Planet Of The Dead, Safe, Dexter By Design

Apr 13, 2009 13:38

It’s Easter Monday and I would’ve posted this yesterday but laziness kinda took over me. Plus we had a family meal in honour of our mother (it was her birthday on April 12th, she would’ve been 73). Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Doctor Who - 4x15: Planet Of The Dead

We've had better specials but this was a lot of undeniable fun.

-         Liked Michelle Ryan as Christina. Amoral but not totally untrustworthy.
-         The Tritovores were fine but the Swarm were great. Loved them.
-         UNIT got to be competent and I thought that Malcolm was gonna snog The Doctor at one point.
-         He will knock four times. So, it is The Master that’s returning, then?
-         Easter got a fairly decent mention as well. David Tennant did the commentary for this episode.

Review for this episode is up, with a DVD due for release on June 29th. The Waters Of Mars will air in the Autumn apparently. Trailer can be viewed here …

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 8x24: Safe

A comic with Giles and Faith is more than enough for me

-         Vampires are a personification of regret? Since when exactly?
-         Courtney was surprisingly a lot of fun, if clearly too cheerful for Faith’s taste.
-         No Buffy, Xander, Willow or Dawn in this episode.
-         The Octo creature was great but it wasn’t terrible either.
-         A lot of comments about the Buffy/Satsu hook up dominated the letter pages.

Review for this episode is up, which you can read here Living Doll will be released on May 6th.

Links to the covers of Issue 26, Retreat, which is due for release in July. Looks like Oz isn’t the only person coming out to play.

BTW: More Buffy movies rumours have surfaced but with Sarah Michelle Gellar’s pregnancy, I don’t think we’re going to be getting one. I remained conflicted about the idea. On one hand, the comics have proved that there are more interesting stories that can be told but I can’t help but wonder if whether or not Joss has missed the boat when it came to releasing a movie. What does everyone else think? And don’t get me started on FOX’s moronic decision not to air the last episode of Dollhouse. Really doesn’t bode well for that series.

Brothers And Sisters - 3x14: Owning It

Thankfully, an awesome episode.

-         Kitty’s baby shower had only one hiccup with Nora.
-         We finally met Saul’s boyfriend. I can’t believe that Arvin Sloane and Lionel Luther are dating. Kevin and Scotty were fun.
-         Rebecca and Justin, just break up already. Now, they decide to reintroduce David. Um, okay.
-         Ryan was calling Nora. At least that plot’s moving along.

Review for this episode is up now. Lost And Found airs on More4, Thursday at 10pm.

Heroes - 3x21: Into Asylum

Another suitably enjoyable episode. We’re on a roll.

-         I didn’t think I would but I kind of enjoyed all the Nathan and Claire stuff in this episode.
-         Peter and Angela also had some interesting moment. I wonder who her sister is though.
-         The Sylar/Danko stuff was meh but I hate the latter so I was never going to enjoy anything involving him.
-         A lot of people weren’t in this episode.

Turn And Face The Strange airs tonight, 10.30pm on BBC3.

Lost - 5x11: Whatever Happened, Happened

A Kate episode and it was good. I am changing my usual opinions.

-         Kate ended up telling Claire’s mother and gave her Aaron. Guess it made sense really.
-         Of course Kate and Sawyer were gonna give Ben to Richard.
-         There were some intense scenes with Juliet and Jack in this episode as well.
-         Loved Miles and Hurley’s arguments of time travel. Just hilarious.

I’ll catch up with Dead Is Dead.

Robin Hood - Lost In Translation

Pretty good for this show.

- I think the lack of Guy helped a little with things. Though he'll be back soon.

- Kate's fairly taking her time actually joining up with Robin and the gang.

- The Abbot is probably the first grey area character this series has done.

- You can get burned for heresy as Robin, Much, Alan, Little John and Tuck nearly learned.

Sins Of The Father airs Saturday at 6.10pm on BBC1.

Dexter By Design

The book’s been out since February (it comes out in America I think in August) and I’ve finally gotten around to getting the review done. It’s not the only Dexter related thing of this blog but here’s the link …

Series Preview

Dexter - Season 3

Starring: Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Julie Benz, David Zayas, James Remar, CS Lee and Jimmy Smits.
Start Date (UK): Fridays 10pm on FXUK from April 24th.
Synopsis: In the third season, Dexter finds his life filled with more complications. With impending marriage and fatherhood on one hand, the other sees him befriending a man that could sabotage his secret and encounter a murderer known as the Skinner.
Yay/Nay: It looks pretty damn good from where I’m standing and I like that Dexter gets a friend, even if it’s another doomed dynamic but after ploughing through all the books, I’m just glad to have the series actually back with us.

The Week In Who

-         Doctor Who - Prisoner Of The Daleks

The first in a series of solo Doctor novels, Prisoner Of The Daleks is hardly going to surprise people as to what threat our trusted Time Lord is going to face. I think the bigger conjecture would when exactly does the Doctor have his latest novel altercation with the Daleks?

This book may be post Journey’s End from the Doctor’s point of view but luck sort of thrusts him back into a time prior to the carnage of the Time War where the Daleks are at their destructive best and the Earth are relying on themselves to eradicate the hateful creatures as best as they can

Being back in time only goes to prove that things are no longer time locked and while other novels may have taken they dynamic of giving the Doctor a pseudo companion, he’s pretty much on his own here.

Stranded with an embittered group of mercenaries, led by the battle weary Bowman, the Doctor literally finds himself with no support system whatsoever. In fact, through the entire book, this lot are widely suspicious of him and downright hostile in more than ones. It’s almost worse for him than Midnight in a way.

The Daleks themselves are fairly well used in this book. Their motivations to conquer and destroy are apparent but at least without Davros, the whole of reality isn’t in any immediate danger just yet. Still, it doesn’t bear thinking for the Doctor and the people he’s forced, even if they can’t bear him.

The second half of the book is certainly when everything livens up and the Doctor also found himself to be the victim of a mind probe in this particular. It’s nice that the crew organically soften a little towards but essentially, the Doctor really is on his own in this story.

It might not be the strongest Dalek story you’ll ever read but as a solo book for the Doctor, it’s highly memorable and I loved it, 9/10.

-         Link for my review of Doctor Who At The Proms here …

-         A link to some spoiler I’ve uncovered for the last three specials  (we’re really in for some exciting/dark times ahead). Major spoilers might I add so tread carefully …

Songs Of The Blog

Bat For Lashes - Daniel

Very ethereal.


Bloc Party - Signs

Their songs are getting weirder but I remain hooked.

buffy the vampire slayer, lost, dexter, tv tome blog, doctor who, brothers and sisters

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