Dear Diary

Dec 16, 2014 22:42

I ended up spending most of the evening watching 'Angel Beats' with Demon last night. We wrapped up the series sometime after midnight. It was cute. I had kind of guessed at the ending of it, but I kept quiet because Demon gets upset when I always guess the endings of stories. I knew he had already seen it, I think twice as it is his favorite all time anime, but I didn't mention I had figured out the ending of it.

I have been dreaming a lot about zombies lately. I think that is weird. I've never been a huge fan of zombies, although I did start watching 'The Walking Dead' recently. Still it's been a few since I have seen anything zombie related so, I don't know why I keep dreaming of zombies.

Demon and I went for a walk today. we walked the circle. It's been a while since we did the family drive around the circle counting people but Thursday we are all going to drive around and look at all the holiday lights on peoples houses.

I notices today almost everyone in our neighborhood has up their lights and has their mailboxes decorated somehow. I was thinking I am so deep into suburbia where everyone decorates their mailboxes and their houses and front yards for the holidays.

I watched 'The 100' today. that is a good show, I don't know why I was putting it off before. I hope that they make another season of it.

holidays, anime, television

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