(no subject)

Jan 03, 2011 17:25

DDD: Gaaaah, I want sleeeep. Been trying for the past three hours but it's just not happening. Hopefully tonight I'll get some decent sleep.

So. Memes!

Total number of stories: 38 one-shots, 4 multi-part fics, 1 continuation from last year (with one attempt to get back to writing back in that universe), 1 huuuuuge original fiction and 1 original one-shot. O_____o;;

Total Word Count: 45,803 words of fanfic. o_____o;; 78,251 words of original fic. 124,054 words altogether. OMG. (I'd missed one original fic yesterday. Yeah. omg)

Fandoms Written In: 1/2 Prince, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, .hack, Storm Hawks, Avatar, Noblesse, Original fiction, The Legend of Sun Knight, Misfits, Yoroshiku Master, How to Train Your Dragon, Tegami Bachi. (13, wow.)

Leitmotif(s) of the year: What Measure is a Non-Human, memory, not understanding something due to being an outsider, being an outsider, questions, learning about the world. (These pretty much encompass all of my Kenshin and Sunshine fic, as well as Searching. I know there's more, like in the light-hearted fics, but they're not as obvious as these ones)

Favorite fic: O____o Uuuuh... Can't choose just the one! Too many!

Step by Little Step, because it's a long fic focusing on helping Sunshine and Kenshin, with understanding the player world and just with helping them in general.

Bookshop, because it features Kenshin buying Rurouni Kenshin manga. XDD

Searching, because it features a dragon-hybrid-thing, memory problems, developing a close friendship when the person's been alone for a large chunk of their life, and I care for the characters so much. *hugs it*

Late Nights, because I like how flowing it is, and I really like the centre bit about the photoshoot. I was able to put in a lot of different things that I'd been wanting to write in the one fic. :3 Also, no wasted scenes.

Missing, because I really like how the humour is in this one. X3

Never Give Up, because I like the different tone in it, his mum's letter, the hope that's in it. :3

Called, because I like how the relationship is here and Rihito's thoughts after the reins are gone.

Best fic: DDD: *points up*

Most popular fic: If we're going by reviews and hits, that'd be Wait. In over a week, it's already surpassed a lot of my other fics in both hits and reviews that have been around for much longer.

Most underappreciated fic: Late Nights, I guess. 1/2 Prince doesn't have much readership in general. :P

Favorite first lines: Nearly everything about Sun was contradictory, Judgement knew. (Contradiction)

Gui Wen paced his bedroom, hands fluttering to his shirt buttons, making sure they were still in place and aligned properly. (Preparation)

After they had made sure that Hiccup wasn't going to die from shock or blood loss, Toothless never willingly left Hiccup's side. (Wait)

Okay, so she had a free hour between classes, her brother was off in the library, frantically trying to finish the readings for Chinese Literature, and Jing and Yun were in another tutorial class for Modern Chinese and Composition, so they weren't even in university yet. (Research)

Most fun fic: Missing. XDD

Sexiest fic: Dreams. The only one where I tried to write any kind of sex.

Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Called. 8D Loved Rihito so much more once I took notes and started writing this.

New pairing/genre/fandom you never predicted writing in January: Pairings in general. XDD My genres are pretty similar to what I wrote last year. I never thought I'd be writing for a fandom like Misfits. I didn't think I'd be able to win NaNo!

Hardest fic to write: Hmm. Progression, because I didn't have a voice to base on Rai's characterisation. Late Nights to begin with, because I was trying too hard to input the pairing.

Biggest disappointment: Not being able to continue with Fullmetal Ninja. But it's been dropped now, so I won't be feeling guilty next year. XDD

Biggest surprise: Participating and winning NaNo. 8D

Most telling fic: Searching? I pretty much put in all my loves into this (and then I'll be putting the rest of them into the master and slave original fic for this year's NaNo 8D)

What's next? Finishing Searching, finishing Reset, doing that extra chapter for Potion.

No, really, what's next? I will be finishing Searching. *determined face* Should only be about another 20k-30k? I hope

Take the first lines of the last twenty stories you're written. See if there are any patterns.

1. "All right!" Yun cheered, arms high above his head. ( Bookshop)

2. Everything had changed; the world that he was used to no longer existed. (Progression)

3. "Moron!" the player roared. (Reaction)

4. Heartless Wind seemed happy, Sunshine noted. (Talk)

5. Russell had always wanted to fly. (Want)

6. "Hmm?" (Potion)

7. The scorpion in front of Doll was about waist height, its scales a mottled grey. (Learn)

8. The air around him was different from what Kenshin was used to. (Reimage)

9. Nearly everything about Sun was contradictory, Judgement knew. ( Contradiction)

10. The rain wasn't enough to cover the stench of blood. (Searching)

11. Lan glared at the file in her hand before glancing at the headset on her bedside table. (Late Nights)

12. Kelly stared at Simon, eyebrows up and her head tilted down slightly. (Regular Day)

13. "Hey, do you know what other superpower that's really common that we haven't seen yet?" (Warmth)

14. Nathan's back hit the mattress with a thump and he grinned up at Simon's intense blue eyes as his hips were straddled. (Dreams)

15. Gui Wen paced his bedroom, hands fluttering to his shirt buttons, making sure they were still in place and aligned properly. (Preparation)

16. "Lolidragon! Watch out!" ( Honour)

17. "Reindeer…" Daisuke said slowly, his eyes narrowed. (Normalcy)

18. Lan really wasn't sure if she should be on Second Life at that particular moment. (Help)

19. "Ugh. Finally." (Status Effect)

20. After they had made sure that Hiccup wasn't going to die from shock or blood loss, Toothless never willingly left Hiccup's side. (Wait)

7 start with dialogue. I like the later ones better as first lines (from 17 onwards, barring 19) but I do like 9 and 15 as well. Yey for varying lengths! :3

1. Choose a few one of your own characters.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!
4. Then tag three people.

So this is Marland mid-Searching because one of the questions later on... Yeeeah.

What is your name?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
... I don't think so?

How old are you?
Mid-twenties. Maybe. Different years on a different world and not knowing your own age in comparison doesn't help.

What’s your height?
Taller than the average human when not even standing upright.

Are you a virgin?

Who’s your mate/spouse?
*self-deprecating snort* Right.

Do you have any kids?

What’s your favorite food?
Don't have one.

Have you killed anyone?

Do you hate anyone?
Hate anyone? No.

Have any secrets?
*blank stare* And I'd be telling you... why?

Do you love anyone?

What is your job?
I'm a hunter - I hunt and kill Others that make it through the portals.

Boy or girl?
... What?

What do you do to relax?
Sketch. Go somewhere up high that's out of view from anyone else.

There’s a person who’s teasing you; what could you do?
They wouldn't be teasing me; they'd be trying to kill me. Oh, Shodin. Uh, I... don't know. I'd just get out of there.

Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/ he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?
Why would they need to know? And I don't have anyone I care about anyway.

What are your bad habits?
Jumping to conclusions when it's something concerning Shodin.

XDD Marland didn't say very much.

And now Ronthar from before he ended up on Torpin, because you'd just have 'I don't know' from Shodin all the time. XDD Puzz... Ahaha~

What is your name?
Ronther Sparson

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have one older brother.

How old are you?
I'm in my mid-twenties.

What’s your height?
Average height. *shrug*

Are you a virgin?

Who’s your mate/spouse?
I don't have one.

Do you have any kids?
? No goats, no.

What’s your favorite food?
Chicken and pork.

Have you killed anyone?
Yes, a few people. They were trying to kill me while we were travelling.

Do you hate anyone?

Have any secrets?
*amused stare* I wouldn't be telling you.

Do you love anyone?
My family and Fion.

What is your job?
I don't have one. We travelled to Brin to explore the world away from Wastrith. We weren't able to find anything interesting however.

Boy or girl?
I... don't understand the question?

What do you do to relax?
We go for walks through the forest, exploring places we haven't been to before.

There’s a person who’s teasing you; what could you do?
Tease them back along the same vein.

Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/ he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?
If I thought there was a chance that they might reciprocate my feelings, than I would sit them down and tell them. If I didn't, then Fion would be badgering me to talk to them until I did anyway. *wry smile* If I thought there wasn't a chance, then I wouldn't tell them. But Fion would keep trying to get me to talk with them again, just to make sure. So in the end, I would do the same thing.

What are your bad habits?
Being entirely too fascinated by something new that I don't notice something coming up behind us. This... has happened a few times.

Ronthar surprisingly didn't say that much either. But I guess I was expecting Shodin-like answers so that's probably why. XDD;;

original: searching, general: sleep, general: meme, writing, fandom: original fiction

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