Year of the Cat 4

May 24, 2006 10:23

Year of the Cat

//...// = twins talking

[...] = thoughts

When Hisoka is crossdressing I refer to her as a guy, as well as refering to her as Kyo every now and then.


Hisoka dodged a flurry of grabbing hands, with a hiss he darted away from all of them, red eyes catching sight of all the collars the squeeling girls had. Running as fast as his legs could take him, he dove back into the school, there was more cover there. This had to be the work of those two devils, he just knew it. Once inside the school, the redhead slammed the doors closed, placing his full weight against it as he tried to figure out a way to lock the damn thing.

[Damn it, I can't pick locks that fast with out a key,] he decided to make a mad dash for it. Turning off lights on his way.

The doors swung open, a crowd of women standing proudly as they scanned the dark room, collars held high displayed like a mob with nooses. Quietly they snuck into the creeping shadows, the daylight dying away, the pack of females clinging onto one another. The large group split into two stratigicly taking up both sides of the large room. Hisoka kept his eyes closed as he strained to keep in his possition, the sounds of feet falling, people whispering as they silently searched. He felt a joint pop as they came closer, his breath shallow. The curtain covering him slid open, his breathing stopped as three girls looked one way then the other. He clung to the window's frame from above, mentally shouting at them to move on.

"He's not over here either!" One of them finally shouted out before scurrying off with her companions.

Kyo waited until the last girl shuffled out of the room, greatful that he wasn't caught by them. The window frame had just been large enough to wedge himself in from toe to palm and slowly make his way up to the top. Now he just needed to get down... Bending his elbows and knees broke him free from his hiding place, with a small roll he made it mostly to the floor before grabbing the curtain to slow his desent. His feet and left hand landing soundlessly against the carpet in a crouch. Feline like eyes scanned the room before he relaxed. No one was there. With a sigh he leaned back and rested on his fanny, rottating his shoulder trying to get that unpleasant feeling out of it since it had popped. This place wasn't going to be safe for long, he had to figure out a place that people would leave him alone... He thought back to the end of last period where he had bumped into Nekozawa out side the nurse's office. The lonely black magic club presedint had brough Kyo his assinments and offered to help him with his studies in the... A grin split Hisoka's face.


Tamaki was an adventurious man, a coragues man, a wise man, a smart man... unfortunately he had no clue he was any of those things especially when he was standing in front of the lavish doors to the one room he hoped he would never have to enter. A pink tongue darted out to be pinned between lips and teeth in thought. If he didn't know better he would have just barged right in when he saw the "cat" run into the room, but those gold letters across a black plaque kept him at bay. His fine fingers twitched as he gathered up as much courage as possible with those words teasing him, taunting him with their silver bone and skull frame. He could just... reach for the knob and ignore the "Black Magic Club" title that snickered at his fear. Swallowing hard he consintrated hard, his hand about to take hold of the knobe when it rattled causing a high pitched, chocked, gasp escape his throat as he jumped back.

"What am I doing?" he asked himself as he closed his eyes. "Come on, you're better than this. Don't forget what this is for. This is for time with the delicate flower, HARUHI!" He raised his hand and clutched his fist as he declaired aloud with as much conviction as he possibly could, "This is for time to spend with her and spoiling her to her hearts content and beyond with lush food, paush luxuries, lovely dresses that fade compaired to her beautyYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!"

"What are you yelling about this time?"

The blond gave a small scream as he nearly jumped out of his skin. Whirling around he sighed a breath of relief at the short brunet as she stared at him with ever intelligent eyes. He placed a hand over his heart, "Haruhi~ Don't scare me like that."

"Why are you just standing out of Nekozawa's club room?" She didn't wait for a reply as she opened the door, "Did the 'cat' go in here?"

"Ah Haruhi! You don't know what might," he stopped when the light was flipped on showing a normal room. " in there.... Huh?"

"Looks pretty normal for people who talk about black magic all the time," Haruhi placed a hand on her hip looking from one side to the other slowly taking in all of its simplicities. Her brown eyes fell upon the open window as the gentle wind pushed at it. Placing a hand on her chin she spoke out loud, "The janitors make sure that every window is closed before they leave right?"

"Yeah, they do and it is past 6pm, they would have gone home by now," Tamaki made sure to stay close to the woman as they ventured in.

"Then it's only safe to assume the 'cat' got out this way. He must be somewhere in the courtyard by now." She closed the window, latching it closed before turning around and grabbing Tamaki's hand as she trugged out of the room. The King's face turned a bright red color from the willing contact, but nearly screamed when Haruhi turned off the lights in the room.

"What? What is it?" she asked finding she couldn't move him another inch.



The brunet looked up to the ceiling where her senpai was currently gawking at in horror. All across the ceiling were glowing eyes all different shapes and sizes, mostly green but a few were blue, pink, yellow and red. There were even ones in the corners of the rooms. They gave a start when a set blinked and hurried their way out, slamming the door shut and scurrying down the hallway.

Hisoka pulled himself out from behind a plush couch, jumped over the back and landed with a comfortable plop. None of these guys knew what it was like to play hide and seek, it would seem. He gave a silent yawn, eyes drawing heavy. The redhead knew he was running off of insomnia now, staying up three days straight and then having to deal with jet lag wasn't exactly fun, and it was the jet lag that really messed you up. Red eyes watched several of the glowing eyes blink due to the flicker effect given to the hidden lights. Bring in some glow sticks and some loud music and the place would be perfect for a rave party. He closed his eyes shutting off the thought, he needed to be aware, needed... and with in a few seconds he was in a peaceful sleep with his legs crossed and arms behind his head.

What woke him were the soft footsteps as the door clicked shut. The light was still off as a familiar voice spoke up in a hushed whisper, "You have to admit, she gave them all a run around."

"Not many people can do that, I'll admit," a similar voice mimicked the first.

"You wanna do the honors?"

"My, Hikaru, you're so kind, but I must decline, you should tame the beast."

"You say that as if you're afraid to get close to her..... Why are you blushing?"

"Er, you just look so handsome in the partical light that's all."

"You're funny Kaoru."

Hikaru slowly leaned in, the collar carefully streatched between his hands as it came closer to soft flesh. Suddenly Kyo's eyes snapped open, the leather of the collar sliding between teeth and into a harsh bite. With in an instent Hisoka had lunged himself forward sending the both master and servent to the floor. Red eyes pierced a hazel gaze as Hikaru was pinned underneath, legs open, wrists pinned. A heavy blush covered his cheeks at the ferral sight of the one with the collar hanging from his mouth above him. Kaoru gave a small shout from the start he got, but as soon as it had happened it had ended as the cat scrambled off, spat out the collar and ran out of the room.



"Why are you blushing?"

"Because of the light."

Kaoru helped his brother up with a wink, "Of course."

Hisoka tumbled to a stop after tripping over some mat that was placed out side the door to one of the building's roofs. He had forgotten which way he had ran and after running into a group of more girls he took so many turns and twists that it made him dizzy. Sitting up from where he had managed to stop he looked around. His eye twitched at the sight of a pool, [Why the hell...]

The roof's door slammed open, Mori stood proudly and dramaticly even though he carted Hunny upon his shoulders. Hunny pointed with a declaration of, "There's the 'cat' Takashi!"

The tall man stood silently for a moment before he was started in a crazied dash, Hisoka's eyes widdened as he scrambled forward and dove into the cold water of the pool. When she surfaced she was in the dead middle of the pool, eyes narrowed and daring the two to advance. Mori lowered Hunny onto the ground where the child like young adult dipped his finger into the water finding it much to his displeasure. With a squeel he jumped back to his companion that hand waiting arms for him.

"Takashi~ It's too cold."

"HA! Try and collar me now!" Hisoka had a malicious fanged grin as he splashed at them causing them to back away.

//A little cold water won't stop us!//

"Don't you dare you stupid-!!"

They dove in.

Quickly paddling she tried to out swim the two that were very frighteningly fast as the closed in.


Red eyes glittered with hope as Nekozawa crouched down at the edge on the other end of the pool. Picking up speed the little kitty swam with all of his heart, his hand slapping into Nekozawa's.


A collar was suddenly clamped around his neck. He stared in sillent terror as he was bodily pulled out of the water and cuddled like a stuffed animal with praises of how he would only let his best friend catch him in this new game that all of them had.

//When did he get a collar?// the twins looked at each other as they strocked over to the edge and pulled themselves out.

"Never mind that, I think we won," Kaoru placed a fisted hand on his hip with a grin as he looked at the broken form of Hisoka as he was still being cuddled.

"We'll probably get a letter of recognition by tomorrow," Hikaru wave his twin a casual high five on a job well done. "Though, Kyo-kun was tougher than the others."

"Yeah, usually just signing them up for school scared them off."

Hunny popped up between the two of them, "What are you talking about?"

//Nothing of interest, do you know where a towel is?//

later that night

"I see," Takayashi covered her mouth as he talked, his shoulders shaking with untold laughter as all three sopping wet teens stared at him in the door way, "So... what's what happened."

"Shut up it's not funny!" Hisoka shouted.

He took a deep breath, "All fun put to the side, you all need to change and get to bed early after having something warm to eat. You don't want to catch a cold."

"Fuck you!" Hisoka hissed darting off to the butler's room that she shared with Takayashi.

"Such foul language... but it sounds so cute when she says it~"

//Takayashi, there's something seriously wrong with you.//

After getting changed, Hisoka scratched at her kaki clad thigh as her cold skin itched from the sudden temprature change of her warm pants. She quickly grabbed the laptop that Takayashi had bought her yesterday before she was introduced to the Hitachiin boys. She looked at her wet shoes and cursed before storming out with only flip flops, grabbing a thin jacket. Slipping out of the house she angerly stocked off of the Hitachiin property and into the city where she found a nice little park bench to sit on. The street light that was used to light the park path flickered out as she opened her laptop.

"Okay, if you like public humiliation I'll give you public humliation," she spoke to no one in general as she bag to type at a fast pace. What she had planned wasn't typical of the Japanese to see, but Americans would see it coming a mile away... or at least that's what she thought. So might as well use their cultural differences to her advantage.

To Be Continued...
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