Dear Diary

Dec 18, 2014 16:51

It's a bit early today to be posting but no one is home but Angel who throwing a psycho fit in her room.

I really tried to sleep late knowing that Demon was off to play tennis with his friends and that Martyr was off to a luncheon. I dreamed of more zombies last night and when I woke up the house was quiet. I noticed that Martyrs vehicle was gone and was sure I had succeeded waking up after everyone left.

Then I hear the upstairs toilet flush and Demon comes downstairs. not so bad though Demon. He is leaving soon for tennis, but he needs me to go with Martyr and him because Martyr gets lost picking Demon up from this friends house. Which means Martyr wasn't at her luncheon but just dropping something off somewhere.

So, my 'Home Alone' time is screwed over by having to drop Demon off for tennis and then getting myself dropped off back home.

I worked on a shirt I am making for Angel it is little red riding hood, and it looks great actually. Martyr watched me work on it and then said. "Oh you are talented, you should do something with your life, it looks to me like you missed your calling at becoming an artist, now you just sit around here all day." which pissed me off a bit as she always tells me that art and writing are shitty career choices and that I should do something practical. I pointed this out to her and then she says. "You make me sound like the worst person in the world." then she left for her luncheon for which I was grateful.

Then I watched 'Maleficent' as no one wanted to watch it but me. It was a great movie by the way and it made me happy to see it, although a little sad because no one else in the house wanted to watch it with me.

Then I finished, or at least tried to finish wrapping presents. I ran out of time before I had to go pick up Angel, but all that was left was the bows and putting the present away, except for the little red riding hood shirt which is drying in my room.

I have three hours left now before Martyr comes to pick me up and then we go pick up Demon. Then we are going to get milk shakes and drive around looking at holiday lights. A part of me is thinking maybe it could be fun, but usually someone gets whiny or pouty or says something evil to someone else, and we end up pretending to smile in my case, not talking in demons case, talking too much in Martyrs case, or just plane screaming in Angels case.

I barely got anything done that I wanted to do today. I just don't want to clean my room up now like I was going to do this morning because I can put on music when Angel is home and that helps me clean better and Angel hates music unless she is the one playing it on the piano. I'll still do it later this week despite Angel screaming, I just don't want to deal with her yelling at me today.

I really wanted to have a good day.

holidays, ashley, brandon, movies, crafts, mother

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