(no subject)

Apr 22, 2011 23:03

So, now I'm wondering if human!Marland is actually asexual. I mean, he has issues, but I actually don't know what they are so the way he is at the moment could be because of the issues or because he's asexual, or he has issues because he's asexual, or he has issues and is asexual. XDD; All I really know for a fact is that he isn't used to touch, which doesn't mean anything.

He's interested in Shodin, but not interested in sex. Which makes him a whole lot more interesting to me now, and I kinda wanna poke around in that 'verse, see what Shodin makes of it, see what they do with each other. Which would then mean actually thinking properly about this 'verse, rather than writing whatever comes to mind or what I want to happen. (Not to mention, I wanna get rid of the forehead poking, because that really isn't Marland. XDD;; And possibly the purple prosey stuff at the end of the first part. Though that was sort of the point of the exercise?)

Apart from the fact I have no idea what would happen later, though I guess the source of Shodin's memory loss isn't so important anymore, and there's no magic either, so yeah. On the other hand, does it really matter that it doesn't follow Searching - it is a romance AU for a reason. XD So I could just write the scenes I want to still, without them needing to lead anywhere.

Dragonhybrid!Marland is also asexual, but that's more circumstantial since he's well, the only dragon hybrid thing living in a human world where the majority of humans are either terrified of him and/or try to kill him. =/ He's really not going to want to do anything with them apart from run and hide.

*snerk* Stuff in Trail is going all over the place from what I'd planned. XDD;; Like the name stuff. There's also something that I wanted to happen for the lulz, but it involves a slip of memory from Frankenstein, and I'm not sure if that'd happen, but the alternatives that Frankenstein has aren't better, so it's sort of justified.

original: searching: romance au, original: searching, fandom: noblesse, general: asexuality, fanfic: trail, writing, fandom: original fiction

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