
Feb 11, 2011 09:11

The week has rolled right along and here we are.  Took the babies in to daycare to drop off paperwork and meet the baby room staff.  Nice folks.  Carrie's pretty sad about going back to work.  But only three months or so of daycare and they'll be home every day for the summer.

Got my new bluetooth handset.  That's right, handset.  Sweet!  Also, some plush sushi for the kids, to round the order out.

No gaming this week as we're off to Carl-Bad for Julie and Ross's birthdays.  I think I'll take some Castle Ravenloft to play with Ross though.  And I'm sure there will be some xbox.

Jon asked that I send the iPod shuffle I'm no longer using up to Derek, and maybe fill it up with some music.  A lot of pressure, that.  This could shape his musical future!  Also, it could make him realize what a weirdo his uncle is.  Well, he probably already knows that last bit.  Hopefully the stuff I put on there is light on the f-bombs.

family, games, gaming, stuff, music

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