(no subject)

May 24, 2011 07:49


*wince* Looks like Regis might be the new person who gets completely beaten up first before he kicks their ass.

I didn't hold back on that last attack...Why is he still able to stand?
Heeee! :D After Shark and Krantz...

"And it will not be easily changed"
*thinks about Rai* Hmmmmm.

"I cannot give up, because I know you care for me."
Heeeeee! ♥~

Honestly, the Langegre clan and their pigheadedness

"And if I run away now, I would not be able to face the three who are risking their lives for me."
sdlkfajd;slkfajs EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! \o/ ♥ ♥ ♥

asldkja His powering up look coooool. *_____*

"Keep your promise."
*grins grins grins*

*bursts out laughing*
Well, pfffftahahaha, Regis did hit him. ommmggggggggg, *squees so hard* So cute!
Totally wants to blame that tactic on M-21, but I guess Tao would be the better culprit. Either that or he knows that you don't need to power through someone to get what you want (Frankenstein) alskdjfalskd

Woooooo! Long twin daggers! :D

D: D:!! Nooooo! M-21! And there goes the rest of his shirt, and the first fatal wound

Aaaaand Rael's speed has been boosted.

Aaaaah! D! *flails* *hadn't thought they'd bring it* It's the safe one, right?
Wait a minute. We haven't seen Tao under the effects of D before, have we? :D :D :D! *SQUEE!!*

adlkfj nooooooo! ;______;

Doctor Who: The Rebel Flesh
Uh, interesting title anyway...

Pfft. The suits are baaaaad. XDD

*facepalm* Well, that was smart.

*Character is now dying in the acid*
*rolls eyes* Just, great.

Aaaaah, okay, so that's why he isn't so bothered about the death.

Argh! Muse! Why did it have to be this song? ;____;

Woo! Dartboard! XDD

'Solar tsunami'?

"Woah! Doctor! My tummy's going funny!"
laskdjfa Rory, why so cute??

"Assume the position!"
*Rory looks and flails around, then just curls up on the floor*
D'aaaaaaw! ♥

Dusty Springfield song in the background! XDD

...Er, okay, Amy kissing Rory's hand better is cute, but his hand had been burned from acid. DD:

'Almost people'

"I'm telling you, when someone runs towards you, it's never for a nice reason!"
*Rory is grabbed and hauled away*

"I need to see your critical systems."
"Which one?"
"You know which one."
Hee! Nice bluff!

Hm. So why does Jennifer not want to be in a Ganger?

*raise eyebrows* He's going to have to climb to the top of the tower in the middle of a storm again?

Aaaaand he lampshades that not one second later. XDD

They're waking up and the Gangers are still standing. Hmm~

Aaaaand the TARDIS is going to fall off the side of the cliff. XD;

*sees the first switch scenes after the first strike*
o_______o;; Eek.

"Or for want of a better word, 'ow'"
Oh, Rory. ♥

Cleaves seemed kinda out of it.

Hmm. So which one's the original ones and which ones are the Gangers? (I think the Doctor can tell the difference and would maybe talk with the original ones first but hey, that's me assuming X3)

Hm. Jennifer's pregnant?

Pfft. I think one of the first rules is 'make sure you're able to run'.

"I've got your back"
saldkfj D'aaw, he's so awkward! She's going to be the first to die

:O Oh! She's one!

Haha! Sucker punch through the door! Poor Rory!

lkja "It's not your fault; like I said, they're disorientated."
So Cleaves is one too. Hm. Is anyone in that group the original person?

Cleaves: *stares at the Doctor*
Doctor: *Stares back*
Doctor: It's hot.

Hmmmm~ Or did they get switched around? So the Flesh is walking in the original bodies while the original personalities are in the Gangers?

Pffffffthahahahaha! Wow that was a battlecry!

We're seeing Jennifer from the back of the head - she'll turn around and it'll be the half-face.


"It is too dangerous out here with acid leaks!"

There was a Jennifer with a dark jacket earlier on going down stairs, wasn't there?

adlkfjasldkfj The entire part with Jennifer! DD:!

*Rory hug!*

Ha! I'd wondered if the Doctor or Rory and Amy would have a Ganger!

"What are you doing down there!"

There's something about that guy's sneezing...

*kiss to Rory!*

Amy's a lucky girl.
Yeeeeeah, she is.

Pfft. What was that sigh, Rory? XD

Ah! That eyepatch woman again!

DDDDDD:! *head twisting around 180 degrees! Augh!

*laughs at the tangent about the Doctor's shoes*

Oh. Hadn't noticed Jennifer and Rory were holding hands.

"Oh great. You see, that is just so typically me"

So which Doctor is yelling here anyway? Where's the other one?

Was wondering how this was going to go onto a two-parter.

Ah, there we go - there's the other Doctor. :3

So, River said that, what, entire worlds universes would be destoryed all for the sake of one cell of a Time Lord? And now we have another example of the Doctor's DNA (I think?) being copied, alongside his personality.

fandom: noblesse, fandom: doctor who, general: obsessing

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