Five Other Things

Apr 19, 2009 13:35

I did this two blogs ago and I might do it every two blogs as well if people like it. Technically there’s six other things but hey, if in doubt, find a loophole.

1: Personal Life

Mostly has consisted of paying some bills, meeting friends for coffee (I’m consuming way too much of that stuff), breezy job hunting (need to try harder) and other stuff. I need employment, I need to read more and I need to go out more. Maybe go to England or something for a break in the summer, I don’t know yet.

2: TV.Com/DVD Viewing

I’ve noticed a drop in comments, contributions, etc. Last year, this place was packed while this year, not so much. It’s a shame really but I can’t blame people for their increased frustrations with things on the site. DVD wise, I’ve actually caught up with Genesis Of The Daleks, watched Planet Of The Dead with commentary (thank you red button) and I watched the Angel episodes Five By Five and Salvage (can never get enough of Faith) and Shells (despite my indifference/dislike towards Illyria).

3: Davis Bloome/Doomsday

There’s a reason to watch Smallville’s eighth season (apart from obligatory shirtless scenes with Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen) and it has nearly everything to do with the Dexter-esque route the writers are taking with one of the most famous villains in the series legacy. Funny thing is that Sam Witwer himself popped up in Dexter’s first year as pseudo ITK Neil Perry. He’s actually gorgeous as Davis though and there’s a weird part of me that wants to ship Davis and Chloe. Not sure why though.

4: Fanfiction

I’ve been back on the horse and in the Doctor Who/Torchwood/The Sarah Jane Adventures universe, I’ve come up with 18 (out of an intended 32) stories that are either done or are works in progress.

Games Of The Lost is a nice Ninth Doctor/Jack story while Sontar-Ha, Sontar-Ha is a Tenth Doctor/Original Companion story. Let me know what you think on both or any of the completed stories...

I’ve also started writing for Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel as well but it’s only 4 (out of an intended 14) stories so far. They so far focus on Buffy (Prelude), Angel (Bound), Faith (Firecracker) and Riley (To Kill A Soldier). Let me know what you think …

On both sites I’ve drawn up a list of rules that I try to follow myself when writing Fanfiction and all stories are/will be uploaded here too …

5: Lindsay Lohan

Normally, I wouldn’t care an iota for the girl (and I really don’t in general) but I have to admit that her little ‘recently single’ video made me laugh. Check here.

Less funny was Enimem taking cheap shots at her and Samantha Ronson (along with Ellen and Portia) in the video for We Made You. Note to Marshall - your homophobia/misogyny wasn’t funny back in 1999 and it’s not really that funny in 2009 either. Grow up, pal.

Brothers And Sisters - 3x15: Lost And Found

So Ryan is here and likely to stay.

-         Nora pushed things with Ryan but he was overly hostile with her.
-         I’m glad that Kitty had it out with Robert. Loved her scenes with Kevin as well.
-         Holly realised what Tommy was trying to do, Rebecca bonded with David.
-         Why oh why was Sarah not in this episode? I missed her and Scotty.

Review for this episode is up now. Troubled Waters Part 1 airs on More4, Thursday at 10pm.

Heroes - 3x22: Turn And Face The Strange

Another good episode in a row. Good for us.

- Matt deprived Danko of a girlfriend and got to meet his kid.
- Noah and Sylar certainly danced around faking identities. Will Sandra really leave Noah though?
- Not much Nathan and Claire this week. I’m sure that’ll change next episode.
- Hiro and Ando had some funny moments in the episode.

1961 airs Monday, 10.30pm on BBC3.

Lost - 5x12: Dead Is Dead

A Ben episode. I liked it.

-         Who are Illana and those guys working for? Widmore perhaps?
-         The smoke monster took Alex’s form and spooked Ben into co-operating with Locke.
-         Desmond beating the living daylights out of Ben (while protecting Penny and Charlie) made up for his lengthy absence.
-         We got a break from the 1970’s stuff with this one, though Sun’s on a mission to get back to Jin.

Some Like It Hoth airs Sunday at 9pm on Sky1

Robin Hood - 3x04: Sins Of The Father

Wowsers, this was genuinely enjoyable. Nearly flawless.

-         Both Bill Ward and Liam Boyle were good as Rufus and Edmund respectively.
-         The writers are fairly pushing the Alan/Kate/Much triangle. Kate seemed more interested in Robin at one point.
-         Keith Allen is never scary as the Sheriff. Sorry but I’m not threatened by that guy. Thankfully, Guy’s back next episode.
-         Knights got stung with bees and bribed this week. A mixed bag for them I suppose.

Let The Games Commence airs Saturday at 6.15pm on BBC1.

The L Word - 6x03/6x04: LMFAO/Leaving Los Angeles

We’re at the halfway point of the season.

-         Will Bette’s new pal cause her and Tina to split again?
-         Anyone else icked out by Jenny and Shane?
-         Does anyone genuinely think that Helena should forgive Dylan?
-         Is there anyone else apart from me watching this show?

Litmus Test airs Tuesday 10pm on Living2.

Smallville made a lot of viewers this week happy. Requiem finally separated Clark and Lana forever (though are we really supposed to believe that Lex is dead?) while Infamous saw Clark exposed for a brief time. The Apprentice hasn’t been brilliant so far (none of the contestants are really that memorable) but it’s better than any other reality TV I guess. Primeval also killed off Cutter and replaced him with Danny. I guess I should’ve seen that coming as Douglas Henshall and Jason Flemyng never appeared in any of the Season 3 cast shots together. I just caught the first episode of The Mentalist and I’m surprisingly intrigued by it. Shameless is producing some better episodes as the sixth season nears it’s conclusion plus Ashes To Ashes and Dexter are back this coming week. Two shows I am very much looking forward to.

The Week In Who (Mild Spoilers)

-     Planet Of The Dead pulled in 8.4 million viewers and above the cover for the DVD which comes out on June 29th.
-    John Barrowman and his sister Carole made their selection of delectable men on After Elton website. Look here …
-   David Tennant will definitely be doing a movie version of Hamlet. A DVD I verily much will buy.
-  Tracy  Simpson, Peter Bennett and Beth Willis will be the producers for the series fifth season. Pre-production for Season 5 will begin next month.

Songs Of The Blog

Aleesha Dixon - Let’s Get Excited

Very catchy song. I like it.


Calvin Harris - I’m Not Alone

Recent number one single and it’s pretty cool to boot

archiving boredom tv, lost, lgbt tv, tv tome blog, tv selection, brothers and sisters

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