(no subject)

Jun 04, 2011 20:18

Contains much, much squeeing. 8D

Huh. Another interesting title.

It's the girl again! :D

Melody Pond. Ah! The girl had pictures of Amy holding her! And she had some sort of regeneration power too. Hmmmm~ *continues watching*

Aaaaand cybermen. Well, it's halfway through the series I suppose.

Aaaaand the Doctor is meddling again. XD Or, at least, someone with his screwdriver.

"Because this man is your father."
Wha - the Doc - oh! Right, she's talking about Rory. XD Eeeeeeeee! Okay, that speech just got a whole lot more awesome. :D

adslfkjads;lkjaklsdjf;laskjdf as;ldkfj as;ldkjf Oh my god! Oh. My. God!!! Rory's in his centurian gear! Against cybermen!!!!! My grin and obsession levels could not get any higher!! So much awesomeness!!

"I have a message and a question."
♥_________♥ Oh jeez, keep going Rory.

"Where. Is. My. Wife?"
omgomgomgomgomgomgomg *is flailing so Damn Hard. Not even five minutes in and I am loving this. 8D 8D 8D

"Oh, don't give me those blank looks."
XDDD *laughs*

"What is the Doctor's message?"
*Ships explode behind Rory*

*tiny head tilt* Would you like me to repeat the question?
omggggggggggggg~ So awesome!

Huh. Lots of effects already for this.

Tannoy: Reminder. Do not interact with headless monks.

"What's in the little boxes?"

Wait. Wasn't Abberline one of the species in the ground or something of Earth?

"Nurse! Nurse!"
The cat people?

Oh! It's the sontarans.
*raises eyebrows* Didn't expect that anyway.

"And maybe one day, you and I will meet in the field of battle, and I will destroy you for the Sontaran Empire."

*headtilt at River's reaction to Rory*

... Rory died or something before, this side of the timeline. :|

"Unless there's two of them."
"Well, that a whole different birthday."

"This is the day he finds out who I am."
\o/ Woo hoo!

"Demons run, when a good man goes to war."

Ha. Knew the TARDIS would go there next. XDD

I'd say the Doctor is a trickster but...

... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: kdljaf; What. WHAT. Ack! There are no words for when then hoods are lowered. DDDDDDDDDD:!!!!

Woo hoo for the third head!

Woo! Lightsaber swords!

*After all the chanting and people teleport in*
:D Ooooooo yeessssssssssss.

"Don't slump; it's bad for your spine."
XDD *laughs*

So where's Rory in all this?

lsk;djf;laskdj Oh yes, Rory!

*laughs hard when the pirates step out*

"Today is not a good day to find out why I have so many [rules]"

Rory got her back! Eeeeeeee!!! That's why he couldn't open the door properly!

"Oh god, I was gonna be cool." *starts tearing up*
Oh, Rory. ♥~

"Ugh~ Kissing and crying. I'll be back in a bit."
XDD Aaaah, Doctor.

"And really, you should call her 'Mummy', not 'Big Milk Thing'."
Pffffffthahahahaha!! XD

"Demon Runs is ours without a drop of blood spilled."
Uh, what about the soldiers getting hit with the energy balls?

"My friend, you have never risen higher."
D: Uh oh.

"I have gene-spliced myself for all nursing duties."
*dies laughing*

"I can-" *thumps chest* "-produce magnificent quantities of lactic fluid."
Just - just dies. Oh. My. Goooooood.

Hmm. *wonders if there's going to be a mention of Susan*

"Ah, Centurian, permission to hug?"
*considers* *small shrug/nod* "Be aware, I do have a sword. At all times."
skdljfad *adores them so much, omg*

"It's mine."
... Huh. So my accidental assumption was right? They used DNA from the healer ship? Is that why the Doctor can understand Melody so well?

"What is?"
"The cot."

Aaaaah, so that's why there was that shot of her.

Wait. Hm. But the ship nurse took the Doctor's sample after Amy was taken, but then if there's time travel involved... @____@

"It's all running about, sexy fish vampires and blowing up stuff!"

"Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic..."
Jeez, when it's summarised like that...

"Why would a Time Lord be a weapon."
"Well! They've seen you."
XD True enough.

"Hope in this endless, bitter war."
Well, it can't be against the Time Lords so... *continues watching*

Well, yeah, okay. XD

I wonder if River is Melody? Because River said she was in prison because she killed an important person or something like that? And Melody killed the Doctor. There's also that 'my old man' comment.

"Oh dear god! That's the attack prayer!"
Pffffthahaha. XD

Blue Guy Dies First.

Huh. The beheaded him and he's...following their orders now?

:DDDDD! Woo! Rory and his sword! And a pistol!! \o/

Fooling him twice? Hmmmmm~

*woman shows up again behind Amy* :O Wait, what?

Pfft. Not really running at your full speed there. XDD

:O The baby was flesh too!

"You'll be back on your feet in no time; you're a warrior."
"Rory, I'm a nurse."
And so is he. >:(

*The speech about the Doctor being able to call up an army etc. etc.*
Well, he's went through the Doctor Victorius thing already...

lksdjflasdkj EXPLAAAAAAAAAAIN OMG. Obviously related, because he mentioned the kissing bit, and bringing the cot back in, and Amy had left Melody's name handkerchif in the cot. Hmmmmm~

Pfft. Gonna shoot her again, Amy?

Wait. Waitwaitwait. "The only water in the forest is the river." So - so - so, Lorna said she was from the Gamma Forest and Amy called Melody Melody and that could be translated to River Song. OH MY GOD. *continues watching*

And they don't have a name of Pond! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I was right? I was right?

oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!

This was an awesome episode! Rory was just so much love! :D And - and - eeeeeeeee! Except we have to wait for September for the next episode! D:

fandom: doctor who, general: obsessing

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