(no subject)

Apr 30, 2011 07:11


Haha, totally thought that was the proper first page (well, it kinda was. XDD;;)

"How do you think they would go about eliminating the Dictator of Life?"
Delete his data, rework his data...

"Since I got to know Sunshine and Kenshin, I don't see them as NPCs. So I can't treat the Dictator of Life as just another NPC."
Heeeeeeeeeee! :D

Aaaaah, cute splash page! ♥ For some reason, Gui looks even more elfy here. *thinks about it* Is he an elf here, or is he the demon race here?

"I'll be treating it as if I was taking the life of another when I confront him."
Eeeeeeee! :D

Haha! When Lan calls Sunshine and Kenshin, Arctic Fox is right behind! XDDDD

"I want to fight for my future with Sunshine!"
omg~~~~~! jhsfakljdf *is literally making random noises* Cuuuuuuute!

"Then at least I'll know I tried!"

"Arctic Fox, are you aware that Kenshin is an NPC?"
*is totally getting mixed up between the manhua and the novel now. XDD;* I think it would have spread pretty fast.

"Is it possible to set his gender to female and then sell him to me?"
*DIES. LAUGHING.* I couldn't breathe.

"That way I won't need to find a sparring partner and a girlfriend seperately."
omg. XDD;
Oh jeez, Kenshin would be pissed if Lan allowed this!

So. Plotbunny for when Lan tries to warn Kenshin away! XDDDD

"The Dictator of Life sent masses of NPCs to Infinite City!"
:O Aaaaah!

O_____o;; Wow.

Ming-Bin looks taller now.

Doll! D:

*blink* Caellus did it?

"Why create an NPC that looks so much like Doll, and then thrash her around?"
...*wince* Uh oh.

The Dictator of Life made her for him.

Woooo! Go Doll! XDD

"Doesn't he like it when I slap him? That's why I did it..."
Looks like Caellus can apply for domestic violence restraining order

So there isn't that many NPCs with self-awareness. Yet?

Four heavenly kings. So, essentially his four generals then?

...Woah, okay. Totally was not expecting him.

D: Doll's going to get kidnapped again?

*blink blink* The DoL wants to deal with Lan personally? Huh. Because of Kenshin and Sunshine?

"Caellus, why don't you stay here instead?"

*laughs at Caellus going with whatever Doll wants*

Oooooh, new translations of Yu Wo's other work...

fandom: eclipse hunter, general: obsessing, fandom: 1/2 prince

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