Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2011 16:07

I pretty much fell asleep about twenty minutes after midnight. Again, was feeling sooo sleepy some two hours before the event. XDD;

All eleven fics are now up on the writing journal. XDD;; This Yuletide was so much fun!

I was going to talk about these in the order that I wrote them in, but I edited them so much that I decided that it'd be too much work trying to remember which ones came first. :P

So when I began writing for Yuletide, I was aiming on just writing treats. And then I thought, but, what happens if their writer defaults? Maybe I should try to write gifts just in case! In all cases anyway, I didn't add to the fic unless I felt it needed it, not just to make it a gift. Most of them ended up being gift length anyway. XDDD

I must have showed up on some people's stat pages so much throughout December. XD; I'd considered looking at people's letters in a different browser... but that was just too much work. *is very lazy*

I've sort of realised that I probably should change my 'general' genre to humour or something because while it seems general to me, I'm meaning that it's general for the series that I'm writing for and if that series is say, 1/2 Prince or Noblesse, where they have a quirky humour to them that's inherent to it, well. XDD

1/2 Prince
Of course I was going to write for this! I've only been obsessed with it for nearly two years now. (wow... Such a long time for me)

Help (382 words) for araine
This is one of the last fics I wrote. XDD There was some thirty hours left before the deadline for Madness officially ended, and after all the writing that I'd already done, I just needed to write more. XDD; It was like, 'okay, I've done writing, and I don't really want to do anything else, so I should just write some more!'

So I was trawling through the master prompt list and I'd already looked through araine's letter before, but I hadn't been able to come up for anything when I'd originally read it. When I read it again, I noticed she'd said that 1/2 Prince was a 'long shot' for getting written for, which, at that point, got me going make sure I wrote her something 1/2 Prince. XD This was about nine hours before the Madness archive officially closed.

But I still didn't know what to write. She's said in her letter that she wanted some Lan/Gui Wen or Prince/Gui that dealt with the genderbending issue, or their student/teacher relationship. I was kinda stuck here, because I'd already written stuff about Lan getting stuck with homework, so I didn't want to reuse something so completely like that again! Except uni really is a lot about coursework, and in Late Nights, she was able to eventually work through her coursework, so why not have her completely stuck with coursework, and idunno, she talks to Gui about it. ... And Gui is her teacher for the work she's stuck with! \o/ *gets scribbling*

This is also the fic that I inputted the wrong recipient for. =S There were only three prompts (two, if you count that I'd already written for vaultedthewall so I really shouldn't mess that up) and yet I still mixed them up. I'll be seeing if I can write file_five a New Year's Resolution fic once I've got everything else done.

Status Effect (1,189 words) for vaultedthewall/bucketmouse
I'd so wanted to write something for her because I'd tried to for last year's yuletide, but I couldn't, because I wasn't confident with writing any kind of relationships. ^ ^ I'm slightly better now, at least not in thinking that when writing relationships, it has to be sort of really in your face about it.

I picked the 'missing scene while gaming' part of her letter, because, well, there's just so much that we don't see in 1/2 Prince! And - well, it sort of started with a fight scene. XDD I think I've started a fair few of 1/2 Prince fics with fights now. I think? I can't quite remember.

It was while writing this that I realised that we actually haven't seen any status effects in Second Life! Think of all the possibilities! Curse! Sleep! Charm! I want to see these in effect! You bet I got some plotbunnies/inklings! XDD

How to Train Your Dragon
And of course I'd try my best to write for this fandom! Cutest. Dragon. Ever. 8D So obviously the fics would be starring Toothless in some way or another. And I was all practiced in writing body language after spending over a month of writing Marland (in the sense of ears anyway). XD

The only reason why I didn't write something from Toothless' pov is because I kinda... can't? I don't feel comfortable writing something that I can't emulate, where I can't hear their voice in my head so I can guesstimate if they sound right in the fic or not. I don't have anything to base Toothless' thoughts on and since my writing firmly sticks you in an individual's head, well, yeah, it wouldn't work out that well.

Left Behind (686 words) for misswinterhill/winterhill
Again, wrote this one because I needed something else to write! XDD I picked the '[Toothless is] annoyed that he didn't get to go on the expedition to find the boneknapper' of her letter because, well, it has Toothless, and I've recently noticed that I really like filling in missing scenes. XD;; I don't do much to change canon if I can.

I thought this was going to be much longer than it was, because I thought Hiccup was going to have to do a lot more sweet talking to get Toothless interacting with him again, but since when has my writing ever followed what I planned completely? XDD

The extra 'hammerhead whale jumping out of the sea' at the end should have only been about two or three more paragraphs, because Hiccup and Toothless would have seen it, had their jaws drop, and then just decide to go get something to eat. XDD

Relearn (1,673 words) for grendelity and
I was so confused about who to input the recipient for this one, as well as Wait, their letters overlapped so much.

And then someone asked on yuletide_admin if you could gift one fic to multiple people, and the answer was yes. :D *whew* Because for the most part, I was grabbing from
sarashina's letter, where she asked for Toothless teaching Hiccup how to walk again and to focus on Hiccup making adjustments to his leg, while I took the Hiccup and Astrid part from grendelity's letter.

This is also the fic that I had the most problems with the ending. :P It's still pretty abrupt, but it was a lot worse before.

Wait (1,391 words) for
*looks at fic, then at prompt* *Scratches head* How did I get this? *facepalm* Oh! Focusing on Toothless! So, yes, would obviously try to write for this. XDD

I realised that there was a laaaarge missing chunk between after the fight with the Green Death (Red Death? I don't know what to call that dragon! In the movie, the soundtrack says 'Green Dragon' but then there's places that use either interchangeably!) and when Hiccup wakes up so I had a nice place to write about. I had attempted to write the fic at a bigger distance than I usually do, but that only lasted some four paragraphs. XDD; I think I've pretty much found my style and there isn't much that I can do to change it now.

I had fun challenging myself to see if I could write Toothless without telling/translating for the reader. I cheated at one point near the start, but oh well. X3 I think I mostly succeeded here.

:D One of the other things I've been obsessing about. But not recently. :( Need to catch up on what I've missed.

But anyway, Noblesse! lucathia_rykatu's letter was so detailed and spawned so many plotbunnies for me! And it was about M-21! My favourite character! Yeeeey! \o/

Explore (1,092 words) for lucathia_rykatu
When I'd written the title, I had been sure I'd used that title previously somewhere. But I hadn't - I'd used it as a prompt for halfprince_fics. X3

I went with her 'M-21 tries exploring Frankenstein's house' here. I knew we hadn't been shown how M-21 found Frankenstein's lab, so I decided that would be a good end point. And then I realised that Frankenstein would probably notice anyway, since he really likes his house to be clean (I wonder if he uses magic (or whatever it is. His aura?) to clean it? ... *is plotbunnied*) so that's where the end scene came from. XD

Missing (633 words) for lucathia_rykatu
This was one of the first things I wrote. X3 lucathia_rykatu and I had already had a conversation about Rai getting kidnapped so it was fresh in my mind, and my obsession was fuelling it, so it was going to get written. XD

I need to find a place where I can find good information about the cultural differences between Korean schools and western schools (same with Taiwanese universities). Seriously. =/ It took me a while just trying to find out how long it should have been since M-21 last saw Rai.

We'd pretty much planned out what was going to happen, so this came out quickly, after I'd finally gotten rid of my heightened state of hyperness or writing fic again. XDD

There's no need to write what happens next is there? It'd be like, 'Frankenstein and Rai returned ten minutes later, not a stitch out of place, as always.' XDDD

Name (304 words) for lucathia_rykatu
This one was mostly something I'd been wanting to write but just never, for whatever reason. X3;; I'd put it under the guise of M-21 and Regis interacting with each other.

The ending for this ended up feeling so much more complete than I'd planned. I'd originally finished with M-21's thought that the trade-off was worth it, but it kept on going on after that and this feels so much better. :3

Tegami Bachi
A manga about people delivering letters, while battling giant bugs! Shooting them with pieces of their heart and memory! How cool is that? XDD

Never Give Up (2,354 words) for lucathia_rykatu
This was sort of written as a 'thank you' to lucathia_rykatu for introducing the series to me. :3 I decided that I'd post it to Yuletide since it was one of the eligible fandoms. XD

I'd kind of latched onto Vincent when I saw him because he's a writer, and I'd just spent a couple of months reading writing books. I wanted to see him succeed after trying so hard (I mean, look at all those books around him, and he's eating rotten beans, yet he keeps going!) and he just cared so much about his mum, but was really prideful that he couldn't go back and - and - and - ! *flails*

My writing style in this was pretty different from my usual one, because I normally add in all the details in the second draft, but in this one? The details just came as I was writing, in a shape that wasn't quite mine, but it really suited the tone that was coming from the fic, so that was probably why.

So yeah, I'd been reading writing books, taking notes, or just trying to take in the advice, so I tried to see if I could incorporate some of the tips from them into the fic. XDD

Originally, Vincent was to finish the book, and then the narrative leaves Vincent to an omnipotent one, starting with 'The book never reached its publisher. etc etc' because of either rain or a gaichuu snacked on the postal information, so it couldn't be sent or returned to sender. And then somehow (it got eaten by a gaichuu, magical portal?) it leaves the world of Tegami Bachi into ours, where the idea gets picked up and becomes the Tegami Bachi we know today. :3 Which is why there's no overt reference to gaichuu or no names named, because it was originally meant to be that Vincent took the people around him and turned them into characters into his book, but he's not in the Tegami Bachi world we know.

Yes. This is why I didn't continue on to that point. XDD

Yoroshiku Master
A light and cute look at a master and slave relationship between santa and reindeer. The only way to break the servitude is for the santa and reindeer to kiss. The two reindeer that we've seen closely are male. And go into heat. What's not to like? XDD

Called (1,345 words) for cairnsy
I found out after the deadline that cairnsy didn't have a gift. I did this by searching for cairnsy's fandoms in the master list (I would have been a lot faster if I'd just looked at their gift page *facepalm*) so I decided that I'd write a gift for them! I'd joined the pinch hit list after that, waiting to see if I could get to it before lucathia_rykatu did.

I was, what, three days late? XDD

So, for cairnsy's letter, I took the Daisuke/Rihito from it, because I wanted to try out writing pairings and reasons why Rihito didn't want to be a reindeer. Sort of. I just wanted to write them kissing. XDD But I needed a reason why they were kissing.

When I'd first read Yoroshiku Master, I'd liked Rihito, but he didn't ping with me as much as he could have. I also didn't have any plotbunnies jumping out at me. So when I'd decided to write cairnsy something, I went back to the canon and started taking notes.

And Rihito got a whole lot more interesting after that. I'd missed so much about his character on my first reading! *flails* I don't know if I was skimming and just looking at the panels rather than what he was saying or. Idunno. He became a lot more real to me, and I loved the snarkiness and bickering he had with Daisuke.

Before the re-read, I'd been thinking about Rihito telling/explaining/yelling at Daisuke that the only way they could get rid of the reins was to kiss. But Kurumi had explained that to Daisuke. So maybe they can try out kissing to stop being connected with each other? Ooooh, they're pretty adamant that they don't want to kiss each other. D: Now what do I write?? XDD Reading the canon kicked out so many plotbunnies I could have tried to write.

I then saw/remembered that Rihito had been away to go study in chapter six, which isn't an attitude for someone whose life it is to serve someone completely so I grabbed hold of that. So I had the reason why they might want to break the bond, and then I had to see if they would actually kiss.

The kiss was so opposite from what I expected. XDD Since they're always arguing and fighting with each other, I thought the kiss would be the same, all anger and force. I thought Daisuke would be grabbing a fist of Rihito's shirt and shoving him up against a wall, Rihito snarling all the way, and they'd both be 'fine, I never wanted this in the first place!' and 'Just break it already!' Instead, it was a gentle thing as Daisuke decides that he'll kiss Rihito so that Rihito can get on with his life without being interrupted every day because of what he says. You can see me trying to build up the tension, which then bleeds away as Daisuke thinks. X3

Working (740 words) for cairnsy
This was the last thing I wrote for yuletide. :3 I found out after the main archive had gone live that cairnsy had gone on the pinch hit list twice. I was like, 'D: Okay, you're getting another treat!' I hadn't known because I'd joined the pinch hit list later, and I'd bookmarked cairnsy's yuletide letter, not the journal, so I hadn't seen their post to their pinch hitter.

But I needed a plotbunny! So back to canon it was. XDD

I only had five hours to write this. It had to be quick!

I noticed there was an empty spot in the sixth chapter that I could write about, and I hadn't quite realised that Daisuke was wearing the santa cape and hat the first time, so that had to be written about. X3 And, after all that growling about not wanting to be a slave, Rihito's right there to deliver the presents, all impatient and glaring. Had to be written!

It felt weird writing this one, because they weren't arguing with each other. XD And poor Daisuke is dumbfounded by all the other stuff that Kurumi apparently didn't tell him, spending most of this gaping left and right.

I finished this twenty minutes before the deadline was supposed to be officially closed, and then went for a nap. I woke up an hour later, and then decided to check if Madness was live yet. It wasn't, which was good, because I found out that I'd been spelling Kurumi as Kurami throughout the whole fic. Cue frantic scrabbling to make sure I changed her name to what it was supposed to be before it closed and the fic got kicked out and revealed me (Madness didn't go love for another five hours *facepalm*). I didn't realise how many times I'd said her name until I had to change it. XDD

... I've just realised something. Out of the five fandoms I've written, four of them, lucathia_rykatu recommended them to me. XDD

I didn't use Write or Die with any of these! *flails* :O

*snerk* In five days, Relearn and Wait have already surpassed New (my last year's yuletide treat) in hit count. XDD;

So, 11/11 lucathia_rykatu? XDD And how did the text reveal it was meeee? *is always curious about things like this*

So, three more things to do: answer the comments I got (I'm... not used to getting this kind of attention, though I guess I've never uploaded this amount of fic at the one time before XD;;), post these to ff.net, and type up the 'fic written in '10' meme.

This took me over four hours to write!! I started this at four, it's now twenty past eight!! It's over 3k words!! How long's the meme going to take??

fandom: yoroshiku master, fandom: how to train your dragon, fandom: noblesse, writing: yuletide, general, fandom: tegami bachi, writing: thought processes, fandom: 1/2 prince

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