The funeral of hearts

Mar 02, 2010 19:39

Title: The funeral of hearts - ch 2
Author: dark_light_girl
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Just as Bam finds happiness, his life and love are torn apart
Disclaimer:I dont own ville or bam, but wish i did XD twuld be fun
Warnings: tis a tiny bit sad = [
Author's Notes: This is my first ever fic, so comments critial or otherwise appreciated, taah x

"An ode for cruelty"

"One day you are going to loose everything you have. Nothing will prepair you for that day, Not faith... Not religion... Nothing. When someone you love leaves you will know emptiness.. you will know what it is to be completley and utterly alone. You will never forget and never forgive..." - JAMES O'BARR "THE CROW"

I shall never forget that day for as long as i live...
Ville was sitting on the porch strumming his guitar, gently humming a tune unknown to me when a car pulled up outside. Novak's head appeared out of the drivers window.
"YO! losers, you comin' for a ride??" He asked
I declined, needing to practise a new trick in time for a competition tomorrow, Ville however, obviously giving up on his new song for the time being, stood up and placed his guitar down.
I jogged over to him, kissed him goodbye, ignoring the retching noises Novak was making behind us, and watched him climb into the passengers seat. I waved him off as they left down the drive.

10hrs later. 
Im sitting at home worried sick. I know i shouldn't ring him, I realise I'm being parinoid, but I do anyway.
It just rings, on and on and on. I hang up, more worried now than before.
*ring ring* *ring ring*
I jumped as the loud ringing pierced the unusually silent atmosphere.
"Mr Margera?" a women's voice answers me
"Y-Yes" I'm shaking now.
"I'm so sorry, there has been an acident, Mr Valo is currently In I.C, we would have contacted you before now its just..."
He voice fades off into the distance as panic and fear set in.
" you have the contact details of-"
"No..." I interupt her,
"Excuse me?"
"No!" I repeat louder, tears filling my eyes.
I loose it.
"Sir, I'm really sorry b-"
"NO your not! Your not fucking sorry, you dont even know me! Your lying, your-" 
My shouts are consumed by noisy sobs. I hurl my phone in frustration to the other side of the room, sliding to my knees. 
As you'd expect, everyone has come running. Now Ape, Phill, the crew and Jess stand over me, looks of fear and shock plastered on their faces. Ape is the first to speak, looking terrified.
"Bam, hunnie, your scaring me, what's wrong?"
She crouches down on the floor next to me, I just cling to her, breathless from crying.
After a minute or so, she asks again.
This time, i manage a reply.
"It's... its Ville." I stutter, "He's in The I.C unit... there's been an accident."
The colour drains from her face.
"Phil, start the car," she orders. Turning back to me, "Come on hunnie, It's going to be ok."

2 minutes later we're in the car. Me and Ape in the back, Jess and Phil in the front. All i can do is cling on to Ape for dear life, Praying that Ville, MY Ville will be ok... we desend into silence as the hospital looms.

The waiting room is empty except from a short blonde doctor clad in blue scrubs. She approaches as we enter. 
"Mr Margera?" she questions looking at me for a response
I nod, tears still streaming down my cheeks.
"I'm Dr. Marthas, Im sorry to have to tell you this bu-"
"No, He's not dead,,, he cant be..." I interrupt, my voice hysterical
"Mr Valo has slipped into a coma," she paused "We don't know when - or if - He'll ever wake up. And when he does, his injuries may render him D.O.A"
I looked up at her,
"Oh god," i mutter collapsing into a nearby chair, hands covering my face.
"Would you like to see him?" she ask softly.
I am led by the hand through a set of double doors to an enclosed room.
I close my eyes, breathe deeply, push open the door and walk inside... this is the place my worst nightmare comes alive...

I open my eyes, stare for a moment then collapse to the floor. My sorrow consumes me...


Poor ville and bam = [ im sorry to say things dont get any happier for a while folks.

comments are hearts <3
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