadn't had a suitable outlet for writing about these until my recent fandoms?

I'm not even sure what the point of this was. >_____> I just…hadn't made the connection that most of my favourite characters are outsiders in some form.

2:42 and I'm still not sleepy. =/ Awesome.

original: searching: romance au, writing: thought processes, original: searching, original: master and slave thing, general: loves, general: sleep, fandom: original fiction

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