(no subject)

May 31, 2011 05:54

Haha! He reversed the polarity! XDD

*snerk* That was the tenth Doctor's voice?

*acid starts coming in* :D Niiiice plan.

lksjdf The Doctor gets on with himself really well. XDD

So the original Doctor is the one with the brown shoes.

"Do we tend to say 'yowza'?"
"That's enough, I get it. We're under stress."

Hm? Something's happening to the Flesh?

"Tough, old, sexy."
XDD Aaaah, so cute!

Sooo, are the Gangers going to try and get to the roof before them?

"It's a time memory. Like a mirage."

Matt Smith can't do the outrage shouty voice. At least, not when he was doing the 'why' bit.

lsdjf *wince at the 'you're just a copy' bit*

Rory with a pipe! \o/

*wince at Ganger!Jen's death*

Hee! The Doctor scanning Amy!

"You know, I want him to go. And I'm rather adamant."
That was good. :D

Hmmmm~ I think there's more than one ganger version.

Ha! She's using Rory to...something!

Huh. The human!Cleaves is getting a headache now.

Hee! As Cleaves...finally gets it. What were they thinking when the Ganger!Doctor was going through the regenerations?

DDDDDD:! The discarded Flesh! DDDDD:!

Yup! That's three official Jennifers!

"Rory's in trouble."
*dry* Isn't he always?

Woah! :O They were empty before.

So is this Rory human? Hmm. He wouldn't lead them someplace that would hurt Amy, but if he didn't know where it actually led to...

Roranicus Pondus! XDDDDDD!!!

I'd say this has been the Doctors' plan the whole time. And what was the perecorded message he did earlier?

"If you don't feel sick by mid-morning, you're not doing it right."

asdlkfjaldskfja Ommggggggg, when Jimmys are talking with each other!

Super!hug with Amy and Rory! :D Heeeeee!

"When are you coming home~"

All the human's are going to die?

Haaahaha! The TARDIS comes through the roof!

"Amy, we swapped shoes."
Ha! Knew it!
D: Oooooo, damn.

"Push, Amy. But only when she tells you too."
kdsjflakdsjf :D Eeeeeee! He knows!
... Wait. If the whole, pregnant-not pregnant thing... XDDD

"But this one you're not invited to."
Oh! Oh! Amy told him! :O

It looks like blood, that thing that'll get rid of the blood clot.

Hm. So Amy is now officially, completely pregnant now?

Heh. Been wondering if this was where the Doctor Needed to be.

"You haven't been here for a long time"
:O!! So, the woman with the eyepatch, is that visions being transfered over from the human Amy?

Human experimentation! \o/ Yes!

Noblesse 187
DD:! M-21!

Yeeeessssss, Tao's whip! :D

*grins* Go go go Tao! \o/

I reeeeeally hope M-21 isn't getting caught in the crossfire! D:

Heh. Rael can tell they've gotten stronger. :3

Time limit is up?

:D!!! Goooooooo M-21!!!!

"You useless toy..."
"Do not...call us that."

Jackets are off for Takio and Tao. (I guess this fight won't be finished until everyone is completely shirtless. XDD)

Haaaaahaha! M-21's still snarking at Rael!

Oh? New person! The other person who'd been with Karias? Rajak?

Haaaaahahaha! Rael's found out!

lksjadlfkjsd;lfkajsd;lfkajsd;lfk as djf;laksdjf;laskgoqiergo Raaaaaaaaaai has entered the sceeeeeeeeene!!!

O___o The account pages on ff.net look...different. And they've changed the name of the older stats tab. *clicks things* This is going to take me some time to get used to. XDD;

fandom: noblesse, fandom: doctor who, general: obsessing, general: fanfiction.net

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