Uranus is in Aries and I'm feeling brazen...

Jun 11, 2010 20:06

Say whatever you will about astrology. For me, nothing animates the universal Truth of that which is in one is in the whole, of 'As is above so is below', of All Is One, the way astrology does. And say what you will of horoscopes and all that nonsense (God only knows I have my opinions...) but you cannot diss the profound science of astrology. At least, if you do, do some fucking research on it first. Please and thank you.

Of course, I could never be rude to anyone about something like this.. being that I am a firm believer of never thrusting my ideas and beliefs into anyones face, and can courteously accept someone's disbelief in such things, because disagreement and skepticism is the nature of us. In the end, I only ask that my peer be as respectful of me and my opinions as I am of hers. Irregardless, I do feel one is obligated to be true to herself in the way in which she experiences, and consequently interprets, the nature of the universe. And for me, all it takes is a little imagination--to think of our galaxy, and to think of it as the size of an orb that could fit into the palm of my hand, and then within the solar plexus. And, within seconds, to feel the fire of the planets, the aspects, the comets, and the moons, moving inside of you. The idea that the universe is some gigantic something waaaayyyy out there, and that its presence is impartial and inconsequential to us--that we don't have an intimate relationship with planetary magnetics--is all an illusion, as the Buddha would say..

So. I am at back home and back at one of my aunt's workshops; one primarily concerned with truth, cosmic change, and self-actualization all through the lens of astrological interpretation of world events. Pretty dense. Half of it goes straight over my head. And I used to actually study astrology intensely for two years. Of course. This was three years ago. Anyway! Check it:

Several weeks ago, Uranus crossed over the over the Pisces/Aries line, a transition that only happens every 84 years, as that is how long it takes for the planet to make one rotation around the sun. It is a rocky transition, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac--the sign associated with super-conscious unity, of limitless experience, of even primordial returning to and dissolving into the whole. Universe-existence-oneness. And then Aries, on the other hand, is the abrupt return to the beginning. Aries is the I Am. It is the present, it is the immediate. And Uranus is the planet of abrupt change, of rebellion, of revolution. And it is also squaring Pluto, the planet/celestial body of death and rebirth, the destruction/creation paradox. In a nutshell, the experience of this planet is the myth of the phoenix, which, when burned to death, rebirths itself out of its ashes.

So there's this impossible transition from water to fire. And a rough aspect between two volatile planets.

Methane hydrate is a solid compound in which large amounts of methane are trapped within a crystal solid similar to ice, and it is found under sediments of Earth's ocean floor. In the scientific community, its nickname is "Fire Ice" due to its crystal-like, icy appearance. In the off-shore oil drills which have tapped below the ocean floors surface, this compound often freezes around the pipes. Something ignited some of the fire ice clinging to the pipes of one of these drills, causing it first to convert to gas, ignite, and explode. Behold the catastrophe of the BP Golf of Mexico oil spill.

But so what if someone wants to connect this disaster to something two giant orbs are doing in space?? If we chose to view the cosmos as a grand tapestry in which none of us truly realize just how intricately we are all sewn together.. it implies meaning. it implies significance on an archetypal and symbolic level of everything--and not only that which is going on in our psyches, and in our environments, and in our evolving selves. It implies a wake-up call so great, none of us really seem to get it yet. It implies that, despite humanities relentless desecration of and insistence of control over Mother Nature--our control is an illusion. Our belief in the abundance of resources is an illusion. Our belief in the swallowing and desecration of those resources without consequences is an illusion. Despite our hubris, with one single event, Gaia has thrown us to our knees.

And so, what does that honestly mean? It means that we have just witnessed the Earth thrusting dozens of Truths in our faces that we do not want to deal with, because dealing with and acknowledging that we are destroying our planet and destroying ourselves would require we do something about it. And by 'Do something' one means a radical and immediate deviation from pretty much everything about how we run our shows now.

And what we people tend to do when faced with something we don't want to deal with is relentlessly play the blame game. We're not doing anything about this disaster but pointing fingers and covering our tracks and killing messengers and evading responsibility. Did you know Fox News actually is trying to blame us Tree-huggers for this mess?? Because we refused oil companies the right to coastal drilling and have pushed them to establish the deep-sea oil drills. That ding-bat jackass Rush Limbaugh was quoted saying on his radioshow the other day: "What better way to head off oil drilling nuclear plants then by blowing up a rig?" Well. Fuck you very much, Mr. Limbaugh.

But here's whats the what: It does not matter who we blame. It. Will. Do. Us. Nothing. That oil's just going to keep pouring into the Gulf. And, pretty soon, it's going to slime its way up the east coast, then, it's going to infiltrate an ocean current and bleed its way to Europe. Backtracking and punishing someone will do nothing. And you know what? It's not like BP gives a flying fuck that you joined a Facebook group reminiscing the good times in which the ocean was actually clean. Rush does not give a shit that you belong to the facebook page, "Can this potato get more than 600,000 fans than Rush Limbaugh??" That really does not even count as taking a stand or voicing your opinion. (though i will admit i belong to the potato page). Facebook does not count as political activism. It just doesn't.

Return from bitter tangent. Uranus in Aries. It is many things due to the infinite ways in which these energies can be translated and interpreted and acted upon. On the negative side, the combination of Aries individualism and rashness and Uranus's general tendency to disrupt and overthrow stability will throw people into something of a survival mode and will bring out our worst. On the other hand, in the collective and in our own small lives, it is a wake up call. It is a snapping out of the murky, watery sense of unity characterized by Pisces. There is a freshness to it. A revitalizing potential in actually acting upon the things we need to do, of the changes we know we need to bring into our lives.

I've just been sitting around today realizing the intense franticness that has taken over me in this past month. This incorrigible need to start making radical changes and starting over and transcending to a new chapter and yadda yadda. Yeah I chopped off all my hair, that was certainly a part of it. But a deeper itching, and an ever-increasing frustration has become completely impossible to ignore of late. I realized, a little while back, of just how sick I am of pushing things back. Things I had at one point planned I would have done by now, the person I at one point planned I would have become... all keep getting pushed back, and pushed back, and pushed back. When I ask myself "When the hell am I going to do this???" now, my heart simply won't allow me to push it off to, 'once I graduate' 'once i get money' 'once i know what the hell i want to do.' It's like this mantra beating in my skull: now... now... now... and I've begun making solid plans and have actually begun saving money (an incredible feat if you're me...) to ship myself off to some other part of the country. I just cannot ignore this anymore. I cannot. I cannot.

missing the open door, blame that one planet.., fuck you very much, yarg life crisis.., we disapprove, rant

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