(no subject)

May 21, 2011 21:36

So I had a rather epic nosebleed today.

No idea how it started - I just suddenly felt a huge trickle leak from my nose and when I wiped it away... Yeah.

I haven't had a nosebleed for, pfff, idunno, more than five years? My instant reaction was to lean forward and catch the falling blood while my boyfriend flailed at me, telling me to tip my head back. Which I didn't do far enough, as it was still coming out my nose.

I spent a while lying back and studying his ceiling before I continued watching the film we had been watching when it happened. It's not that easy to do when you wear glasses. XDD;

I think I spent too long lying down though? Every time I sat up for a few seconds, more blood started coming up. Except there wasn't any blood at the back of my thoat, and blood wasn't dribbling out my nose when I was lying back... We figured that the blood coming out was trapped in my nostril, so I tried to blow my nose.

Ugh. It came out in a thick string.

For the next couple of hours, I was kinda holding myself like Moon from LSK - not quite keeping my nose in the air, but keeping my head level with the ground. If I looked down, my nose started bleeding. If I leaned forward, my nose started bleeding. If I moved too fast...my nose started bleeding.

It eventually stopped properly, just in time for me go home.

I was fairly happy. My nose was dry, clogged up, but at least it wasn't bleeding.

And then I sneezed.


(I'd brought a lot of spare tissues, just in case.)

I did learn some stuff though! Or remembered it. It's been a while since I've had contact with blood. XD;

Like, when you run your bloody hand under water and the blood's mostly dry, the water runs off a light brown.

Recently dried blood still looks bright red.

Dried blood is sticky (which Marland wouldn't notice)

Omg, no sudden movements or else you'll reopen the [whatever]! (Pfft, oh jeez, Marland when he got stabbed. Same with Ronthar and the gun shot. I need to make Marland's wounds smaller, because he should probably need a stitch for each finger stab.)

Been doing some more thinking about the master and slave thing.

And guess what?

Yet another overhaul! *facepalm*

Me and my mind yesterday:
Mind: Hmm. *pokes M&S world*
DID: What?
Mind: It's too perfect.
DID: What?? How's it too perfect?
DID: Sahnras is kindamaybe broken in some sort of way! She's at least got some major self-esteem/confidence issues!
DID: Aldoran is going be lonely as soon as he comes into existance just waiting for her!
DID: How is that-
Mind: I said world.
DID: ...
DID: Magical school?
DID: Or did I get rid of that already?
Mind: No, it's still there. Sahnras didn't go.
Mind: And that's your external conflict?
DID: *opens mouth*
DID: ...
DID: Wait, what is there going on outside the two of them?
DID: I got rid of the prejudices against Aldoran when I turned him into a spirit-thing.
DID: D: Dammit.
Mind: *smug* See?
Mind: So flip things around.
Mind: The spirit-things aren't the perfect 'other half of my soul'
Mind: They're seen to have eaten half of that person's soul to fit!
Mind: Or they're 'bringers of bad luck'. Something.
DID: Well, okay, yeah, that brings the conflict back up.
Mind: And then add zombies!
DID: What?
Mind: No?
Mind: What about dragons then! Can't go wrong with them and you love them!
DID: What are you-
Mind: Post-apocalyptic world!
Mind: No, wait. Dragon zombies!!
DID: *headwall*

My mind will stay on track for a while and give my good ideas, but it will eventually derail itself. XD

So yeah, the myths around 'slaves' are no longer "they're the other half of your soul - they will complete you", it's "they're evil creatures that eat your soul to nest inside your head and when that happens you are also an evil, evil monster that will begin to think like them (because you have their dark soul inside your body) and you must be cast out!". *snerk*

At least, that was the attitude x centuries ago. Now the 'slaves' are like our dragons and elves: mythical creatures.

Either that or it had been happening within the last century, but it's mostly died out.

Not sure about the numbers of M&S pairs, but it's definitely not normal and everyday life now.

I'd been thinking about writing this as a young adult book, but I think when I'm left to my own devices, it keeps scaling up. XD;

writing: thought processes, original: searching, original: master and slave thing, writing: learning stuff, general: ick, fandom: original fiction

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