Dear Diary

Dec 17, 2014 21:57

Today felt kind of mixed. Martyr went off with her sister, but said we could go shopping when she got back. Then Demon wanted to go too. We checked out this really big Dollar Tree store but then we had to get Angel.

I hate when I am talking and I realize that no one listened to a word that I said. Not because they were occupied with something else, but because they were completely ignoring me. That happened to me today.

We were in the minivan and Martyr brought up the subject again of getting rid of some of Angels plushies. I will defend the right for people to keep their plushies for as long as I live. Then Martyr comes down on me for being so adamant about it.

Here is the story of what happened...

When I was little we were living in this small, very small one bedroom trailer. The eating area turned into my bed during the night. We had left some of my toys with this aunt of mine, and she had given them to charity. I still had quite a few plushies that stayed in a drawer under the seats that I slept on.

We got a kitten. It was really cute. They kept the kitty litter under my bed, which was also under the table. The kitty of course had to poo sometimes. I was told if I got rid of some plushies to 'make room' for the kitty then I could keep it, but I had to get rid of all but three.

Many of them were my favorites, but I really loved a cute living little kitten so much. I thought I was giving my plushies to good homes. Then Martyr just started giving them out, even my very favorites. Then night after she gave them all away kitty poo'd while we were eating. Then they gave kitty away that very night.

Over the course of the week I found my plushies in peoples trash cans. 'Oh, my little brother ripped its ear off.' 'Oh, it lost its eye.' and on and on the excuses went, people treated them like objects and then trash, and I didn't get to keep kitty either.

I seriously hate dishonesty in people. If they said we need can't keep kitty, then fine. If they said pick a few toys to give to charity, then fine, but don't lie to me and tell me if I give stuff away to my friends I will get to keep kitty and then go back on your word on the same damn day!

So, yes, I will defend the rights for Angel to keep her plushies.

So, Martyr was trying to say my Aunt had given all the toys away, as if she doesn't remember standing at the trailer door just passing most of my toys out to random kids for them to keep. When I tried to remind her that she was the one passing them out, she just looked out the window. Then when I finished telling her she had handed them out I realized she refuse to even acknowledge that she had ever done that a all and tried to blame the whole thing on my aunt and said they never promised to keep the kitten in the first place.

Anyway. I really get sick of things that I say not ever being heard. I am so tired of being treated as if whatever I say isn't important or as if I don't exist at all, or as if I exist only for the sake of convenience. That convenience thing happens a lot too.

Then we all went shipping. I got Angel a nice watch as I wanted to get he something else as well, besides the video camcorder and stuff from the 'Sugar Plum Fairy'.

I am just chilling out now and I really want to sleep late tomorrow morning, so that I don't have to deal with my family members until tomorrow evening.

holidays, ashley, brandon, father, me, mother

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