the funeral of hearts

Mar 01, 2010 19:47

Title: The funeral of hearts - ch 1
Author: dark_light_girl
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Just as Bam finds happiness, his life and love are torn apart
Disclaimer:I dont own ville or bam, but wish i did XD twuld be fun
Warnings: tis a tiny bit sad = [
Author's Notes: This is my first ever fic, so comments critial or otherwise appreciated, taah x

It had started to rain. Just my fucking luck, i hated the rain. I hugged my arms closer as i began to shiver. God, i hoped Ville would hurry up, how long did it take him to pack his shit?? Just as i wondered this i saw him emerge from the skanky-ass hotel across the street. Wow he looked sexy, his long black coat left graciously open showing off his stark white chest. 
"Yo bam-bam!" he shouted, his voice heavily accented, "It's raining!" 
"No shit Willa, observant bugger arent you?" i replied.
He threw a soft punch at me as he clambered into the passenger side of my hummer. 
"I'm wet" he said with a smirk on his face as i turned pink. 
He just smiled and reached across for my hand, lacing our fingers together in the intamate way he always did. I wished he wouldnt. I wished he knew how he made feel, and how i died inside a little more at the thought of our relationship status - JUST friends.

A short 20 minutes later and we were pulling up to the castle, It had bee ages since Ville had stayed, Him and Missy didnt get on, If only he knew the reason I'd ended it...
" Ville, chuck your shit upstairs yeah?? I told him,
Two minutes later he re-appeared, luggage still in tow.
"bammie hun, Don Vito's in the spare room"
"huh? waah?"
I headed upstairs, and sure enough he was.
"Wha the fu-" 
"Bam!" Ape warned me, "before you say anything, He's staying because you and you childish friends wrecked his place - end of matter" 
Not usually one to take orders, ape looked supprised when i backed down and left the room, The idea of throwing a tantrum infront of Ville seemed too embarassing. 
"Bam, i can go back to the hotel if It's too much trouble" Ville stated as i entered the dining room again,
"No trouble, You can sleep with me" 
"Oh bam!" Ville teased, making me turn a deep shade of crimson, "I had no idea you had that planned for me!"
"Oh fuck off," 
He just smiled sweetly,
"I love messing with you"
He messed with my head more than he ever realised...

When we reached My room, we both cringed at the mess i had left in the rush to pick Ville up from his less than desirable choice of bedsit.
"Wow,,, war-zone" ville stated, seeming somewhat overwelmed
"uh, yeh," I replied pushing all my crap off of the bed so we would at least have somewhere to sit.
Minutes passed in comfortable silence, then to be broken by an akward topic of conversation, 
"so... what happened with missy?" He asked
I didn't reply. 
"There's something i need to know..." He continued adressing my feet, "Is it true you split over me?"
I nearly choked on my own breath - How did he know that??!!
"Urm, well, no,,, well..."
"Ok, maybe you had something to do with it,"
"Is it true... is it true that your in love with me?" He asked caustiously.
Maybe It was the look in his eyes, or the tone of his voice, But something in my mind decided that this time, i would be honest. 
I gulped.
"Yes, It's true..."
I turned away,
I stood up and headed for the door, It was then i felt a hand on my shoulder, i turned around and and was caught by suprise when Ville pushed his lips to mine. We drew back, i must have looked as suprised as i felt, because he started to chuckle,
"Bam you are so blind sometimes" he simply stated leaning in, he brushed his lips against mine again, "I love you"
i gasped. suddenly letting the force i had been rebelling against for so long to surface, 
"I love you to" 
I pressed my mouth hard to his and we kissed. 
I had waited for that moment so long and i wanted it to be perfect. It wasen't. It was far better than perfect. 
It was me, and him, forever and ever, locked in that embrace, that insaine moment for eternity.
Though nothing good lasts and my world and heart were about to be torn apart at the seams...

Clifhanger,,, dun-dun-dun!!!

comments are hearts <3

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