(no subject)

May 28, 2011 05:09

Okay, if my stats on ff.net suddenly jump and it's not a Tuesday or PR! updating, something else has probably been updated.

Huh. Lolidragon splash page?

Seems like being too smart isn't too good. You tend to overthink...

-'He's been waiting for you! The Dictator of Life has always been waiting for you!'-

Would Caellus doing this possibly be part of the Dictator's plan?

"This might be sudden, but I get the feeling...as if something is calling out to me from the north."
*snickers* It's not really a feeling here...

"You were actually facing the right direction when you talked about the north just now! It's a miracle!"

"Odd Squad will always move as one!"

"If you let me die willy nilly, I'll definitely make you pay!"
I know what you look like. Pfft. She probably could track Lan down since she knows what uni Lan goes to and some of her classes.

"Gui will always go wherever Your Highness goes!"
X3 Eeeee!

"The appearance of the Dictator of Life was decided by me.
*splutters* Aaah, oh wow.

"He was modelled after a real person."
Hmm, okay.

"He was the main developer behind Second Life."
Oh, huh.

"His name is Long Dian."
*sidelook at lucathia_rykatu* I recall you telling me the name of a person who's family name was also Long. Over a year ago, pffffft, what is up with my memory? XDD;;

"He singlehandedly created Second Life and became my father's right-hand man."
O_____o So many extremely smart people in here!

"Because he used Second Life to carry out experiments that were forbidden, and used the company's name and money to to attract test subjects for his illegal experiments!"
:O Wait - wait - What?? Seriously? Another surprise turn! Woo! Experimentation!

"He let the test subjects play the game as temporary NPCs, then cut off their connection to the server so that they couldn't leave tha game. Finally, he destroyed their physical bodies."
DD:! It explains why the NPC's called Dictator of Life then.

"He wanted to test whether people could live within the game, and thus obtain eternal life."
But, if the server was taken down... Plus, viruses and hackers... You life would literally be in the hands of other people. D:

EEEEEEEEEE! Kenshin and Sunshine used to be real people! (I really wish I hadn't been spoiled to this a couple of months ago on the Mangafox forums though. DD:) So is it their - askldfja So many possibilities!
The Dictator of Life was frustrated that there wasn't that many self-aware NPCs showing up. Hmm.

"Is the Dictator of Life really Long Dian?"
:O I hadn't thought of that possibility!

"And that's why you want me to go take care of your ex-lover?"
Lan's grin there! Eeeee!

dlkjafsldk Guuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~! Being all serious! EEeeeeeeee!

And Lolidragon scampers away. XDD

Woah, Gui's very serious. :O

"You'll disappear forever! You'll disappear forever, don't you know that?"
I'm pretty sure she does, Gui. >____> And she won't die, just her avatar. But aldkfjalsdk awwwww, you're worried about her.

Awwwwww! Gui's crying! :O

sdfjan Huuuuuuuuuuug!

Oh, jeez. *laughs* The drawings of Gui's changed over the...years? Wow.

And gives him a kiss on forehead too! :O

"If Prince disappears, I promise you'll meet my true self."
omg. omg. Oh my god! *Squees so damn hard!* EEEEEEEEEE!

dfjlsdkfja Chibi crying Gui! So cute!

Haha! Yang Ming and Lolidragon?

"When you wish to activate it, just shout "ND Ultimate Program Activate."
XDDD Just like usual, yeah? XDD

Huh. Only Lan can do it? Because of her dao? Her programming/coding is slightly different because she's male in-game?

O____O Woah, hello. What's going on? Who's pulling Lan and where's she being pulled to?

Ah, here we go. Another general king.

Huh. Zephyer's tunic reminds me a little of Lan's starting gear.

Haha! Sliding Blazing Inferno tackle!

Ultrasonic Soulcatcher. Wonder what that does.

... Huh. Wait, woah! Zephyer has Gui's heart! :O So that means Gui's deleted now.

;________; Have to wait another two months to find out what happens!

Hee. Is that Doll Pink? (Pfft, getting mixed up between series. XD;)

"The Sun Knight meets the Sacred Dragon Mail."
XDD Eeeeeeee! Yesssss, this chapter!

I...had not noticed that Sun (most of the knights?) had slitted eyes. Huh.

Hee! Sun and Pink!

'Asking a Death Knight...to do house chores?'
[Sun Knight who helps necromancers buy lolipops ->]

*laughs as Sun is dragged away* He's not a mage! He's a uh, sword mage assassin priest...

HaHA! Those two panels with Sun and the sweeper corpse!

Which God invented such a medieval incarnation
... Since you're living in the medieval times (with paperwork and radar and support groups. Ah, never mind. XDD)

Badge: *floats*
Badge: *slams into Sun's chest*
XDD Ouch.

Ooooo. Transformation sequence!

Wow. It's really had to see Sun's arm in the reveal. XDD
But eeeeeee, scales! And wings at the elbows! (Which would be awkward, but I guess they can kinda be used as a weapon if you pay enough blood)

*laughs so hard when Sun insta!learns the spell* XDD

"Sun, did you decide to become the Sun Knight by tossing dice?"

Those are some heels on page 27. Wow.

Eeeeeeee! Dragon's Sacred Brigandine speaks! :D

[<- 25 inch waist]

XDD Hahaha!

Eclipse Hunter has also updated. ... I'll go read that after I'm done with Searching.

fandom: eclipse hunter, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, fandom: 1/2 prince

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