(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 07:30

So, answered half of the comments for the yuletide fics, and note to self: next time I'm doing something like this, where I can't answer comments straight away, make a document and answer them in there, because I feel bad/awkward pretty much saying only 'thank you!' when their comment made me so happy when I first recieved it. I'm sure there were extra things I wanted to say to them, but I can't remember what they are now. D:

That is a niiiice sword in the splash page.

I do like how we're being given the description of the Death Knight. :3

*stares at the chibi-Death Knight* Wow, nice trousers.

"The Death Lord possesses the abilities of a high level necromancer. Besides raising an army of the dead, he can cast all kinds of buffs on his undead army."
Wow... That's unstopable.

Earth has a little pony-tail! *flails*

*vein twitch* Get that evil smirk off your face!

Frost really does have a lot of glittering accessories on him. XDD

Ahahaha! Frost's 'met a strong opponent' expression... is no different from his regular one. XDD His eyes are maybe slightly narrower in the 'stronger opponent' expression?

XDD Ahaha~ at Sun trying and failing to buff Frost's sword.

*explanation for Holy Blessing*

That is a really nice ornate bow. :3

Leaf can fire five arrows in ten seconds, all accurate. ... o_____o;; *counts them off* omg.

*snickers at Sun bleeding all over Leaf's arrows.* XDD

Hmm. So the manhua's using Creus as Sun's first name and Grisia is his first name in the novel. Hmmmm~ What one do I uuuuse? Creus to me sounds more following the fantasy tone, but I like Grisia too!

*snickers at Sun realising the blood's all his*

*wince at the blood stain*

*flails* Judgement! Eeeeee!

Aaaah! Leaf's so worried for Sun! Hair-on-end cat tail! And his face when the door's been shut! Eeeee!

I know I've taken Judgement's first name down (Liethe) before, but I can't remember if I've done that for what it is in the novel.

Chapter 5
Yeeeeey, coloured picture of Sun and Judgement!

I wonder if that person's Pink. Nah, shouldn't be. I've probably got the wrong gender (and huh, they've got the dragon thing insignia on their chest)

And the next coloured picture. The ponytail says Earth, or is it Roland?

Oh cool, they give an overview of the characters, what they're supposed to be like and how they actually are. Awesome!

Judgement: An older-brother type who's adept at taking care of others
Eeeeeeeeeeeee! *flails* omg omg omg, this is making me wanna fic him more! Eeeeee!

Frost: a housewife type - gentle and loves to cook.
Fffffffuahahaha! I hadn't realised that from when he was cooking the jam and stuff for Sun!

I don't agree with Storm being a workaholic though - he's just been foisted with all the work because he has to keep up his appearance of being a slacker.

Ahahaha! okay, I love how they actually showed Sun's 'tortoise walk' the way the did here. Eeeee! It's so surprised!

Yeah, the lines are sharper now and everything isn't as sparkly as it used to be.

Yeah, the person at the start wasn't - oh! Oh! *flails* Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! *goes to look again at the coloured pair* *grins so damn wide* It iiiiiiis! omg I can't wait! Eeeeeeee! And I'd even noted - anyway. Eeeeeeeee!

"He sustained a lot of injuries, meaning he'd been tortured for a long time."
*wince* I wonder why.

Can't I just huge this cake cushion and sleep?
Awwwww. XDD

Aww, that's a nice happy smile Sun has after Pink said she'd protect him.

You think I won't... get Judgement to beat you to a pulp?

*snerk at Sun* 'How are you taking so long to kill him??'

Hee. Sun has kicking skills too!

"He's a sword mage!"
*cracks up* *remembers what happens later* *cracks up even more* XDD

And Sun is heavily injured again. XD Ah, poor him.

Aaaaah! The knight spying the blood that Sun's leaving behind! So cute!

XDD Sun really can't catch a break, can he?

fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, writing: yuletide

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