DW Massive Spoilers

Apr 11, 2009 14:04

With Planet Of The Dead airing, what's in store for the last three ....

4x16: The Waters Of Mars (RTD/Phil Ford/Graeme Harper)

- Airing in November 2009.
- Lindsay Duncan cast as Adelaide, one of the Doctor's cleverest companions yet.
- Ood Sigma appears at the end of the episode, apparently to warn the Doctor of his impending death.
- Peter O'Brien plays a villain called Mark, Gemma Chan a character called Mia Bennett.
- There's a character called Allegra and a WallE type creature.
- There'll be some stuff on Mars as well.

More details here .... http://planetgallifrey.blogspot.com/2009/02/doctor-who-filming.html

4x17/4x18: Unknown (RTD/Euros Lyn)

- Airing in December 2009/January 2010.
- Bernard Cribbins reprises his role as Wilfred Mott, who is the companion of the story. Catherine Tate and Jacqueline King are back respectively as Donna and Sylvia Noble.
- The Doctor faces the threat of two books - Joshua Naismith's (David Harewood) "Fighting The Future" and Verity Newman's (Jessica Hynes, playing a descendant of Joan Redfern) "A Journal Of Impossible Things". Wilfred is heard telling the Doctor that one of the book gave Donna, 'a funny turn'.
- Preview pictures have shown Donna getting married, in an alley with the Master.
- Other preview pictures have shown the Doctor with Luke and Sarah Jane. The latter is seen to be visibly upset when the Doctor waves and leaves.
- June Whitfield will play the character of Henritta Goodheart from the book Beautiful Chaos. This hasn't been confirmed yet.

More details here ... http://planetgallifrey.blogspot.com/2009/04/episode-18.html

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