funeral of hearts ch 3

Apr 03, 2010 14:19

Title: The funeral of hearts - ch 3
Author: dark_light_girl
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Just as Bam finds happiness, his life and love are torn apart
Disclaimer: I dont own ville or bam, but wish i did XD twuld be fun
Warnings: tis a tiny bit sad = [
Author's Notes: This is my first ever fic, so comments critial or otherwise appreciated, taah x oh, and sorry it took so long to update... been workin alot :((((

"here's to the pain"

When i finally stop crying long enough to look at him, i realise he doesnt look like my ville anymore... He's hooked up to a bunch of machines, all of which are bleeping away, but not frantically, which i try and convince myself, must be a good sign. Hundreds of tiny cuts pepper his face and still, he's far more beautiful than anything i've ever laid eyes upon. His long silky hair is now matted with dark, dried blood and his crimson lips are tinged slightly purple.
As i move closer to his side, i realise the nurse has left the room, leaving me and my angel alone.
I reach out and gently stroke the side of his face but i recoil. He is cold, far too cold...
My reach out and takes his limp, seemingly lifeless hand in my own. Tears still rolling down my cheeks, i find myself saying over and over again
"Please Ville, wa-wake up, i need you. dont do this to me..."

my soul shatters as silence replies.


"OW! Bam - N-no. NO! don't! St-st-stop it!" I cried breathlessly as i struggled to squim away from my boyfried in vain.
Needless to say, he did not obey, though he paused for a moment leaving me gasping for air.
"Call me sir!" he demanded, pausing briefly.
After taking a moment to compose myself i replied gallantley -

The tiggling began again. It was unfair combat in my mind, seeings as he had,
a) attacked me without warning
b) was practically sitting on me
and c)
he was far stronger than me and far more experianced at tiggle fights.

We battled on. Bam after a while, seemingly gave up and climbed off me. I looked round, puzzled for a second, to watch him walk away towards the kitchen.

My ribs hurt.

"Ok then, mister "Im-stronger-than-i-look" " he shouted over his shoulder as he left the room,
"You win"
I was shocked for a second, then a proud smile errupted on my face. 
"Aw poor Bammie" I mocked, feeling superior, as i got up off the sofa and started to follow him out of the room.

As i entered the kitchen and looked around, Bam was nowhere to be seen...

"HOLY SHI-"  I cried as Bam suddenly leaped upon me, knocking both of us to the cold tiled floor.

CRACK! I smacked my head

"OW!"  I cried, as tears came to my eyes.
"Baby? oh hunnie, Im sorry... are you ok?" a worried voice replyed to my shout.
I looked up to find bam's face close to mine, flushed yet filled with worry.
"That hurt." I stated, attempting to get up, but bam pushed me back down.
"You wern't meant to fall.." He replied
"Yeah, well..." I looked away and attempted to get up but bam pushed me back down.
"Bam?" I asked mildly curious, yet still pissed off. 
again, i attempted to get up and yet again, he wouldnt allow me.
"Baam!?" i whined as he pushed against me, till I was leaning half on the floor, half against the cabinet he had pounced from.

My head was throbbing

His baby blue eyes found mine as he leaned in closer, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Im sorry baby." He growled gently in my ear. "Let me kiss it better?"
I gasped as he placed a small, yet suggestive kiss on the skin just underneath my ear.
His lips found mine and he kissed me passionately. Making me moan gently against his mouth. I felt him smile into the kiss.
The he pulled away and whispered in my ear again...
"Call me sir?"
"Yes..." I smirked "SIR" putting emphasis on his new title.
a smile engulfed his mouth as his lips engulfed mine.

The pain was getting worse
And worse
until every single cell in my body was crying out for help.
I felt as if somebody had ripped me in two as tears slipped from my eyes...


Nothing but blackness and pain...not as bad as before, but still mindnumbing.
I tried to open my eyes, but i couldnt.
I tried to speak but my mouth would not obey me.
Whats happened to me? i questioned myself as i tried to remember.

The tyres spinning out of control and the sound of glass smashing... flashes of orange light, no, fire and the smell of leaking gas...

and the pain, the unbearable burning pain.

I allowed my mind to rest as a groggy feeling came over me...
but then... muffled as if in the distance, i heard him...
my beautiful bam whispering to me... i felt him stroke my face, hold my hand...
"Please ville... wake up... i need you..."
My heart wrenched at the words "wake up"
Im in a coma... the realisation dawned on me... terrifying me more every second...
"I'm trying Bammie, baby!" I attempted to answer him in vain...

This is hell itself...


= ( poor babies... im evil, i know :)
comments are <3's
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