(no subject)

Apr 20, 2011 15:13

Ahahaha! Remember how I said a while ago that Marland may not actually be that old in comparison to his own race and that Marland may actually still be growing? Did a bit of thinking and came to the conclusion that Marland's a runt because he's not been eating the right food! XDD Is his race supposed to be eight feet tall or something??

*snerk* There are two phones in the office. The one I'm used to hearing ringing, you need to press the green button to actually pick up; I'd just gotten used to that when the other phone rang and guess what? You just need to lift it off the charger to pick up. ^ ^; Cue a couple of seconds silence as I waited to see if the phone'll continue to ring (as I also tried to find the right button to press) and then me fumbling with the greeting. XD;;

But I did actually talk to someone not connected to the service on the phone! And then failed at giving information. XDD;; I completely forgot what my job was because what she was asking about? That was exactly what I was supposed to do on the phone. *headdesk* Ooooops... (The administrator wasn't bothered though, since I'd directed her to the website and told her to phone back tomorrow, so, I didn't do too badly. *snerk*)

It was a pretty quiet day. :3 Yey!

original: searching, general: volunteering, fandom: original fiction

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