La Vacacion en Florida: Day 3

Jan 06, 2006 10:38

Quote of the Day:
D: Cool they have a mummy.
J: Is it really a mummy?
D: Yeah, looks like it. ... Uhm ... What's a mummy doing in Florida?
G: So what do you do?
D: Oh I go to ASU. I study Japanese. I'm majoring in it.
G: Oh wow, really? That's cool. I like Japanese because of anime and I know a little.
D: Uh huh.
G: Are you going to go to Japan?
D: Well, I've already been there. I went to Hiroshima with school.
G: Hiroshima? Really? How is it there? Is it all fixed up and stuff.
D: *stare* *laughs* *a lot* Heehee,'s just...oh...nevermind...sorry.
G: Uhm. It's okay?
Guy no taller than me: And I get the front because I've got the longest legs!
D: you don't. Besides, Jessica gets the front to give us directions.
(Yep I gave the girl who is 5'3" the front seat.)
D: Yeah, I'd like this one and could I get that with a chunk of ham instead of the bacon and sausage.
W: Sure.
G: Heehee, "chunk of ham."
D: Well, you have to specify otherwise...oh is funny.

We went to St. Petersburg to see the Dali museum. Dali is neat because he strikes me as the type of person who would approve of the gift shop selling commercialized versions of his work and stuff. I mean he did perfume lines and all that while he was alive. Usually you think of artists as being all purists and whiners and stuff. Neat guy. Weird, but neat.

We also saw a local history museum and went down to the pier (even though the walk tired my short-legged companion) to eat lunch. My gryo I got was really good. Nice and meaty even if I did have to pick off lettuce and onions and stuff. The pier had a "Florida winery" store and in retrospect I regret not tasting some of the wines. Maybe I could have got a head start in not getting drunk. I got my first souvenirs too. Got my mom key lime mustard sauce. And I got my dad a mug of "the destruction of the permanence of memory" from the Dali museum.

Then we took a nap for a while.

After that it was time to get dressed to go to The Castle - a goth club in Ybor - allegedly to celebrate the birthday of one of Jessica's friends and just to see her favorite club. Failing to get drunk after four drinks I danced some but mostly helped around drunk people and insulted Aeon Flux (the animated version) which was playing on the big screens over the dance-floor bar. Man, I didn't know you could get THAT much skankier than anime chicks. Whoo.

Speaking of anime, Jessica's got a lot of friends who are fans and I am getting annoyed. It was bad enough having to convince one that with his self-taught goodness he probably wasn't as l33t as he thought and it may be best to get a tour to start him out instead of going to see all the "off the beaten path" stuff. The one at the club I had to tell that Hiroshima is nicely fixed up. I really did laugh at him a lot. He seemed to take it rather well. At least it wasn't "radioactive fumes" but honestly. If you're going to pretend to know something why don't you try knowing something. I guess I'm a little bitter because I think of my vacations as a chance to get away from the stuff that bugs me about my major and school and it FOLLOWS ME AROUND.

Though it's moderately fun to watch them light up when they try to impress the Japanese major and watch them deflate when I am less than unimpressed.

Jessica was worrying me because she was drinking cough syrup and alcohol at the same time and forgetting large chunks of the evening. So after the club closed we went to Denny's. Affectionately (or not) called by the locals as "The Stripper Denny's" because of it's proximity to a seedier part of town. We hoped to get her something to eat though she oddly declined once we got in the restaurant. We also met with a very drunk guy named Jason who kept trying to talk to us, though after I ignored him the first time he learned not to talk to me. Later, I saw that he almost started a fight in the restaurant. There were a bunch of people standing and a couple of the staff were trying to keep him away from another guy. It was bizarre.

Guy no taller than me was annoying. He said something he shouldn't have and then - while say he should shut up - continued to ramble and make the situation worse and worry Jessica terribly. So I kinda yelled at him to shut up, since he already struck me as not to bright to try the long legs thing in 1. the car of a friend of a friend. 2. the presence of someone his height and female (women tending to have longer legs than men of the same height - admittedly with me it's just barely.)

Being out until four doesn't agree with me well.

annoyances, travel, food, florida

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