(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 07:39

Woo! New Noblesse chapter! :D :D

These look really high def?

Hm. So who's going to take over from Gejutel? Regis?

"The Lord has been scarred by the old incident."
Hmmm~? Ah, okay.

Right. Big-guy is called Kaye.

Ha! Seira finds out Regis has come back! :D

...Rael, I have a feeling Seira might hit you if you keep continuing on like that.

D: She does not look happy.

"I accidently overheard your conversation."

*grins* Back to the group. And Regis doesn't look too pleased.

*Stares at Takio's hair when Frankenstein said that Rai didn't want his presence revealed*
Pfft. That's a lot of gel.

Pffthaha. XDD;; When Regis walks off, the trio look evil. XDD;;

*raise eyebrows* So Gejutel is more loyal to Rai then?


Ha! Knew she's break herself out!

Awesome pose Seira! :D :D


D: D:! Nooooooo~ Need to wait for another week!

I may decide to try the whole 'five-hundred words for Searching; five-hundred words for another fic' thing again, because someone keeps prodding at my plotbunnies. :P

fandom: noblesse

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