(no subject)

May 03, 2011 08:05

*Just griiiiins because yey! New chapter! The... quartet now? together!*

Hee! Regis has noticed M-21's kinda different!

Hmm. Rael.

...Wow, Regis and M-21 look different when they're running fast. XDD

Hee, the 'be careful!' panel could be a good M-21 icon too. and it's smaller, so there wouldn't be so much tweaking XD

*omg grrrrrrrrrrins at M-21's claws reaching for Rael's head* :D :D

;lv;skfs da Go keep supporting him, M-21! \o/

"Should you be worrying about him right now?"
♥ Tao and Takio should be near soon, unless they're doing something else.

Hee! M-21 has super speed!

\o/ :D Woooooooooo! Go go Takio! Cover support!

O____o Wow, some attack there, M-21.

Oh, WOW that is an awesome rifle. *______*

:3 Formation A? I wonder how many formations there are.

Ha haaaaa! Yep, Rael, you were!

"Haaa, I have to fight head on with that monster? I'm getting a headache already..."
Eeeeeee! You can do it, M-21! \o/ \o\ /o/

Could it be...
Is she starting to think it's got something to do with the previous Lord?

... D: Uh oh. She's going to think Gejutel is behind it all.

Oh oh oh! Or she's guessed that it's Rai or Frankenstein! :O

*bounces and claps hands* :D :D Rai was wanted to be the previous Lord's successor. Which, we kinda knew but it wasn't so clearly stated as this.

*click* D: D: D:! Noooooooo. The chapter endeddddd~ D: D: D:!

*snickers at the fanfic monthly contest at Prince Revolution* Aren't the situations in canon pretty outrageous anyway? XDD *wants to write for them*

...Wow, there's going to be a singing contest? o_____o;;

*actually reads the chapter titles that are going to be released this month* Eat Breakfast? *is laughing so hard*

*glances through some of my own fics in the Fan Creations page* -_____- Aaaand this is where I find out that some of my fics have their scene dividers stripped. *head on desk*
Or they don't show up? The scene dividers are there in my document, but you can't see them on the page. O___o;;

And - and - and I just got a review/comment for my M-21 ficlet that the person liked it even though they don't know the fandom! \o/ Yey! :D :D

general: fun, fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing, writing: review

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