What is Saiyuki? It's an anime. What kind of anime? You can either read my previous post (it has some pics, as well), or as
crumpeteer, who has a knack for such things, summed the whole concept as "This show is basically Saito, Kenshin, Sano and Yahiko trapped in a car for a long time." And who wouldn't love that?
So, without further much ado, here are the pictures. Behind the cut be pretty boys and a startling fascination with guns and chains and sexy wounds and ambiguous slashiness. Hmmm, I think I see
aliterati rubbing her hands. And why shouldn't she? What's not to like?
Our fightin' team struts their stuff. If by 'strut' you mean 'languishes languorously:"
Sanzo. Hmmm, if Sanzo existed and saw this pic, someone's head would roll in a horrifyingly unpleasant manner:
Sanzo again. God, I cannot even imagine all the slash in this show:
Kougaiji, the sweetest bad guy ever:
Why is Gojyo wearing a wife-beater? Surely he could afford a shirt.
Hakkai! My favo-o-o-o-rite. Of course. After all, if
crumpeteer's summary is correct, he is Kenshin:
Gojyo. This is probably his dating photo:
Goku. Come see me when you grow up kid. In about 500 years at this rate:
This just cracks me up, because it sums up Sanzo and Hakkai in a nutshell:
Gojyo proving his hair is nicer than a girl's:
My favorite picture:
More Hakkai angst. But he angsts so prettily! Which is just as well, since apparently he has buckets of it:
I love these, even though they are kinda disturbing:
Hakkai and Gojyo are kinda cheery. I guess they know they can use Bleach on those bloodstains:
Gojyo. And blood. And sharp objects. Duh.
Hakkai. And chains. Yes, he is my favorite for a reason. Why do you ask?
My fandom thinks cancer is cool. Well, I guess they can always reincarnate:
He looks sooo intellectual. It's the monocle. And the dragon. And the fact that he has a shirt on, probably:
Hakkai. Sans chains, dammit:
Kougaji and the four 'heroes.' Yeah, there is a reason this word has quotation marks around it:
Yes, you have a chest. Now hide it:
People who think wounds are sexy are odd. But h/c on the other hand? This fandom is like my ID, personified:
I don't think Vash would approve of this gang's 'love and peace' methods:
Sanzo's daycare center:
You know, I can totally see the gang have fun while offing people. All they need is a keg and it's a party:
The women in Kougaji's life, Mom and Yaone. Too bad one of them is petrified. But Yaone's breasts of biological impossibility are bound to compensate somewhat:
Kougaji. I swear I own these earrings:
His sister Lirin. Think a younger Misao:
Gojyo and Hakkai attempt to prove there is indeed nothing in Goku's head:
My, my, boys. Are you playing with your guns again?
Gojyo's half brother:
Good Lord, now they are wearing matching outfits? What are they, a cricket team?
Snazzy again. With beer:
OK, Gojyo, You bought a suit. Next step: getting a shirt:
Yes, yes, you have toned chest muscles. But don't you catch a cold?
Slobby chic:
You know what, I am way too lazy to caption all of these:
Oh, and I am still trying to figure out why a demon would wear a cross. I guess fashion statement trumps all!