
May 02, 2011 20:36

So, my boyfriend and I joined a gym recently (it only opened last Thursday, so yey for discount offer!). We went again today after he finished from work and we saw N (I think is her 'name') entering the gym while we were there. She had been in the same year as us in secondary school, but we pretty much never talked with each other.

My boyfriend told me he thought he saw someone he recognised from a football club he used to go to as well at the gym.

After we'd finished, we went to the shops to get something to eat. And when I went to the counter, the person at the till was H, someone from the year below at secondary school.

O______o;; It's getting kinda insane how many people I'm seeing again right now.

Haaaaaahahaha. You know how I said ages ago that I sent a request for some more Dreamwidth codes to make
esp_dragon? Uh, I think I did? Anyway, just checked my junk inbox and I had an email from accounts on the 27th, giving me two.

Aaaaah, I have eight codes now if anyone wants them. XDD

general: dreamwidth, general

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