Year of the Cat 3

May 05, 2006 22:28

This is a Ouran Host Club fic.

Genre: comedy, drama

Characters: Host Club, but mostly Hitachiin twins.

Warnings: None

Description: The Hitachiins receive a new Head Butler apprentice just in time for their parents to leave on long business trips leaving behind two devilish twins that have every intention of driving the new arrival off. Let's see if they can succeed with having their world of "us and not us" left untouched.

Chapter 3

Year of the Cat

//...// = twins talking
[...] = thoughts
When Hisoka is crossdressing I refer to her as a guy, as well as refering to her as Kyo every now and then.

~Feline Fur~

To say that Hisoka was a person that just rolled over and took things was easy enough to say. He wasn't one to hit someone out of anger, wasn't one to chase someone who played a prank on him, nor did he run away when trouble made itself known. He took the lumps that were delt and nursed himself back to health and continued on with his life. But that doesn't mean he won't get even. He had already bitten Nekozawa's finger when the man tried to feed him lunch when he was still in the infirmery. It wasn't a harsh bite only a worning that next time it'd be painful and not a shock. Though the girls, who had snuck in to see him, thought he was sucking on the black magic user's finger was a little disturbing he didn't care. Nekozawa had understood well enough before leaving after the lunch bell rang signaling class to begin again. Kyo still had a sizeable welt on his neck and the nurse said he still had three hours to go before he could move with out dangering his neck from spraneing. Now it was a good time to see what he could do in return for his new master's... appreciation.


Hikaru and Kaoru gave a heavy sigh together as they walked down the hallway. Class was finally over with and they had club activities to attend to. The Hitachiins had decided it would have been a good time to apologize to Hisoka because they didn't mean to hurt him. But when they went to the nurse's office Kyo had already left and was no where to be found.

"Hikaru, I need to drop by the washroom. I'll meet you at the club," the younger gave a wave to his brother who nodded in reply.

"Don't take too long, life gets boring with out you."

"Like wise."

When Kaoru was done and drying his hands he stepped out of the bathroom to find Kyo leasurly leaning against the wall across the way stareing up at the ceiling while seemingly waiting.

"Uh... Kyo-kun, how's your neck?"

He wiggled his shoulders from side to side while stretching his neck in demonstration, "Sore, but other wise fine."

The youngest Hitachiin son tucked his handkerchief into his pocket as he watched the redhead push himself off of the wall. With only a few steps Kaoru was pushed back against the wall next to the restroom doors. Kyo's arms barred him on either side of his shoulders and with the close proxsimaty prevented movement. Red eyes peered up from a curtain of orange bangs, the gentle golds and red light from the setting sun cast sharp shadows against the face that was mearly an inch from his. A slender leg was pressed between his but kept its distance from his body.

"K-kyo... wh-what are you doing?"

"Just letting you know something...." a pink tongue ran over the small fangs that Kaoru had never noticed before. Hisoka moved his lips only a few centimeters from the shell of the twin's ear, eyes still locked on the face of his young master, "I don't do well with people, because I get even. I thought I would give you a heads-up."

The strawberry blond moved his eyes so that he could look into red, finding his normal voice again, "And why would you do that?"

He instinctively pressed himself farther against the wall when Kyo shifted, his face in full view the feline smirk upon that face was like telling the mouse that the cat just came back from its little trip. The redhead pulled himself away and started to walk down the hall with his hands in his pocket. With out turning back he stated, "Because it's more fun to play a 'game' when others are willing. I'm going to head back home, I'll send you a taxi when your club activities are through... young master."

Once Kyo was out of sight Kaoru found that his legs didn't want to hold him up anymore. He continued to stare after the long gone cat as he slid down the wall. There was something errotic about what had just happened.

"Kaoru? Why are you on the floor?"

The aformentioned youth turned his attention to the opisate side where his brother was offering him a hand. He took the hand and was pulled up to his feet. Wrapping his arms around his brother's neck his bright, calculating eyes glittered as he snuggled into that familiar scent.


"Hikaru," the younger pulled back enough to look his brother in the eye. "I believe we finally found that playmate we've always wanted."


Tamaki was enjoying the day. It had gone so very well with his good grades, adored by women, hanging out with his friends in class, and now he was spending time with Haruhi. Aa, life was good. Wait, something was missing. Hnn, he wasn't sure though. There was Haruhi, Hunny, Mori, Kyoya, yep everything was in, hold up... where were the twins? Their usual crowd were lonely and listless, they couldn't just do that to a group of delicate flowers. It was rude and just down right nasty, or at least that's what he thought.

Just then the doors opened and two grinning twins walked in. The King was about to scold them only to quickly have the twins hurry up to him.

//Tono, we have a favore to ask of you.//

"A... favore?"

It wasn't often they said that, it usually intailed something rather unpleasent for himself. Thus why he instinctively backed away with an appauled arm up.

//It's nothing big, just a group game that everyone can play.//

A blue eye narrowed as the other remained wide open as if processing what they were saying with a 56k modem. ""

"Sounds fun!" Hunny popped up with his bunny settled upon his head, "Can I play?"

//Of course! In fact,// they took a step together so they could regaurd the whole room. //We would like all of our distinguished guests to participate.//

"R-really?" a misclanious girl blushed. It had been a while since the club and their guests played a game together besides 'guess which is Hikaru'.

//Of course, of course. The rules of the game are simple. It's a game of cat and mouse, except we are the 'mice' trying to find the 'cat'.//

"What you get for winning?" Haruhi folded her arms looking less than thrilled, "Better not have anything to do with me."

//No no, whom ever catches the 'cat' gets to select a few choice friends and spend an entire evening with all of the Host Club members.//

The room was filled with screams and scrieks before Tamaki spoke up silencing all the gitty women, "And what if one of the club members finds this 'cat'?"

//Isn't that the thing, because we already spend so much time together it would make it a mute point. So you can have an all expensices paid, one week vacation with anyone you choose in this room.// The expences paid was narrowed down on Haruhi as the twins draped themselves over her shoulders.

Kyoya raised his eyebrow as Tamaki shouted with glee at the probable thought of spending 'quality' time with their most recent member.

//When you find the 'cat' we want you to collar him.//

"But... where do we get collars?" a girl spoke up from the crowd.

//Aa, see that's why were are late, we had gone out and purchased these!// the two quickly pulled out two large boxes from the hallway. //Each collar is different with a tag, write your name on the tag and so it will make it easy for you to claim you prize.//

It was the vice-president's time to step in now that he saw the financtual merat in all of this, "Unforntuatley the collars don't come for free. It will be 300 for each collar."

That didn't stop anyone except for Haruhi who didn't want to really participate in such a silly game in the first place. But she did blush when Tamaki dropped a collar into her hand and smiled, "Here you go."

She gave him a small smile back as she saw he already wrote her name on the tag, even though it was a silly game... it would still be fun to play with everyone else.

//Now then, everyone has a collar! The discription of the 'cat' is this - Orange hair, red eyes and 5 foot 8 inches. The boundries of the game are the school. Now then, everyone please have fun!!//

As if the hounds had been released everyone emptied the room, even Kyoya if nothing else than to keep an eye on how things progress and see the if this was something they could do again if benuficital. The only ones left behind were two chuckling Hitachiins.


"Why the hell am I locked in?!" Hisoka shouted yanking on the school gate bars.

"There he is!!" Some one shouted.

[I have a bad feeling about this...]

To Be Continued...
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