(no subject)

Jan 03, 2011 00:57

Okay, so the stuff I wrote in 2010 meme!

New (1/2 Prince, 505 words)
This was written as a yuletide treat for lucathia_rykatu. X3 This is a slight cheat, because I didn't know whether to include this in last year's meme, because it was posted in January, not December, and I'm all about things being in order. XDD;

One of my first proper attempts at writing romance. That 'too' keeps bugging me, but I can never be bothered changing it. *headdesk*

So I was attempting to write some Fairsky/Sunshine, which I don't think turned out too well. XD; There was at least one other Fairsky/Sunshine idea I wanted to write but I never did.

I remember I did a fair bit of scene shuffling while editing this.

I think this only covered a couple of days? That's what I thought how long it was in between... some canon happenings. I can't remember what. Fairsky running away with Sunshine running after her and Fairsky announcing she loved Fairsky. I'd probably read it wrong though, plus, they were touring for at least two weeks! So, yeah. XDD;;

*headtilt* I thought I'd given myself a NYR to write one-hundred words per week? Oh. Right. Honours project. XDD

Conversation (1/2 Prince, 158 words)
I'd been putting off reading new chapters of the 1/2 Prince manhua because of uni work, and I got prodded back to reading it again. Cue obsession levels crashing back up as Arctic Fox gets introduced in those chapters. XDD

There is far too much 'staring' in this oneshot.

I don't think I knew how to end this, so I just have Lan leaving. XDD

Technically not a bad gap this time, because I'd written Conversation at the end of the month.

Emulate (1/2 Prince, 132 words)
XDD These word counts look to tiny! (I was looking through last year's meme, and I was like, these word counts are so large! And they're mostly 2k. XDD This will be interesting to compare)

So I was working on Changes at this point, which led me to reviewing canon a bit. So while doing that, I ended up getting new plotbunnies. XDD

It's always weird writting Kenshin pre-meeting Lan, because I don't know how he should be refering to himself. =/

Changes (1/2 Prince, 4,280 words)
Eeee, first long-fic of the year!
And this sounds so awkward. XDD Writing him without contractions was intentional, but it's so... robotic. Which is the point. But the scenes are a little too short and abrupt. Which is also the point. XDD And I couldn't use 'Kenshin' here either, so it was all 'he', 'he', 'he'. XDD The lack of contractions seems to slow things down though.

So much messing about with memory stuff in this one!

Yeah, Kenshin went through so many changes between the scenes at the start, and I'd wanted to show the changes in his clothing too, but Kenshin didn't look, and wouldn't have thought anything was out of the ordinary anyway.

I'd been complaining that I didn't know how Kenshin and Sunshine would have known/discovered their quest chains, unless someone came up to them and told them. Which looks like that's what actually happened to them in canon. XD

Oh yeah, this was where I tried to explain Kenshin's scar. XDD

When I'd been going back and forth between whether to put this into two parts or keep it as one, I was going to end the first chapter where the physical changes to Kenshin had finalised to the Kenshin we first met. But then the second chapter didn't make sense by itself. I'd sort of wanted an outer change in the first chapter, then an inner change in the next chapter, so they matched but that didn't happen, so I posted it as the one one-shot.

Oooo, trying to write emotions for Kenshin when I didn't think he knew what they were was hard. It got me thinking about how to show stuff though.

I had so many OC names for this and I tried to make sure they were all distinct from each other. I realised later that they were all humans later on, which was something I tried to mix up in my later fics. :3

All That Glitters (1/2 Prince, 467 words)
Pretty much summed up by my end-note: A fic describing the ocean. XDD

After all that stuff about Kenshin, I'd done a lot of re-reading to see if I was missing anything or whatever, and this plotbunny just wanted me to explore Kenshin's thoughts about this.

Fullmetal Ninja [extra] (Fullmetal Alchemist/Naruto crossover, 782 words)
So this was me trying to get back into writing Fullmetal Ninja again.

Hmm. I wonder if Iruka would have introduced himself as Iruka-sensei, which is then what Ed and Al think is his name...

Huh. I was actually quite good here with using the senses.

XDD No fic for over a month. Honours project ate my life.

Research (1/2 Prince/.hack crossover, 515 words)
Does this really count as a crossover? It's canon that they exist in the same universe. XDD

I had fun writing Lan's reaction to the forum posts. But I didn't have fun trying to figure out how to show the move in technology because it's been one-hundred years, so things had to be different! How different? ... Why do think it's really vague? XDD

Communication (Storm Hawks, 909 words)
Zombie apocalypse! XDD ravenspear had started a zombie apocalypse meme at that point, and I knew that Storm Hawks wouldn't be prompted, but I still ended up developing an idea for it. :3

It was different from my usual tone of fic, which I liked. Trying out now things! Woo!

I had fun trying to see if I could change the font for this fic. XDD

... Ahaha! Stork's ears go down in this! My like for using ears to show expression is showing here!

Dreaming (Avatar, 549 words)
*facepalm* Next time I decide to write fic for a movie, make sure I watch the rest of it before I fic for it. The voice is good, but the content... not so much. :P

Step by Little Step (1/2 Prince, 4,895 words)
O____o Oh, right! I'd lost the internet for a couple of days.

Yeah, I think at this point in the manhua that had been done, Kenshin and Sunshine were sort of getting ignored by Lan so I felt bad for them. So friendship!fic with Lolidragon! :D

I think it was this fic where I realised that it was a lot easier for me to keep going if I wrote shorter scnes rather than having a really long one. Or I started to understand to not write the boring stuff, and just write the stuff of interest.

I think I'm really bad at writing Lan from an outsider's pov. Notice she doesn't say much in here when she first comes in. XDD

XD Me describing the city near the end. That's just me taking a lot of it from Undercity from WoW.

Pet (Storm Hawks, 181 words)
XDD Zombie pet! So my mind was still stuck on the zombie writing and just popped up with this. I had to go try and find what Junko normally called his pets (I had something completely different, related to something else).

Pet [chapter 2] (Storm Hawks, 325 words)
XDD I find writing humour a lot easier, and since the first one was so small anyway, I could feel fine continuing it with a small chapter.

*snickers* Love Stork going into theatrics.

I have/had a couple of ideas of how to continue with this, but... I guess I got distracted.

Assessment (1/2 Prince, 366 words)
XD I think I was writing something else when I got this idea?

Or I was re-reading the manhua and decided to write from Arctic Fox's pov.

I love writing dramatic irony, but I don't think I've written that much recently?

Bookshop (1/2 Prince, 1,293 words)
A prompt from lucathia_rykatu

I realised/found out later that Jun and Jing are writers, so they would have tried to fill the bookstore with their own books too (which was canon). *facepalm*

But it features Kenshin buying Rurouni Kenshin manga so I'm happy. XDD

Sneak (1/2 Prince, 1,173 words)
I was trying to see if I could write fic that wasn't solely focused on Kenshin. XD And I wanted to write a fight. Ta-da! Also tried to put in more description than I normally did (i.e. none).

Dragon! It's taken me this long to input a dragon into a fic! XD I can't believe it.

...I forgot I'd written this ending! XDD;;

Job Expectations (1/2 Prince, 268 words)
I got this plotbunny while writing Late Nights. I'm not exactly sure how, but I think I was re-reading the manhua. Maybe.

I remember I was writing this at the conference I was helping out at.

Hee. Playing with Arctic Fox's head. X3 Poor him.

Fullmetal Ninja [chapter 12] (Fullmetal Ninja/Naruto, 2,828 words)
*cough* Yeah, I'd been sitting on this for over a year. Not exactly sure why. I think I lost contact with my beta-reader and then uni started up all over again.

Ed and Al talking. :P

Sing (1/2 Prince, 626 words)
XDD I had so much fun thinking up the OC's names here! ForTheWin and Elohel!

Level Up (1/2 Prince, 747 words)
X3 I must have started modding halfprince_fics again at this point. Written for the 'level up' prompt there.

XD Heh. Dragon hybrid thing OC! My attempt to write something which wasn't a human avatar.

I always like exploring how different Sunshine and Kenshin percieve their world.

Beginnings (1/2 Prince, 648 words)
XD Here's the 'explore' prompt. So I was trying to write fics that didn't feature Arctic Fox or Kenshin. I failed fairly soon, but I think Late Nights made up for it. X3

I liked being in his head for this one. :3

Progression (Noblesse, 122 words)
Noblesse fic! I was desperate to write something for this manhwa, but I didn't have any idea what about. :( I'd learned my lesson from Dreaming, so I didn't try to input any thoughts that hadn't been there before. Which was then really difficult because Rai just doesn't talk very much. XDD

Reaction (1/2 Prince, 323 words)
XD This one came from checking for Job Expectations. I wanted to explore why Kenshin pk'd them all from hearing the PC saying that. *grins* Sorta failed though. XD;;

Emulate [chapter 2] (1/2 Prince, 284 words)
This idea had been given to me before I'd finished uni, yet it took me this long to write it. XDD

Again, proding at Kenshin's understanding of stuff.

Talk (1/2 Prince, 523 words)
8D This must have been right after we found out Yang Ming had confessed to Lolidragon. I was laughing so hard when Lolidragon came in later, saying that he'd told Sunshine of all people. It had to be fic'ed about. :D

And then other people kept wandering in too. I just thought it was going to be only Yang Ming and Sunshine in this one. XD

Want (Original fiction, 3,178 words)
It was writing this that made me realise that NaNo might actually be possible for me to do, because I was able to write 3k in the space of a day (though it took me another couple of hours to type it up. :P) I was also feeling very 'grr' at that moment, which is why it ends in the way that it does.

I'd been talking with my boyfriend and this just sort of came to me in a way that it just had to be written because it wouldn't stop bugging me.

Not much really happens in this. I was trying to show the development of 'definite no', to 'maybe no', to 'it won't be bad if I just tried, right?' but it just seemed like I was repeating things over and over again. I really should have showed Russel at work, but I just wanted to get to the end and y'know, developing him as a character or showing the growing of the obsession was secondary. :P

Potion (1/2 Prince, 729 words)
X3 Written for the 'potion' prompt on halfprince_fics. This was the first thing I'd written with the Write or Die program, and it was interesting; I wrote more description when I was using it, and a bit more action of what Sunshine was doing.

X3 I take so much stuff from WoW.

:3 You can also buy alcoholic drinks in WoW, so I think that's where the ending of this came from too.

Learn (1/2 Prince, 385 words)
Yeah, I got this idea while trying to think of a prompt for halfprince_fics. It was a lot funnier in my head. XD;; Was trying out putting in more description again. I don't think it stuck.

Hm. Must've also been exploring how magic feels in Second Life.

Reimage (1/2 Prince, 552 words)
Written for the 'clothes' prompt on halfprince_fics. O___o I don't remember making that into a prompt.

It's really just a re-telling of a scene from Kenshin's pov. And then having fun at seeing Lan pull out all the clothes from her tiny pouch. XD

Yeeeah, I didn't know how to end this one.

Not much written in October, because I was planning, planning, planning and reading for NaNo. X3 How long is this bit alone going to take? XDD

Contradiction (The Legend of Sun Knight, 565 words)
A prompt from lucathia_rykatu

Eeeeee! LSK fic! Shippiness between Sun and Judgement because, well, I ship them. XDD;;

How bad is it that, for a start, it took me a really long to realise that Torpin is a really easy place to crossover with, and I only realised recently that Searching is yet another crossover. Well, you know. It treats it like a crossover. ... Anyway. XDD *dives right back in.*

Searching (Original fiction, 2,736 words)
A dragon-hybrid-thing living in a world where random portals open up and dump beings and things from other worlds! \o/ I love the fact that I was able to write this for NaNo!

So, the first thing I notice: I never actually said that this was happening at night. *facepalm* Since I knew Marland was going to be nocturnal for a long time, my head filled this in, but I didn't realise that I hadn't put that in the text. Whoops.

I did like making up the Others for this verse. X3

I don't make it clear what kind of wings Marland has, but I think I justified it, thinking that Marland wouldn't think about his wings that closely. Saying that, I'll probably be adding something about the light filtering through the wings anyway or something. If I ever get to editing this. XD

I think I had Marland being very isolated from human contact at the start. Which he was, but I don't think he should be this bad. Maybe? He didn't spend that much time with humans, and they didn't exactly sit with him to explain what 'goosebumps' were, or the differences between smiles. So he had a lot of trouble understanding what kind of smile Shodin was doing.

So the reason why Marland's kinda insistent about going for 'man' instead of 'human' is because, well, he's been refered to as 'Other' for half his life so he's got a thing for names (same reasoning for Puzz), so it's a slightly better thing to call him that rather than by species.

*snerk* Had a small line about Shodin's scent marking the room because Marland was going to have a good sense of smell as well, but I scrapped that because I was already saying what Marland was seeing, what his ears were doing, possibly a bit of his body language. Going into what he's smelling? Bit of overkill and much listing by that point. XD

Marland keeps worrying about his neighbours, but they never make an appearance. XDD

In my original plan, Shodin got named a whooole lot later. I think after Marland went shopping.

Hee. I do like playing with Marland's expectations. And making him panic. XDD

Searching [part 2] (original fiction, 1,902 words)

:P This conversation about trust is pretty abrupt. Hm. Maybe? Probably best to input thoughts or something.

And then the info-dumping. XD;

*grins at the 'are you trying to make me not trust you?' line*

I was trying to tone down Marland's language at the start. I eventually gave up later and just let him swear how he wanted. XD

I guess it's a good thing that Shodin's asking questions, because then the reader gets to find out too. X3

This conversation is kinda quick-fire. Wow.

And then Puzz jumps in! -to the conversation. XD It was good practice for me trying to show how Puzz was different from Shodin in terms of body language and speech. Originally, it was meant to be that Puzz didn't use contractions, but then it changed to being more child-like and while simplistic, very stubborn and focused.

Searching [part 3] (original fiction, 3,179 words)
I was already getting tired of writing 'the possessor' all over the place. XD

Puzz is too rational here. XDD

*grins* I already had 'laknur' and I thought this was a good place to stick this in when I came to writing it.

*facepalm* So many questions here! I know, since Shodin's first came into the world, he's gonna have a lot of questions but waaaaa~

So, I had a small worry that people hating Others was an informed thing, and/or that was just Marland's paranoia talking, since the large majority of people that Marland interacted with were friends. And then people tried to run him over. So I wasn't so worried as before. XDD (Yeah, also realised that obviously Marland would be trying his hardest to not be in any contact/sight with people who would try to kill him on sight.)

And then fight scene! \o/ Yeeeey! But I really need to figure out how Marland's magic works. XDD

I enjoyed writing Marland being affected by the poison so much. XD

Searching [Part 4] (original fiction, 2,194 words)
*grins* Also loved writing Laris and Nav interacting with each other. :3

This is where the whining of Marland starts. XDD I thought I'd have to work harder to make Marland trust Shodin, but I guess I just had to have Marland get in a fight and poisoned for it to happen. XDD;

What also starts is the focus on bandaging. The first one didn't count. :P

Searching [part 5] (Original fiction, 1668 words)
I didn't realise just how problematic Marland's wings were until all this. He can't sit on the ground because they're too long, and they get in the way of bandaging. (He also has problems with showering, because I'm not sure if he can fit in the shower the way he stands, which is why he's got a joint shower and bath, to make sure).

And then Marland ruins the quiet-ish moment by saying he'd have killed Shodin if thngs had gone the way he'd expected. *facepalm*

Late Nights (1/2 Prince, 5,623 words)
XDD This took so long getting posted. And the word count no longer looked so impressive to me because of NaNo and I'd already surpassed that with Reset.

Another attempt at writing romance. Sorta failed. It just seemed like it was more like Lan and Gui interacting with each other, rather than Lan developing and realising her feelings, as well as I was more focusing on the 'Gui realising Prince is Lan' part. XD

Someone gave me some crit for this, which I still haven't done anything about. =X

This just longer and longer as I wrote on this. XD Exploring Infinite City probably helped. And scenes just kept on popping out of nowhere. Like the whole photoshoot.

Searching [part 6] (original fiction, 2,716 words)
I did enjoy everything going out of control when Puzz came in, Marland essentially facepalming at it all.

X3 I hadn't thought of using chocolate as painkillers the part after this one. When I thought of it, I was happy to see that I didn't have any overt references to them actually being human medicine.

Searching [part 7] (original fiction, 2,416 words)
Daytime television! XDD I felt like I couldn't give Marland that many hobbies, because they usually involved going out in one way or another. Though TV doesn't interest him that much with the whole 'argh! Sudden attack from an Other!' also factoring into it either.

Reeeally need to tone down Marland's reaction to bright sunlight. XDD;;

The storm was a random event that wasn't something I had planned.

Searching [part 8] (original fiction, 1,669 words)
*blink* I had so much problems with Pai being in this part, because the scene just seemed to drag on and on, and I wanted her leave so I could get moving again, but reading it here now, it doesn't seem like I had problems.

Originally the scene about the chocolate was just going to have Marland giving it to Shodin. But while I was writing it, I decided that that was too... gentle? No conflict! So I had them go through a misunderstanding first. X3

Searching [part 9] (original fiction, 2,640 words)
XD Second bandaging! I liked these because I could sort of use them to show the changes in their relationship. X3

...Oh yeah, I forgot Marland had burned the bandages this time.

Searching [part 10] (original fiction, 2,105 words)
I think it was this part that gave me hope of Marland/Shodin possibly happening, what with how much attention and focus Marland had while bandaging up Shodin.

Two parts focusing on just bandaging. XDD

Searching [part 11] (original fiction, 325 words)
XD I think I had too many questions for Shodin to ask so I couldn't really pick one? Plus, I'd slept in on this day I think.

Searching [part 12] (original fiction, 1,824 words)
So then I just had Shodin stop asking questions. XDD

Marland taking Shodin shopping wasn't meant to happen 'til waaaay later, where I thought they would have to do some more stuff so that Marland would trust Shodin more, but then his assuming nature kicked this forward.

I really wanted to end this part with what it ended with. Except I was something like five-hundred words short or something. So I had to fill the end with lots of description and Marland's thoughts, which really helped to build up the tension. I should remember to do that next time.

I couldn't think of what dates to use, so I just went with, okay, today's the twelfth, so I'll just have the first date being that one. *calculates the rest of the dates* It's only been two days? Bwah?

Searching [part 13] (original fiction, 3,141 words)
*grins* I liked how Kendal turned out. And then I loved the exchange between Hela and Dinnow. This was completely unplanned, but I realised as soon as I started this part that I needed a reason why there'd been a gun cocking in the previous part, so a fifth member was created.

Searching [part 14] (original fiction, 2,862 words)
XD I sorta don't know where Marland's hiding. Well, I do, but I doubt I'm explaining it properly.

The questions Shodin asks here about what happens to the Others' bodies and payment are a little too obvious, aren't they? :P

Searching [part 15] (original fiction, 1,715 words)
*grins* Yey foreshadowing about Shodin being freaked out about using magic!

Also, irony as Marland really can't imagine Shodin not being Shodin. :3

I liked Shodin exploring the headspace while he tried to talk with Puzz; I didn't like trying to explain it. :P

*snerk* Finally Marland takes a shower! It's only been four days and he's been in two fights already.

Searching [part 16] (original fiction, 544 words)
Not much to say about this one, apart from XD Marland's thoughts after Shodin ties his hair back.

Searching [part 17] (original fiction, 1,874 words)
More testing of magic. :3

The first random event of this part was the drunk person coming to the door. It at least helped Shodin collect his thoughts while Marland dealt with him.

The next random event was Puzz showing up in Marland's room. XDD This was entirely unplanned but I liked having Puzz there (though picturing Shodin doing this... yeeeah. XD)

Searching [part 18] (original fiction, 1,722 words)
This was Marland so entirely out of his element. And so fun to write, him so confused.

XD I did love writing the misunderstand about the bed. XDD

Searching [part 19] (original fiction, 2,393 words)
Aaaaah, this conversation really did just go in circles. XDD

Searching [part 20] (original fiction, 3,245 words)
Yessss, here I was finally able to start skipping days with an overal summary! \o/

D: 'another Other'. Gaaaaaah.

At this point I was like, 'okay, every other time they've went outside, they've been attacked by an Other. Let's switch it up.'

And then a car chase! Sorta. :3 Yeeeah, they really don't get much quiet moments when we see them. XDD

I love the exchange they have at the end. They shouldn't be able to have it, with how out of breath they should be, but it was fun writing. XDD;;

Searching [part 21] (original fiction, 1,722 words)
I had Marland not being able to sweat, but then he'd have problems with overheating. Which doesn't explain how he's able to fight earlier if he overheats from overexerting himself. XD;; Well, the wings really do help.

Hee. Exhausted Marland is also a funny thing to hear.

Searching [part 22] (original fiction, 2,671 words)
For this part I thought, 'Do I have to have an Other coming in again?' I already knew that they weren't going to follow it because of the other hunters, but when I tried to take it out, I realised that they wouldn't bump into Kendal, and then they wouldn't bump into Balt so I had to keep it in. And if they didn't bump into Kendal, then the second act would have ended very differently (or I guess that would have been the end of the third act...). If they didn't bump into Balt, well, no second end of the second act either. XDD;

*grins* This is one of the scenes that I'd been wanting to write from the very start, completely blowing the very core of what Marland thought he knew of Shodin out the water. Also because I'd drawn Saisha before, and I wanted to see lucathia_rykatu's reaction to this.

I really liked writing Balt as he was here. He was refreshing to write after the dark thoughts from Marland.

Searching [part 23] (original fiction, 2,887 words)
Passed the 50k mark on the 22nd! \o/

I changed the technology on Torpin slightly so it's behind ours, because well, photoshop could easily make photos look real which would have then invalidated this entire realisation.

Aaaah, Marland back to jumping to conclusions again, but these are totally justified. :( The swearing went up in this chapter, which is understandable. XDD

Searching [part 24] (original fiction, 1,026 words)
So once I'd hit 50k, I stopped working so hard. Also, I started attempting to get my sleeping patterns back in order.

And again, bandaging! XDD Like I said, I liked using these to show the changes in the relationship.

Searching [part 25] (original fiction, 1,089 words)
At some point, Marland was supposed to ask what was up with Shodin's speech. Because no-one talks like that on Torpin, not in the city where Marland lives. And then they were to come to the conclusion that it most probably had something to do with Puzz being in Shodin's head. But I guess Marland's just assuming that Shodin came from another country or something.

They were also supposed to wonder if Puzz had something to do with Shodin's memory problems, like, while Puzz was inhabiting Shodin's head, was he taking residence in Shodin's memories so Shodin couldn't access them?

Marland's getting all hopeful at meeting someone who could be pretty damn friendly with him. I am so, so sorry, Marland.

Searching [part 26] (original fiction, 1,442 words)
I... was a little obvious with the 'projects' wasn't I? Maybe I should have said they were busy. XD

The conversation between Marland and Balt was another thing I'd been anticipating a lot too. :3 Because I was breaking another assumption of Marland's. I really am mean to him, amn't I?

I think it was around this point that I realised Marland's catchphrase seemed to be 'what?' XDD But it's not exactly his fault people don't react how he expects them to!

I'd originally planned to have Balt tell Marland that Shodin had been getting flashes of memory back as well, increasing the chance that Ronthar would eventually supersede Shodin, but Marland would definitely confront Shodin about that, and then the lie would have been found out, so I took it out.

The other reason why I had this conversation was so that Balt could find out that Marland had magic. :3

Searching [part 27] (original fiction, 1,419 words)
Huh, I'd posted twice in the same day.

And Marland's all hopeful that Shodin'll surprise him if/when he gets him memories back. Erk.

This conversation about how Balt got their phone number wasn't planned. Shodin realised it for me while I was writing this. XDD;;

So, using 2582 to find out the number of the person who just called you on Torpin. Here in Scotland, we use 1471. Yep, no imagination. XDD All that set up for some really suspicious happens, and there's a really simple answer for it. XDD

Searching [part 28] (original fiction, 1,158 words)
And then I missed a day. XDD

I think this is the first fight that we get to that we start in the middle of. And there's some tentacley things. I'd just been on
uss_spambot's journal so that's where I picked some of the inspration for that. Also, none of the recent Others had been that other-world-y, so I decided to do something about it.

Searching [part 29] (original fiction, 1,968 words)
*grins* I guess it'd been snowing for a couple of days now here, and I was being affected by it. Because I just wanted to use this experience in the novel before I forgot what it was like when it snowed (and then the damn snow didn't stop gah)

I tried to take out the references to our months, just going for 'start of the year', 'middle of the year', but I missed one. Ah well.

Of course I couldn't make it a good thing! I needed to give Marland something to be unhappy and grumpy about! *cough*

It still ended up pretty fluffy in terms of Marland's perception of it, not that he ever said it out loud. X3 Shodin most probably recognised it anyway.

Searching [part 30] (Original fiction, 833 words)
Other reindeer! XDDD I'd also realised that I hadn't been having a lot of the Others having magic, so that's why this one can throw shadow balls.

I realised at this point that Marland telling Balt he had magic could have been moot anyway, because if Balt didn't know, he would have still sent people to pick up Shodin, and they would have seen the fight and Marland using magic. But I like the conversation. So. :3

Searching [part 31] (original fiction, 6,397 words)
I realised at some point that I really wanted this to be finished sooner rather than later, so I started picking up the pace again.

Again, I liked writing this Balt, because he wasn't a character that I'd really written before. :3

I absolutely adore that Marland's okay enough with Shodin by now that he can have sarcastic dry humour with him, even with the situation they're in. Except I knew what was coming next. D:

I also love how Marland deals with Shodin's guilt. X3 'I don't care you think it's your fault; I just care about getting out of here. Helping?'

There's magic here. So of course I'd try to put in a magic circle of some sort. X3 Not very original.

And then Marland has enough presense of mind to well, tease Shodin near the end! Gaaaaah.

The ending of this part was another bit that I really wanted to write.

Searching [part 32] (original fiction, 9,564 words)
And then Marland doesn't react to the fact that he's lost his best friend and that he'd been informed that said ex-friend hated Others, so would probably be trying to kill him. At least, he didn't react in the way I expected him to. He essentially just stopped thinking for the next couple of scenes/days. Which was reasonable. He also didn't think or question anything, like, you know, how did Shodin get him memories back. *facepalm*

XD So yeah, I tried to make sure that Shodin was distinctive from Puzz, and that Ronthar was distinctive from them, though he'd obviously be showing echoes of Shodin.

These scenes actually made my heart hurt writing these. D: Because - just - Marlaaaaand. I'm pretty much destroying him here even further.

Having Ronthar repeat the line that Shodin had said at the start wasn't planned, but, well, Marland was kinda asking for it.

I really should have added some thoughts about when Marland looked away, he'd been trying to find something to tie the guard up with. But even then, if he got hold of the controllers again, Marland would have been back where he started.

There's another reason why Ronthar was hesitating, other than wanting to get Fion back: they've just reconciled, and a couple of minutes later, they can escape? That's just a tiny bit suspicious. I thought about putting that in, but idunno, it felt like I was putting too many thoughts into Ronthar's mouth? At least it did to me then. But he knows how bad Marland is at lying so he went with him XDD

Of course I'd have them coming out in the daytime! *snerk*

It was after I'd written about Marland getting stitched up that I realised that I had something that I could use that Ronthar still had some residual memory of being Shodin in his head. :3

I hadn't realised that Marland hadn't introduced Shodin to Kendal, until Kendal sort of just blinked at them in my head. XDD

... Yeah, I really don't think Marland would fit very well in a regular-sized van. *facepalm*

I really hate having too many people in the one scene, which is why Gahn took off. :P

By this point, I was too hyped by wanting to write for yuletide so I just churned out the last couple of hundred words and then attempted to start of yuletide fics.

Regular Day (Misfits, 348 words)
Written for ravenspear as a christmas gift. The prompt was 'Simon and Kelly being awesome together'. :3 This was fun to write. This was also more like a prelude to them being awesome, but it has them both being themselves, so yey~

Regular Day [part 2] (Misfits, 290 words)
Nathan then promptly took the focus away from them, but that's pretty much him all over isn't it? Attempting to get anything remotely sounding like what Nathan says is really, really hard!

Warmth (Misfits, 308 words)
A fic from Nathan's pov, omg. Really hard. But yeah, this was influenced so much from the dumping of snow we got.

Warmth [part 2] (Misfits, 140 words)
Yeah, this was me writing the part that I'd actually wanted to put into the first part, but just hadn't gotten to.

Dreams (Misfits, 853 words)
This was me attempting to write out of what I normally wrote. This was going to be someone's yuletide gift, but then I didn't have an end-point and I didn't know what to do with the characters. =/ Plus, the letter said they didn't want the fic to be focusing on just the one character, so yeah...

Preparation (1/2 Prince, 426 words)
Eeeeee! Gui Wen wears glasses in the novel! And thinks of his students as rocks to get rid of his teaching anxiety! This had to be written about!

I found out later that Lan's first class with Gui was in the morning, so the students who were late in the fic weren't Lan and Yang Ming.

Honour (1/2 Prince, 483 words)
Written for a prompt by qem_chibati.

XD Yep, another fic that starts in the middle of a fight. I'd realised that I'd just been using big Earth animals for my mobs (apart from a couple of dragons) so I decided to go for a bit more mythical here.

A small attempt at Shui Han/Yang Ming. X3

Normalcy (Yoroshiku Master, 443 words)
So I found out that there was literally no fic for this series over on ff.net or livejournal. D: This had to be rectified.

I went back to canon for this fic, to find something to write about. X3 Well, c'mon. They go into heat. I had to write about it!

So I hadn't really realised that Rihito turning off the heat could signify what he was doing in the conversation as well. Looking up, you've Daisuke proding at the food, while asking as question. XD; Maybe I did it unintentionally.

This was originally going to be from Daisuke's pov, but... well, I like Rihito's pov better. Probably because we've seen more of his. The endling line would have been the same, just with the names switched (and the part about Rihito being affected by the colour taken out).

Help (1/2 Prince, 382 words)
Written for araine as a yuletide treat.

This one was written fairly quickly, which explains why Lan's thoughts are really in the forefront here. XD

Gui initially tackled Lan after she said she'd talk with her teacher, but it didn't seem right to me, I think because he was standing right next to her before.

Status Effect (1/2 Prince, 1,189 words)
Written for vaultedthewall/bucketmouse as a yuletide treat

A fic that pretty much starts with a fight. Again. XD This is set in an MMORPG so that's standard.

I wasn't sure how the poison got passed on at first, if it was through ingestion or just touching it. It became ingestion, because, well, 'Blood Elf'. XDD

I definitely felt a little better with dropping some Lan/Gui hints than I did before. :3

This was the fic where I thought the characters were possibly acting just a tad bit too stupid, because would Gui really keep going if he was losing health just to watch Prince having fun? Yeah, if he thought the ailment would eventually go away and it wasn't that serious. *continues on* XDD;

I was stuck on how to finish this, but then I brought in all the stuff at the start with the squirrels for a twist so that was okay. X3

Wait (How to Train Your Dragon, 1,391 words)
Written for
sarashina/cafecliche as a yuletide gift.

Toothless and Stoick interaction! XD Yeah, sooo much fun just writing Toothless' body language. And his ears. And Toothless just being Toothless.

I had no idea what scenes were going to happen in this when I began writing, so it was fun seeing what the two got up to together. :3

I loooved writing the whole 'washing Hiccup's face' scene. XD

Left Behind (How to Train Your Dragon, 686 words)
Written for misswinterhill/winterhill as a yuletide treat.

I hadn't thought about what Toothless would think of Hiccup riding in on a massive dragon until I saw misswinterhill's letter. X3

This one came really easily to write.

Relearn (How to Train Your Dragon, 1,673 words)
Written for grendelity and
sarashina/cafecliche as a yuletide treat.

*grins* Hiccup and Toothless learning how to fly again!

Argh, Toothless' saddle. It originally had stirrups until I took a closer look and realised that it was actually a pedal, so I did a lot of changing. And then I realised that there were pedals on both sides, rather than just the one pedal on Toothless' left side. *facepalm* I missed quite a bit.

Toothless getting Hiccup to walk a little bit again!

I wasn't/amn't too sure about Astrid's characterisation here, because she just... seems to hit Hiccup here. =/

Explore (Noblesse, 1,092 words)
Written for lucathia_rykatu as a yuletide treat

M-21 exploring Frankenstein's house! XDD Technically nothing happens in this fic apart from M-21 just wandering through a house. Yet this goes on for over a thousand words. XDD

Missing (Noblesse, 633 words)
Written for lucathia_rykatu as a yuletide treat.

Rai gets kidnapped! No-one's worried. XDD;

This one had been planned beforehand. And then those planned parts never happened/changed as I wrote them. Of course. :P

I was killing myself with laughter when I came up with Frankenstein's comments about the ramen. XD

This must have been the first thing I wrote after holding off on NaNo. I remember feeling fairly... liberated, I guess, at being able to write silly humour, and exaggerated expressions after all the seriousness of Searching.

Name (Noblesse, 304 words)
Written for lucathia_rykatu as a yuletide treat.

I'd been wanting to write this for aaaaages. XD I think Regis would be the only person who'd actually ask. Shinwoo and the other teenagers, do they even know what his name is? I guess Takio and Tao could ask, but they've probably already guessed why, especially since they know his motivations for teaming up with them.

I really do like the ending for this. :3

Never Give Up (Tegami Bachi, 2,354 words)
Written for lucathia_rykatu as a yuletide treat.

This style is pretty different from my usual. It's more... idunno... Oh. I think this was the effect I was trying to create in Wait, taking a step back out of the character's head. There's a lot more description around Vincent, rather than what he's looking at.

And then all this description came in, and I have no idea where from. XDD; Maybe it just depends on if the character pays attention to that sort of thing and if they do, it becomes a whole lot easier for me.

I think originally, I hadn't written out the letter. But then, what, 'Vincent was affected by what he read'? Bleeeeh. So I wrote it up.

It was only after writing the first Letter Bee that I thought that I could try putting in canon characters. I didn't want to change the OC, because the only person I could think about changing her with was Zazie. I wasn't sure if he'd help Vincent, so I kept the OC in.

Called (Yoroshiku Master, 1,345 words)
Written for cairnsy as a yuletide treat.

I wanted to write some pairing stuff so I tried writing Daisuke/Rihito. :3

I keep saying the reins connect to/are a collar, but they look like they... go into their collar bone?

So yeah, I needed a reason for them to want to break the bond and Rihito getting interrupted from his studies seemed to be a good one.

I wasn't entirely sure if it came across that Daisuke was deciding to kiss Rihito solely for Rihito's benefit when I wrote it. Daisuke's own situation and thoughts about the bond didn't come into it. :3

I would have totally added a bunch of things when Daisuke was walking over to Rihito. But Rihito's mind was just Not Processing anything at this point. XDD Same with the kiss - by the time Rihito's mind realised it had happened... it had already happened. So no focusing on scents or touch at that point either. XD

I did, however, like focusing on the reins disappearing. :)

Then I needed as reason for how the reins got reconnected. I remembered the kitten at the start and ta-da, instant way of getting them back in contact again!

And then they don't talk about it and just go back to what they were doing normally. XDD

Working (Yoroshiku Master, 740 words)
Written for cairnsy as a yuletide treat.

I wanted to write how Daisuke ended up wearing the santa hat and cape, along with that entire missing scene.

Daisuke really did just spend most of this looking back and forth looking at people. ^ ^ Oops.

I liked writing the flying scene. :3

But I really did have to have them bickering so I flashed forward a couple of minutes. XDD

WHAT? JUST UNDER 121K?? SERIOUSLY? This is more than I've written in the past three years put together! I've counted wrong somewhere.

I was going to tag this with all the fic titles too, but I think I might break something if I do that. XDD

X____X *falls over* I think... next year, if I do NaNo this year, I won't be doing the NaNo posts. I think I've been doing this for over ten hours? This post is nearly 7.5k!

I'll do the stats meme later.

fandom: yoroshiku master, fandom: how to train your dragon, fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: meme, fandom: avatar, fandom: tegami bachi, fandom: naruto, fandom: .hack, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: storm hawks

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