(no subject)

Dec 29, 2010 18:21

Lookit this icon~ Isn't Toothless adorable? I finally found a scene where his head doesn't, like, take up half the screen. XDD

The main reason for this post: eeeeeee! Thank you ravenspear for the virtual gift! And I never thanked you for the last one and I'd been meaning to~ Sorry it took me so long!

So I just found out there's literally no Yoroshiku Master fic over on ff.net. DD: The only one I could find was a fusion with Tsubasa. Need to remedy this!

And also just found out I inputted the wrong recipient for one of my yuletide treats. =x Um. The other person requested the same fandom, which explains why I put them in. Should I send the link to the person I was writing for?

fandom: yoroshiku master, writing: yuletide, general

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