(no subject)

May 02, 2011 12:12

O____o Well, that's a jump anyway.

Haaaaahahaha~ The Doctor being held like that! With a beard! XDDD

Oh jeez, I'm a little confused. I was watching Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull last night and I've got too much overlap! XDD;;

*laughs as they build something around the Doctor*

Wow, Rory's seen them a lot. *cheers him on*

Uh, air? Breathing?

*laughs as Stuff is Revealed* Like they'd be able to hold the Doctor in mere chains.

*laughs as the TARDIS is shown* And eeeeee, he opens it by clicking his fingers! ♥

What? That's your secret weapon?? XDDD

How do they know that it's different silent? They could have just been seeing the same one over and over again.

omg omg omg, I looooooove all this memory stuff! ♥~ :D :D

Haaaaaa. So the picture's also useless.

I have the feeling there's going to be no kids here.

... Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! They're on the ceiling!

D'aaaaaw, the Doctor trying to bite his way out of the handcuffs. XDD

omgggggggg~ River and Rory behind Nixon! Aaaahahahahaha!

Since the wheel and the fire, huh?

"Welcome to America."

'I'm gonna blow the lock!'
'Coming through, no need for the gun!' *sonics*

Ah. So Amy's in the suit now?

Aaaaaaaaaw, Rory~ So cute!

Yeah, knew that was coming. D:

*loves how they keep dragging Nixon to godmode around*

"Incedibly strong and running away. I like her."

"This is a video phone. Whatever a video phone is."
XDD Wondered if he was going to ask.

Pfft. The Doctor's one looks like a GBA to me.

alsdkjfas Rorrry~~ D: D: But Amy hasn't said a name yet.

omggggg~ That entire exchange!
"It'd be like kicking the Romans out of Rome."
"Rome fell."
"I know. I was there."
"So was I."
Eeeeeeeeeee! *flails flails flails*

Woooooo! :D :D !!

Wwoooo! Knew it! *cheers for Amy and Rory*

*laughs at the Doctor and River yelling at each other.*

Obviously she's Indiana Jones. Hmm. 'my old man'? Is that Jenny?

Hmmm~ Still haven't resolved the whole 'Doctor dying' thing yet.

Huh. Was that Amy's fluctuating between pregnancy and non-pregnancy, or that the TARDIS can't confirm?

She gonna eat the homeless guy?

*blink* O_______O She has regenerative power!

Been thinking about Searching and hm, Gahn's going to be cut out in the editing. He's not needed because all he's there for is 'driving', 'second in command' and 'chocolate', all of which Kendal can do on her own (well, not the second in command, but anyway). Hela's not exactly been doing a lot either, but I need someone there when they first show up so that Marland doesn't end up getting a hole shot in him.

Also been thinking about the master and slave thing, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be changing someone's sex to female considering how much pronoun trouble I've been having lately. -_____- I'm fairly sure it's going to be Sahnras. Didn't want to change it because there was going to be a mythology thing about the master and slave should be the opposite sex so them two being the same is...Not Normal, but I guess I can twist it so that it's supposed to be that the pair is supposed to be the same sex.

Seriously need a tag for the master and slave fic. D: Hm. I'll just tag it 'master and slave thing' until I come up with a proper title.

original: searching, original: master and slave thing, fandom: doctor who, general: obsessing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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