(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 20:48

O____o I somehow woke up at half-seven after finally going to sleep at half-three. Yey for my inner clock having its own alarm? XDD;

Been reading my 'general: sleep' tag and just, wow. Having 76 tags says enough, but the content? Jeez. Multiple waking times, usual waking times of between 1-4? Yikes.

It's funny how I found that completely normal when it was happening but now that I'm looking back at it with a more regular sleep pattern it's weird. XDD;;

My list of problems with Trail at the moment:
Pronoun trouble (how unsurprising)
Tense trouble (do I describe it as 'at the moment' or 'at that moment'?)
Distance trouble (should it be 'here' or 'there'?)
Describing stuff trouble (he doesn't know the word couch! Or stairs! Possibly even hands!! I thankfully took out couch [which would have been 'long chair'], but I'm using 'footholds' and 'paws'. The second one isn't so bad and is understandable at least.)
Naming trouble (would he describe the kids as 'young humans' or 'human pups'?)
Other naming trouble (he's going to need a name soon...)
Technology trouble (he's going to shift into his wolf form and go outside to pee or whatever. ~____~ Because telling him how to use a human toilet? Ack!)

The scene I had of the wolf greeting M-21 in a mix of wolf and human (humanoid shape, but covered in fur, because that was the closest equivalent of clothes Frankenstein could get him in in that version XD) doesn't look like it'll happen. Aw. The greeting should still happen though - I'm only a couple of paragraphs away from that happening. :D

Was re-reading some of the scenes I want to happen and there's a couple that are making me squee so damn hard. I want to write them now but they're going to be later on. Boo.

Now, to hopefully reply to most of my reviews before the avalanche of comments tomorrow. XDD


Pfft. Second review I reply to, and I get a plotbunny for a continuation of Curiosity. XDD

fandom: noblesse, general: sleep, fanfic: curiosity, fanfic: trail, writing: plotbunnies, writing

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