Layout #10

Feb 08, 2006 02:56

*cough splutter* yeesh, I really let the dust build up on this thing didn't I?! Shockingly enough, this next layout was finished ages and ages and ages ago. But RL kept getting in the way and the times it didn't, I plain forgot about it. Plus, my artistic muse ran away and I was out of the country for a month. Think I've listed enough excuses? Probably not. Ah well.

Moving on! So, finally into the double digits, this is free layout numnero ten up for grabs.

Layout: David Boreanaz

Style: Generator
Website: Required (ie, you must specify one in your user info, or the results won't be pretty! You can always point it to your LJ)
Custom Colors: Nope, not this time
Default Icon: Doesn't Matter
Best view: 1024x768

Layout: Preview

Image: Not so heavy on the images this one.
The header
The background
The divider
You MUST upload to your own host. No direct linking!
(Image hosts listed here)


::lighter side of life::


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% green finger%%mc-plural-s%%|


%%readlink%%Pot a plant|>edit">



{ NAVIGATION }" alt="recent entries">Latest Happenings" alt="friends">World Events" alt="userinfo">Drop In The Ocean" alt="memories">The Archives" alt="update journal">Fresh Wave

* ABOUT YOU - make this part as original as you like. Suggestion: you can give a little profile of yourself (name, age, location etc), list your likes and dislikes, put in a picture of yourself or anything that strikes your fancy, list your current playlist… whatever you wish! Go as wild as you like. If you don’t want anything here then delete all the text between the *’s. While I’m at it, I’d just like to request that you PLEASE do not delete the tag I’ve put in below. It contains a quick link back to my journal for other users browsing yours. Thanks. *

Layout: v.10 David Boreanaz

best viewed at 1024x768 resolution

© 2005">darkicedphoenix" border="0" class="x">


You need to copy and paste the overrides into an editting programme (notepad, Word etc) and change all the url's to point to your images.
Also, all 'username's to your own username (Edit>Replace).
Pick and choose your side bar images. Make sure you repeat the small relevant bit of code for each image! (This has been pointed out in the overrides)
You can add information about yourself at the point labelled 'ABOUT YOU'. This'll show in your navigation bar.
Then, you need to copy and paste the whole lot underneath and change all the LASTN to FRIENDS (ie two copies of the same code, one with LASTN heads, one with FRIENDS head). If you do not do this, then it'll only show on your recent entries page. Please do not ask me later why it doesn't work on your friends page if you haven't done this step!

Finally, come back to livejournal and go here. Make sure you're logged in!
Select 'Generator' for the style
Select 'Forest Nature Kinda' for the color scheme.
Copy and paste your editted overrides into the overrides box at the bottom.
Hit save.
You're done!

I apologise profusely for my absence, hopefully I won't be gone as long now! I have plenty of free time on my hands so suggestions are more than welcome. I have a vague memory of a btvs layout suggestion...

Standard notes: If you have problems, check the troubleshooting section in the FAQs. If none of them help, ask. Alternatively, head over to everything_lj.

david boreanaz, angel, layout, actor

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