Layout #11

Feb 08, 2006 15:51

Talk about shocking, another update! Haha.

This layout has been sitting on my computer for the last 6-7mths. Well, the images for it anyway. The codes take me mere minutes to write yet here we are, six months later and I’m only just putting this up to nab! Go figure.

Layout: Backstreet Boys - Incomplete

Style: Generator
Website: Required (ie, you must specify one in your user info, or the results won't be pretty! You can always point it to your LJ)
Custom Colors: Yep. Just three: page link - #FFFFCC, page visited link - #FFCC99 and page active link - #FF9966
Default Icon: Doesn't matter, tis hidden.
Best view: 1024x768

Layout: Preview

Image: Not so image heavy. But the header took agggggggges to make so appreciate! :p
The header
The background
The divider
You MUST upload to your own host. No direct linking!
(Image hosts listed here)


~empty spaces~


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% guarantee%%mc-plural-s%%|


%%readlink%%What good is tomorrow?|>edit">



{ ALPHABET CITY }" alt="recent entries">climbing the walls" alt="friends">weird world" alt="userinfo">poster girl" alt="memories">i still.." alt="update journal">just want you to know">safest place to hide
/*Your FO post. Delete if not required!*/

ABOUT YOU - this section is fully customizable. Make it unique!

Empty spaces fill me up with holes

Distant faces with no place left to go

Without you within me I can’t find no rest

Where I’m going is anybody’s guess

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I’m awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I’m going to be is


Voices tell me I should carry on

But I am swimming in an ocean all alone

Baby my baby its written on your face

You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I’m awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I’m going to be is


I don’t mean to drag it on

But I can’t seem to let you go

I don’t want to make you face this world alone

I wanna let you go


I tried to go on like I never knew you

I’m awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I’m going to be is



‘Incomplete’ - Backstreet Boys

/*DO NOT DELETE BELOW (delete this message though!)*/

Layout: v.12 Backstreet Boys ‘Incomplete’

best viewed at 1024x768 resolution

© 2005">darkicedphoenix" border="0" usemap="#map1" class="x">



You need to copy and paste the overrides into an editting programme (notepad, Word etc) and change all the url's to point to your images.
Also, all 'username's to your own username (Edit>Replace).
You can add information about yourself at the point labelled 'ABOUT YOU'. This'll show in your navigation bar.
Then, you need to copy and paste the whole lot underneath and change all the LASTN to FRIENDS (ie two copies of the same code, one with LASTN heads, one with FRIENDS head). If you do not do this, then it'll only show on your recent entries page. Please do not ask me later why it doesn't work on your friends page if you haven't done this step!

Finally, come back to livejournal and go here. Make sure you're logged in!
Select 'Generator' for the style
Select 'White on Black w/ Grays' for the color scheme.
Copy and paste your editted overrides into the overrides box at the bottom.
Hit save.
Now before you go see your new spiffy layout, head back to the modify page. Scroll down to the page colours section, select custom colors and plug in the three I’ve listed up at the top.
Hit save again, and voila, you're done!

Do we like it? I almost almost used this here, but I’ve got another layout in the works at the moment so I figured I shouldn’t let all that hardwork go to waste! As an aside, the floor is still open to suggestions for future layouts…

If you have problems, check the troubleshooting section in the FAQs. If none of them help, ask. Alternatively, head over to everything_lj.

backstreet, music, layout

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