oh dear..

Jun 08, 2010 15:54

I've begun attempting to pay attentions to my dreams again... the way I would when I was little and actually attached value to such things. Begun noticing interesting trends as things thicken and become more dense.

Anyhoo! I'm glad I've done this because it's all really quite interesting. Seriously. Quality entertainment (and subliminal messages) right there in your own skull. And! It centers around you! Or in my case, about 50% of the time. I would think that in this narcissistic first-world country somebody would appreciate that...? anyone? nevermind.

So I was bowling in the middle of the old TJMaxx I used to work at. I believe Linda was there. And we were just having a hoot and a half because I hated working there and they never even bothered to hire Linda. So we were just destroying the place. Then! My lovely friend Kate shows up (on her way to the airport, as she was en route to her flight home to Taiwan), and we convince her to skip out on her flight and destroy the store with us. It's good to know she's still with me in spirit. Even though she's quite literally on the opposite end of the planet now.

We run around causing general havoc, and then we're all separated, and I find myself alone running up a street in my hood called Midlothian. A fine road by day, to be sure. Somewhat of an ideal setting for a horror movie by night. well. there I was, wandering around. And something happened and everything switched gears and the twins took over, as has been happening with a striking frequency nowadays, I might add. They went to the lake, in something between their 'normal' appearance and their ghost form, and decided it would be a grand idea to hop around on a bunch of randomly placed docks, floats, planks, and upturned canoes scaring the snot out of people. Because they could simply fade back into the fog, you see. the tricky little tsinivari that they are. there was this rope. and a girl, off into the distance, was clutching one end of it. I'm not sure why. Regardless, the twins grabbed the other end out of the water and began yanking on it. The girl pulled back, despite the fact that she couldn't see them, and they couldn't see her. They could all see the middle of the rope, however, which was dipped into the murky lake, and all saw the things that began to crawl to the surface. Only one emerged, however--a sickly white corpse-ghost suddenly ripped herself out of the water like it was Clive Barkers Cradle, screeching and clutching onto the rope. She faced the twins and began groping her way along the rope towards them, and the twins made something of an 'Oooops..' face, before dropping the rope and darting back towards the shore, leaping across the assorted objects and planks and piers in the water. Tons of people populated the shoreline and beach. They dove into the crowd and hung around, clearly not thinking they need bother run any further. Some man runs up to Merick in tears and accuses him of being a minx, which Merick just decided to take as a compliment because his English-Romany dictionary does not contain the word 'minx', apparently. (Mace later told him that they're glorious and stubborn. But I think she was thinking of the Great Sphinx. Oops).

Then the thing manages to stumble on shore, followed by a troop of other lake ghosts of similar appearance. The crowd scatters, and most run away, parting around the twins to reveal them in some strange entanglement with a volcano bong. The ghosts are shrieking for them, and don't even seem to have much awareness at all of the other people scattered about. The twins didn't wait around to try to find out whhhyyyy this happened, or what they could possibly have wanted.. and were for once certain to actually manage to get themselves away from the lake to reliable safety.

Leave it to them to go adventuring and manage to pull a hoard of ghosts out of Lake Zurich.

i love my brain barnacles, how you say in english...?, z?

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